Engineering calculator

1. Purpose

An engineering calculator that knows about relations between Newtons, kilograms, Pascals, Ohms, Watts, Joules, meters, liters etc, and even the basics of complex numbers - with the main focus in the significant digits.
Usage: ce [options] <expression>

  -h, --help                This text
  -m0, --no-stdsignif       500 contains one significant digit (default)
  -m1, --stdsignif          500 contains three significant digits
  -O0, --no-optimization    Supresses the formula expansion
  -O1, --optimization       Optimizes the formula (default)
  -s0, --no-summadebug      (default)
  -s1, --summadebug         Debugs sum operations
  -t0, --no-tulodebug       (default)
  -t1, --tulodebug          Debugs product operations
  -c0, --no-combinedebug    (default)
  -c1, --combinedebug       Debugs combining operations
  -r0, --no-roundingdebug   (default)
  -r1, --roundingdebug      Debugs rounding
  -V, --version             Version info
  -v, --verbose             Another debugging option
  -nkg, --no-grammahallinta Don't favor kg
  -kg, --grammahallinta     Favor kg (default)
  -nsi, --no-si-control     Don't use m,k,M,c etc
  -si, --si-control         Use SI-prefices (default)

2. The original project description (Finnish)

Currently there are lots of more constants and
units known by ce than those listed above. User
may even define his own constants and use them
as variables.

3. Copying

ce has been written by Joel Yliluoