Chrono Trigger translation development system | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Purpose
Tools for translating Chrono Trigger to different languages.
Meant to be useful for anyone who wants to become a translator for Chrono Trigger and translate the game to their own language. These programs do quite much more than just some little editing:
It has been designed to allow as much flexibility as possible. 2. How to begin?
So here's what you do if you want to translate Chrono Trigger.
3. Current status![]() Last updated: 2019-03-20
3.1. Version history
Copypaste from the Makefile:
# VERSION 1.0.0 first archived version. dumper works. # VERSION 1.0.1 working with recompressor, added tools. # VERSION 1.0.2 updates to patcher # VERSION 1.0.3 bugfixes to patcher - first working version! # VERSION 1.0.4 handled fixed strings too # VERSION 1.0.5 found item descriptions # VERSION 1.0.6 compressed better # VERSION 1.0.7 compressed more carefully # VERSION 1.0.8 documented the script # VERSION 1.0.9 fixed "..." handling and located the font # VERSION 1.0.10 had knowledge of character sets # VERSION 1.0.11 had a working font insertor # VERSION 1.0.12 had better knowledge of special codes # VERSION 1.0.13 used 62-base numbers # VERSION 1.0.14 added # VERSION 1.0.15 updated FIN/README and ct_fin.txt, but neither are archived # VERSION 1.0.16 added taipus.rb, fixed homepage urls and fixed mmap error checking. # VERSION 1.0.17 working again; uses space better; little modularized # VERSION 1.0.18 more of above # VERSION 1.0.19 code organising... improved 'i' in 8x8 font. # VERSION 1.0.20 binpacker changes, some translation done too # VERSION 1.0.21 more translation, some documentation, font palette changes. # VERSION 1.0.22 more translation, autowrapping support, conjugation detection code # VERSION 1.1.0 did some assembly hacking, support for code patching # VERSION 1.1.1 conjugating conjugating conjugating... work goes on # VERSION 1.1.2 and so on # VERSION 1.1.3 and so on... almost working! "case" still doesn't work. # VERSION 1.1.4 conjugating finally works! # VERSION 1.1.5 some bugfixes # VERSION 1.1.6 fixed an allocation bug and optimized the code generator a bit # VERSION 1.1.7 some translation, more asm changes # VERSION 1.1.8 syntax changes in the compiler, optimizations # VERSION 1.1.9 support for font/dictionary size skew # VERSION 1.1.10 new configuration system. Time to squash bugs. # VERSION 1.1.11 configuration works, font-enhancement works. # VERSION 1.2.0 variable-width 8pix font has stepped in, but has many many bugs. # VERSION 1.2.1 more vwf stuff, backup before doing big changes # VERSION 1.2.2 vwf stability++, also techniques now vwf. Scrolling bugs. # VERSION 1.2.3 lots of more translation # VERSION 1.2.4 8pix system deciphered, more bugs introduced # VERSION 1.2.5 characterset enlarged by 512, only vwf8 bugs still # VERSION 1.2.6 using nonstandard hash_map for greatly improved performance # VERSION 1.2.7 creating another compiler # VERSION 1.2.8 improved dictionary compression # VERSION 1.2.9 compiler progress, first windows binaries are working # VERSION 1.2.10 cursive font support # VERSION 1.2.11 some translation, compression optimizations # VERSION 1.3.0 new compression options, font reorganizer, generic typeface engine # VERSION 1.4.0 image patching support, more font reorganizing support # VERSION 1.4.1 lots of more translation (I'm archiving it here for my convenience) # VERSION 1.5.0 end of the compiler project; using assembler (xa65) now. # VERSION 1.5.1 vwf8 optimizations, assembly experiments # VERSION 1.5.2 compressed graphics support: decompressor and compressor # VERSION 1.5.3 better graphics compressor # VERSION 1.5.4 another archive-only version # VERSION 1.6.0 signature support (custom compressed image on startup screen) # VERSION 1.6.1 some remodularizing of code # VERSION 1.6.2 fixed the vwf8 scrolling problems and some other bugs # VERSION 1.6.3 battle item lister fixed - no vwf8 problems there now # VERSION 1.6.4 battle tech lister almost done; dumper: partial jap ROM support # VERSION 1.6.5 is working on an assembler # VERSION 1.6.6 has an almost working assembler # VERSION 1.6.7 has a complete assembler, doesn't require xa65 anymore # VERSION 1.6.8 patch version # VERSION 1.6.9 conjugater now partially asm; its compiler is a separate program # VERSION 1.7.0 some error checking; windows build of the assembler # VERSION 1.8.0 is GPL # VERSION 1.8.1 requires separate snescom (not bundled anymore) # VERSION 1.9.0 unified some configuration parts; added crononick-code support # VERSION 1.9.1 improved the signature feature; added checksum and ROM name feature # VERSION 1.9.2 has only documentation updates # VERSION 1.9.3 includes the forgotten snescode and dictionary modules. # VERSION 1.10.0 implemented various assembly optimization techniques # VERSION 1.10.1 updated the docs and the conj.code generator # VERSION 1.10.2 creates more useful information when dumping # VERSION 1.10.3 has technological updates but broken VWF8 # VERSION 1.11.0 has technological updates and new item list code with VWF8 # VERSION 1.11.1 adds the documentation core # VERSION 1.11.2 is a backup before anything catastrophic happens # VERSION 1.11.3 is another backup # VERSION 1.11.4 is another backup again # VERSION 1.11.5 another... big structural changes # VERSION 1.11.6 backup copy... this version has bugs # VERSION 1.11.7 unwraps the script when dumping, if configured so # VERSION 1.11.8 has much more documentation than before # VERSION 1.11.9 is faster than the few recent versions # VERSION 1.12.0 allows some strings to be moved between pages # VERSION 1.12.1 is an upgrade to support the new o65 extension... # VERSION 1.12.2 fixes a bug in ctdump (battle message list not dumped properly) # VERSION 1.12.3 fixes a bug that caused utils/ not compile # VERSION 1.13.0 added support for expansion to 48 Mbit or 64 Mbit # VERSION 1.13.1 added support for free relocation of all script text # VERSION 1.13.2 is a minor bugfix to the expansion patch # VERSION 1.13.3 is a bugfix to the checksum fixer # VERSION 1.13.4 is a fix to the dumper. 600ad castle texts are now again ok. # VERSION 1.13.5 is another dumper fix, but also finishes the battle VWF8 support # VERSION 1.13.6 is yet another fix, but also finishes the monster name code # VERSION 1.13.7 brings an improvement to the sluggish VWF8 screens problem # VERSION 1.13.8 C++ standard compliance upgrade... also a new eq-related feature # VERSION 1.13.9 is a vwf8 bugfix, but seems to have other problems! # VERSION 1.14.0 is a new "stable" release, at least for posix. # VERSION 1.14.1 fixes the checksum generator problem and stabilizes the windows port. # VERSION 1.14.2 fixes a bug related to Lucca's SightScope with long monster names. # VERSION 1.14.3 supports changing the character names! Do a redump with ctdump and see. # VERSION preliminary support for location events. # VERSION improved compression. Configuration file changes. # VERSION improved support for location events. # VERSION improved location event decompiler. # VERSION 1.15.1 location event support - preliminary release. # VERSION 1.15.2 now dumps the button names and allows changing them. # VERSION conjugator supports now [member]. # VERSION 1.15.3 conjugator now supports definition by a table. # VERSION minor changes in conjugator for severe grammars. # VERSION a bugfix in ctdump (deleting the *c block). Added more documentation! # VERSION minor changes in default config. # VERSION changes in portability, documentation, and RLE IPS support. # VERSION drops support for Windows versions. # VERSION 1.15.4 adds packedblob support and fixes compilation on certain platforms. # VERSION 1.15.5 improves compilability on more modern gcc versions # VERSION improves compilability on more modern gcc versions # VERSION 1.15.6 adds rawblob and spriteblob support (thanks Michal Ziabkowski) # VERSION improves the LZ-variant compression a little. # VERSION 1.15.7 improves compilability on more modern gcc versions # VERSION 1.15.8 improves compilability on more modern gcc versionsTo use the character name changing feature, do a redump with ctdump and copypaste the *e , *c and *s1B
blocks to your script.
3.1.1. Release notes
Users of versions prior to Note the changed format of
Users of version 1.14.3: Ensure the following two lines
in your ct.cfg are disabled! Latest Windows version is 1.14.3. Windows versions are no longer supported. 4. Program list4.1. ctdump
Dumps the script and fonts from a given ROM. Requires chrono-dumpee.smc. Produces the script file, the font files and a couple of other image files. Sample of produced script: *z;dialog ;----------------- ;1000ad (Lucca's home) ;2300ad (factory) ;1000ad (rainbow shell trial) ;----------------- $F1IO: [nl] You got 1 [item]! $F1IQ: LARA: Oh, hi Crono.[nl] Lucca's off at Leene Square with her father, Taban, unveiling her new invention. $F1IS: LARA: Lucca and Taban only care about their silly toys!(Dumped from the English ROM)
Usage example:
4.2. ctinsert
Reinserts the (edited) script and (edited) fonts to a ROM. Requires the files referenced by ct.cfg (usually ct.txt, ct8fn.tga and ct16fn.tga, elemental images and optional extra fonts and code files). Produces ctpatch-hdr.ips and ctpatch-nohdr.ips. Curiously, it doesn't require the ROM. 4.3. other4.3.1. makeips
compares two ROMs and produces a patch file in IPS format.
4.3.2. unmakeips
reads a ROM and an IPS file and produces a patched ROM file.
4.3.3. xray
xray is a libggi-requiring application
for browsing the ROM contents.
4.3.4. viewer
viewer requires S-Lang and is a textmode ROM browser
originally developed by me for Pokémon hacking.
4.3.5. sramdump
Views a sram dump file in a readable format.
4.3.6. base62
Converts addresses between hex and base62 formats.
I.e. $C2:5D4C -> 0eJI and vice versa. This development system uses base62 in the script dumps to reduce the amount of code written. 5. Useful features5.1. Player name inflection![]() It's very important in Finnish, where you can't just add "'s" to anything to make a genitive. For example, genitive of name Matti is "Matin", and genitive of name Crono is "Cronon". The conjugator-engine is a textual script file translated to 65c816 assembly on demand. It can be customized to do conjugation in any language, not just Finnish. 5.2. Font/dictionary skew
It's quite complicated to explain, but shortly said:
In normal Chrono Trigger, the character set is as follows:
In Chronotools,
There are drawbacks though.
Note: The Japanese version of the game is almost exactly the same as the English version. Both have the same engine with only minor changes. If you are going to translate to Chinese or something else that uses thousands of different symbols, you are either going to have to manage with ~700 symbols or have to request some changes to the insertor. Expanding the character set is a complicated thing because of its configurability. Maybe less options would be better, but then it wouldn't always work.
The compression, btw, generally shrinks the raw script
(which is about 2/3 of the size of ct.txt)
by a factor of 30...40%. 5.3. Automatic paragraph wrapping![]() You can force line breaks (like in HTML), but you don't have to. The image on the right shows this script piece: Tämä on Leenen Aukio. Sanotaan, että jos joskus kuulee Leenen Kellon soivan, elää mielenkiintoisen ja onnellisen elämän!And is equal to if I had wrote this: Tämä on Leenen Aukio. Sanotaan, että[nl] jos joskus kuulee Leenen Kellon soivan,[nl] elää mielenkiintoisen ja onnellisen[nl] elämän! 5.4. Variable width 8pix font![]() This is way too little for many languages with long words. For this reason Chronotools creates a vwf8 engine that allows the game to draw the names in thinner font that fits on the screen. This feature is optional and can be applied to items, techniques and monsters - each to them separately.
AND NOT ON MOST ACCURATE EMULATORS. Really, really sorry about that.
It is never my intention to create emulator-only code,
but when I made this feature, I didn't know that Snes9x
didn't emulate H-DMA updates properly,
and now the VWF feature is a bit too complex to fix.
5.5. Expansion to 48 Mbit or 64 Mbit
If by whatever reason 32 Mbits is not enough for you, you can expand
the ROM size with the romsize setting in the configuration
file. Chronotools will then automatically use the extra space when
needed for all relocatable objects. Even the script can now be freely relocated if it's declared with *Z (capital Z).
However Chronotools is designed to be able to use all the built features within a 32 Mbit ROM. You only need to increase the ROM size if you're doing a jumbo translation (increasing the text amount by a big factor) or adding lots of custom images. 5.6. Location event support![]() With certain limitations though. This feature is in its early phase and (ab)using it is not yet recommended. Its syntax may (will) also vary, meaning that your hacks would most probably not compile in the next release.
Some (technical) up-to-date documentation of interest is available
5.7. Very configurable
I have tried to put almost everything in text-only config files
instead of hardcoding it in the programs. You won't be depending
on me to do little updates for your purposes.
6. Summary of extra features
These are the visible extra features that games patched by Chronotools
may have when compared to the standard English version:
7. Requirements
For source code (if you're a developer):
A POSIX compatible system (like Linux or FreeBSD)
with GNU tools (GNU make, GCC etc) is required.
I don't have a microsoft-operating system here on my hand,
but I have mingw32, which appears to produce working commandline
billware binaries. They should work in Windows 2000, Windows 98 and
possibly most other Windows systems as well. The VWF8 code, the [crononick] code (something that was removed in the English release of CT) and the conjugator require an assembler, snescom. Snescom is a GPL'd xa65-compatible 65816 assembler program, and it can be downloaded at . 8. Copying
Chronotools has been written by Joel Yliluoma, a.k.a.
Bisqwit, and is distributed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL). If you have questions or just want to talk about Chrono Trigger hacking, throw me email.
My email address:6JoelW YliqQhluomXa <> 8.1. Ripping my hacks
Among other things, Chronotools contains the following parts
which are more or less reusable:
9. Documentation
9.1. Undocumented things
Things that should be documented some day but currently are not:
10. See also
Screenshots![]() Example screenshot in Finnish ![]() Example screenshot in Polish ![]() Example screenshot in Croatian ![]() Example screenshot in Russian 11. DownloadingDownloading help
The most recent source code (bleeding edge) for chronotools can also be downloaded by cloning the Git repository by:
Date (Y-md-Hi) acc Size Name 2019-0320-1503 r-- 1109682 chronotools-1.15.8.tar.bz2 2015-1103-0807 r-- 1107358 chronotools-1.15.7.tar.bz2 2012-1208-1418 r-- 1105091 chronotools-1.15.6.tar.bz2 2012-0304-0036 r-- 1104768 chronotools- 2009-0203-0958 r-- 1102803 chronotools-1.15.5.tar.bz2 2008-0920-1351 r-- 1071711 chronotools-1.15.4.tar.bz2 2008-0920-1351 r-- 22697 patch-chronotools- 2008-0920-1351 r-- 24137 patch-chronotools- 2008-0920-1351 r-- 58023 patch-chronotools-1.15.3-1.15.4.bz2 2008-0920-1351 r-- 71390 patch-chronotools-1.15.3-1.15.4.gz 2005-1230-2035 r-- 1075542 chronotools- 2005-1230-2035 r-- 22383 patch-chronotools- 2005-1230-2035 r-- 24879 patch-chronotools- 2005-0305-0817 r-- 1051170 chronotools- 2005-0305-0817 r-- 8057 patch-chronotools- 2005-0218-1354 r-- 1048130 chronotools- 2005-0218-1354 r-- 20240 patch-chronotools- 2005-0201-0341 r-- 1036438 chronotools- 2005-0201-0341 r-- 4185 patch-chronotools-1.15.3- 2005-0131-2354 r-- 1036034 chronotools-1.15.3.tar.bz2 2005-0131-2354 r-- 14290 patch-chronotools- 2005-0131-2354 r-- 16648 patch-chronotools-1.15.2-1.15.3.bz2 2005-0129-0427 r-- 1030810 chronotools- 2005-0129-0427 r-- 6129 patch-chronotools-1.15.2- 2005-0122-1551 r-- 1030053 chronotools-1.15.2.tar.bz2 2005-0122-1551 r-- 50293 patch-chronotools-1.15.1-1.15.2.bz2 2005-0115-0414 r-- 1022392 chronotools-1.15.1.tar.bz2 2005-0115-0414 r-- 22990 patch-chronotools- 2005-0111-1436 r-- 1016477 chronotools- 2005-0111-1436 r-- 27000 patch-chronotools- 2005-0111-1436 r-- 57092 patch-chronotools-1.14.3- 2005-0109-0029 r-- 1011136 chronotools- 2005-0109-0029 r-- 27392 patch-chronotools- 2005-0109-0029 r-- 51843 patch-chronotools-1.14.3- 2005-0106-2130 r-- 1004851 chronotools- 2005-0106-2130 r-- 11295 patch-chronotools- 2005-0106-2130 r-- 40798 patch-chronotools-1.14.3- 2005-0106-1032 r-- 1021670 chronotools- 2005-0106-1032 r-- 31103 patch-chronotools-1.14.3- 2005-0102-1414 r-- 3793321 2005-0102-1551 r-- 999628 chronotools-1.14.3.tar.bz2 2005-0102-1551 r-- 8450 patch-chronotools-1.14.2-1.14.3.bz2 2005-0101-1430 r-- 997558 chronotools-1.14.2.tar.bz2 2005-0101-1430 r-- 6482 patch-chronotools-1.14.1-1.14.2.bz2 2004-1119-2040 r-- 3791858 2004-1107-1828 r-- 997802 chronotools-1.14.1.tar.bz2 2004-1107-1828 r-- 10264 patch-chronotools-1.14.0-1.14.1.bz2 2004-0925-0023 r-- 997344 chronotools-1.14.0.tar.bz2 2004-0925-0023 r-- 9878 patch-chronotools-1.13.9-1.14.0.bz2 2004-0921-1349 r-- 996504 chronotools-1.13.9.tar.bz2 2004-0921-1349 r-- 10483 patch-chronotools-1.13.8-1.13.9.bz2 2004-0610-2045 r-- 995325 chronotools-1.13.8.tar.bz2 2004-0610-2045 r-- 46317 patch-chronotools-1.13.7-1.13.8.bz2 2004-0610-2045 r-- 76109 patch-chronotools-1.12.3-1.13.8.bz2 2004-0606-1303 r-- 994341 chronotools-1.13.7.tar.bz2 2004-0606-1303 r-- 6943 patch-chronotools-1.13.6-1.13.7.bz2 2004-0605-2259 r-- 992989 chronotools-1.13.6.tar.bz2 2004-0605-2259 r-- 24169 patch-chronotools-1.13.3-1.13.6.bz2 2004-0605-2256 r-- 24125 patch-chronotools-1.13.3-1.13.4.bz2 2004-0510-1052 r-- 971587 chronotools-1.13.3.tar.bz2 2004-0510-1052 r-- 6748 patch-chronotools-1.13.2-1.13.3.bz2 2004-0509-1210 r-- 986863 chronotools-1.13.2.tar.bz2 2004-0509-1210 r-- 1009 patch-chronotools-1.13.1-1.13.2.bz2 2004-0509-0435 r-- 987040 chronotools-1.13.1.tar.bz2 2004-0509-0435 r-- 9769 patch-chronotools-1.13.0-1.13.1.bz2 2004-0509-0154 r-- 983747 chronotools-1.13.0.tar.bz2 2004-0509-0154 r-- 15325 patch-chronotools-1.12.4-1.13.0.bz2 2004-0302-1829 r-- 982083 chronotools-1.12.4.tar.bz2 2004-0302-1829 r-- 4918 patch-chronotools-1.12.3-1.12.4.bz2 2004-0219-1323 r-- 982076 chronotools-1.12.3.tar.bz2 2004-0219-1323 r-- 2632 patch-chronotools-1.12.2-1.12.3.bz2 2004-0219-0021 r-- 981818 chronotools-1.12.2.tar.bz2 2004-0219-0021 r-- 19028 patch-chronotools-1.12.0-1.12.2.bz2 2004-0203-2031 r-- 964299 chronotools-1.12.1.tar.bz2 2004-0203-2031 r-- 13351 patch-chronotools-1.12.0-1.12.1.bz2 2004-0129-2043 r-- 979631 chronotools-1.12.0.tar.bz2 2004-0129-2043 r-- 21817 patch-chronotools-1.11.9-1.12.0.bz2 2004-0129-2053 r-- 116693 patch-chronotools-1.11.0-1.12.0.bz2 2004-0129-0231 r-- 980226 chronotools-1.11.9.tar.bz2 2004-0129-0231 r-- 6469 patch-chronotools-1.11.8-1.11.9.bz2 2004-0128-1857 r-- 980041 chronotools-1.11.8.tar.bz2 2004-0128-1857 r-- 21446 patch-chronotools-1.11.7-1.11.8.bz2 2004-0128-1700 r-- 958719 chronotools-1.11.7.tar.bz2 2004-0128-1700 r-- 15477 patch-chronotools-1.11.6-1.11.7.bz2 2004-0128-0103 r-- 957607 chronotools-1.11.6.tar.bz2 2004-0128-0103 r-- 7917 patch-chronotools-1.11.5-1.11.6.bz2 2004-0127-2122 r-- 959786 chronotools-1.11.5.tar.bz2 2004-0127-2122 r-- 21974 patch-chronotools-1.11.4-1.11.5.bz2 2004-0127-1133 r-- 957165 chronotools-1.11.4.tar.bz2 2004-0127-1133 r-- 24037 patch-chronotools-1.11.3-1.11.4.bz2 2004-0104-1603 r-- 955209 chronotools-1.11.3.tar.bz2 2004-0104-1603 r-- 4994 patch-chronotools-1.11.2-1.11.3.bz2 2004-0104-1303 r-- 953696 chronotools-1.11.2.tar.bz2 2004-0104-1303 r-- 24875 patch-chronotools-1.11.1-1.11.2.bz2 2004-0102-1611 r-- 949029 chronotools-1.11.1.tar.bz2 2004-0102-1611 r-- 34597 patch-chronotools-1.11.0-1.11.1.bz2 2003-1230-0827 r-- 945900 chronotools-1.11.0.tar.bz2 2003-1230-0827 r-- 9482 patch-chronotools-1.10.3-1.11.0.bz2 2003-1230-0430 r-- 943736 chronotools-1.10.3.tar.bz2 2003-1230-0430 r-- 41553 patch-chronotools-1.10.2-1.10.3.bz2 2003-1228-0358 r-- 940757 chronotools-1.10.2.tar.bz2 2003-1228-0358 r-- 16746 patch-chronotools-1.10.1-1.10.2.bz2 2003-1218-1400 r-- 936084 chronotools-1.10.1.tar.bz2 2003-1218-1400 r-- 22293 patch-chronotools-1.10.0-1.10.1.bz2 2003-1214-0430 r-- 931616 chronotools-1.10.0.tar.bz2 2003-1214-0430 r-- 21929 patch-chronotools-1.9.3-1.10.0.bz2 2003-1206-2222 r-- 938367 chronotools-1.9.3.tar.bz2 2003-1206-2222 r-- 13147 patch-chronotools-1.9.2-1.9.3.bz2 2003-1110-2207 r-- 929601 chronotools-1.9.2.tar.bz2 2003-1110-2206 r-- 3583 patch-chronotools-1.9.1-1.9.2.bz2 2003-1013-2254 r-- 929320 chronotools-1.9.1.tar.bz2 2003-1013-2254 r-- 16364 patch-chronotools-1.9.0-1.9.1.bz2 2003-1009-2320 r-- 924465 chronotools-1.9.0.tar.bz2 2003-1009-2320 r-- 24669 patch-chronotools-1.8.1-1.9.0.bz2 2003-1005-2309 r-- 924277 chronotools-1.8.1.tar.bz2 2003-1005-2309 r-- 68859 patch-chronotools-1.8.0-1.8.1.bz2 2003-1002-1241 r-- 951268 chronotools-1.8.0.tar.bz2 2003-1002-1241 r-- 1566662 patch-chronotools-1.7.0-1.8.0.bz2 2003-1002-1001 r-- 2608115 2003-1002-0914 r-- 954312 chronotools-1.7.0.tar.bz2 2003-1002-0914 r-- 13088 patch-chronotools-1.6.9-1.7.0.bz2 2003-1001-1450 r-- 752611 2003-0929-1837 r-- 953423 chronotools-1.6.9.tar.bz2 2003-0929-1837 r-- 37190 patch-chronotools-1.6.8-1.6.9.bz2 2003-0929-1202 r-- 952323 chronotools-1.6.8.tar.bz2 2003-0929-1202 r-- 14104 patch-chronotools-1.6.7-1.6.8.bz2 2003-0928-0050 r-- 952228 chronotools-1.6.7.tar.bz2 2003-0928-0050 r-- 52718 patch-chronotools-1.6.6-1.6.7.bz2 2003-0925-2259 r-- 940107 chronotools-1.6.6.tar.bz2 2003-0925-2259 r-- 20924 patch-chronotools-1.6.5-1.6.6.bz2 2003-0922-2323 r-- 940967 chronotools-1.6.5.tar.bz2 2003-0922-2323 r-- 23757 patch-chronotools-1.6.4-1.6.5.bz2 2003-0917-2225 r-- 936614 chronotools-1.6.4.tar.bz2 2003-0917-2225 r-- 20824 patch-chronotools-1.6.3-1.6.4.bz2 2003-0903-2352 r-- 933804 chronotools-1.6.3.tar.bz2 2003-0903-2352 r-- 12650 patch-chronotools-1.6.2-1.6.3.bz2 2003-0831-0219 r-- 931139 chronotools-1.6.2.tar.bz2 2003-0831-0219 r-- 13504 patch-chronotools-1.6.1-1.6.2.bz2 2003-0827-2214 r-- 933202 chronotools-1.6.1.tar.bz2 2003-0827-2214 r-- 17691 patch-chronotools-1.6.0-1.6.1.bz2 2003-0826-2342 r-- 933715 chronotools-1.6.0.tar.bz2 2003-0826-2342 r-- 15280 patch-chronotools-1.5.4-1.6.0.bz2 2003-0822-2214 r-- 932692 chronotools-1.5.4.tar.bz2 2003-0822-2214 r-- 5965 patch-chronotools-1.5.3-1.5.4.bz2 2003-0821-2122 r-- 932688 chronotools-1.5.3.tar.bz2 2003-0821-2122 r-- 9723 patch-chronotools-1.5.2-1.5.3.bz2 2003-0821-0211 r-- 932704 chronotools-1.5.2.tar.bz2 2003-0821-0211 r-- 19720 patch-chronotools-1.5.1-1.5.2.bz2 2003-0818-2329 r-- 928216 chronotools-1.5.1.tar.bz2 2003-0818-2329 r-- 14216 patch-chronotools-1.5.0-1.5.1.bz2 2003-0817-2253 r-- 924855 chronotools-1.5.0.tar.bz2 2003-0817-2253 r-- 70633 patch-chronotools-1.4.1-1.5.0.bz2 2003-0811-2255 r-- 924053 chronotools-1.4.1.tar.bz2 2003-0811-2255 r-- 6596 patch-chronotools-1.4.0-1.4.1.bz2 2003-0810-1034 r-- 923059 chronotools-1.4.0.tar.bz2 2003-0810-1034 r-- 148412 patch-chronotools-1.3.0-1.4.0.bz2 2003-0809-1647 r-- 801731 2003-0808-2343 r-- 788004 chronotools-1.3.0.tar.bz2 2003-0808-2343 r-- 23205 patch-chronotools-1.2.11-1.3.0.bz2 2003-0806-1637 r-- 782103 chronotools-1.2.11.tar.bz2 2003-0806-1637 r-- 1563 patch-chronotools-1.2.10-1.2.11.bz2 2003-0804-2245 r-- 782178 chronotools-1.2.10.tar.bz2 2003-0804-2245 r-- 15977 patch-chronotools-1.2.9-1.2.10.bz2 2003-0801-1939 r-- 799191 2003-0801-1950 r-- 779595 chronotools-1.2.9.tar.bz2 2003-0801-1950 r-- 677255 patch-chronotools-1.2.8-1.2.9.bz2 2003-0729-1916 r-- 123047 chronotools-1.2.8.tar.bz2 2003-0729-1916 r-- 9923 patch-chronotools-1.2.7-1.2.8.bz2 2003-0727-2223 r-- 119404 chronotools-1.2.7.tar.bz2 2003-0727-2223 r-- 7700 patch-chronotools-1.2.6-1.2.7.bz2 2003-0725-2250 r-- 113834 chronotools-1.2.6.tar.bz2 2003-0725-2250 r-- 33811 patch-chronotools-1.2.5-1.2.6.bz2 2003-0724-1742 r-- 93427 chronotools-1.2.5.tar.bz2 2003-0724-1742 r-- 33005 patch-chronotools-1.2.4-1.2.5.bz2 2003-0722-2358 r-- 89902 chronotools-1.2.4.tar.bz2 2003-0722-2358 r-- 25116 patch-chronotools-1.2.3-1.2.4.bz2 2003-0721-0733 r-- 86913 chronotools-1.2.3.tar.bz2 2003-0721-0733 r-- 14718 patch-chronotools-1.2.2-1.2.3.bz2 2003-0708-2308 r-- 87349 chronotools-1.2.2.tar.bz2 2003-0708-2308 r-- 9413 patch-chronotools-1.2.1-1.2.2.bz2 2003-0708-2003 r-- 86849 chronotools-1.2.1.tar.bz2 2003-0708-2003 r-- 9076 patch-chronotools-1.2.0-1.2.1.bz2 2003-0706-2121 r-- 85702 chronotools-1.2.0.tar.bz2 2003-0706-2121 r-- 26025 patch-chronotools-1.1.11-1.2.0.bz2 2003-0704-1720 r-- 74488 chronotools-1.1.11.tar.bz2 2003-0704-1720 r-- 3499 patch-chronotools-1.1.10-1.1.11.bz2 2003-0704-1545 r-- 74356 chronotools-1.1.10.tar.bz2 2003-0704-1545 r-- 21770 patch-chronotools-1.1.9-1.1.10.bz2 2003-0701-2305 r-- 70383 chronotools-1.1.9.tar.bz2 2003-0701-2305 r-- 16462 patch-chronotools-1.1.8-1.1.9.bz2 2003-0701-1107 r-- 69400 chronotools-1.1.8.tar.bz2 2003-0701-1107 r-- 7926 patch-chronotools-1.1.7-1.1.8.bz2 2003-0630-2342 r-- 68212 chronotools-1.1.7.tar.bz2 2003-0630-2342 r-- 9866 patch-chronotools-1.1.6-1.1.7.bz2 2003-0630-2119 r-- 66631 chronotools-1.1.6.tar.bz2 2003-0630-2119 r-- 4074 patch-chronotools-1.1.5-1.1.6.bz2 2003-0630-2000 r-- 66555 chronotools-1.1.5.tar.bz2 2003-0630-2000 r-- 10257 patch-chronotools-1.1.4-1.1.5.bz2 2003-0630-1418 r-- 67105 chronotools-1.1.4.tar.bz2 2003-0630-1418 r-- 5193 patch-chronotools-1.1.3-1.1.4.bz2 2003-0630-0104 r-- 66938 chronotools-1.1.3.tar.bz2 2003-0630-0104 r-- 124758 patch-chronotools-1.1.2-1.1.3.bz2 2003-0629-1319 r-- 175093 chronotools-1.1.2.tar.bz2 2003-0629-1319 r-- 4629 patch-chronotools-1.1.1-1.1.2.bz2 2003-0629-0312 r-- 173512 chronotools-1.1.1.tar.bz2 2003-0629-0312 r-- 10937 patch-chronotools-1.1.0-1.1.1.bz2 2003-0628-2322 r-- 170424 chronotools-1.1.0.tar.bz2 2003-0628-2322 r-- 32485 patch-chronotools-1.0.22-1.1.0.bz2 2003-0628-1440 r-- 164043 chronotools-1.0.22.tar.bz2 2003-0628-1440 r-- 111321 patch-chronotools-1.0.21-1.0.22.bz2 2003-0625-1211 r-- 160882 chronotools-1.0.21.tar.bz2 2003-0625-1211 r-- 21869 patch-chronotools-1.0.20-1.0.21.bz2 2003-0624-2342 r-- 156615 chronotools-1.0.20.tar.bz2 2003-0624-2342 r-- 23554 patch-chronotools-1.0.19-1.0.20.bz2 2003-0623-2035 r-- 153928 chronotools-1.0.19.tar.bz2 2003-0623-2035 r-- 17520 patch-chronotools-1.0.18-1.0.19.bz2 2003-0623-0313 r-- 155997 chronotools-1.0.18.tar.bz2 2003-0623-0313 r-- 19206 patch-chronotools-1.0.17-1.0.18.bz2 2003-0623-0004 r-- 156531 chronotools-1.0.17.tar.bz2 2003-0623-0004 r-- 30247 patch-chronotools-1.0.16-1.0.17.bz2 2003-0215-0437 r-- 152789 chronotools-1.0.16.tar.bz2 2003-0215-0437 r-- 33032 patch-chronotools-1.0.15-1.0.16.bz2 2002-1128-1359 r-- 146278 chronotools-1.0.15.tar.bz2 2002-1128-1359 r-- 17198 patch-chronotools-1.0.14-1.0.15.bz2 2002-0913-2231 r-- 146461 chronotools-1.0.14.tar.bz2 2002-0913-2231 r-- 22071 patch-chronotools-1.0.13-1.0.14.bz2 2002-0913-0943 r-- 161805 chronotools-1.0.13.tar.bz2 2002-0913-0943 r-- 121531 patch-chronotools-1.0.12-1.0.13.bz2 2002-0912-2103 r-- 155632 chronotools-1.0.12.tar.bz2 2002-0912-2103 r-- 10460 patch-chronotools-1.0.11-1.0.12.bz2 2002-0911-2307 r-- 156406 chronotools-1.0.11.tar.bz2 2002-0911-2307 r-- 13488 patch-chronotools-1.0.10-1.0.11.bz2 2002-0911-1756 r-- 152437 chronotools-1.0.10.tar.bz2 2002-0911-1756 r-- 11894 patch-chronotools-1.0.9-1.0.10.bz2 2002-0911-1144 r-- 149638 chronotools-1.0.9.tar.bz2 2002-0911-1144 r-- 9274 patch-chronotools-1.0.8-1.0.9.bz2 2002-0911-0754 r-- 149005 chronotools-1.0.8.tar.bz2 2002-0911-0754 r-- 116698 patch-chronotools-1.0.7-1.0.8.bz2 2002-0911-0646 r-- 31308 chronotools-1.0.7.tar.bz2 2002-0911-0646 r-- 6358 patch-chronotools-1.0.6-1.0.7.bz2 2002-0910-2305 r-- 28728 chronotools-1.0.6.tar.bz2 2002-0910-2305 r-- 5551 patch-chronotools-1.0.5-1.0.6.bz2 2002-0910-2141 r-- 28522 chronotools-1.0.5.tar.bz2 2002-0910-2141 r-- 2727 patch-chronotools-1.0.4-1.0.5.bz2 2002-0910-2048 r-- 28255 chronotools-1.0.4.tar.bz2 2002-0910-2048 r-- 1751 patch-chronotools-1.0.3-1.0.4.bz2 2002-0910-2032 r-- 28135 chronotools-1.0.3.tar.bz2 2002-0910-2032 r-- 870 patch-chronotools-1.0.2-1.0.3.bz2 2002-0910-2011 r-- 28089 chronotools-1.0.2.tar.bz2 2002-0910-2011 r-- 1698 patch-chronotools-1.0.1-1.0.2.bz2 2002-0910-2004 r-- 27979 chronotools-1.0.1.tar.bz2 2002-0910-2004 r-- 14610 patch-chronotools-1.0.0-1.0.1.bz2 2002-0910-1142 r-- 17484 chronotools-1.0.0.tar.bz2← Back to the source directory index at Bisqwit's homepage | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||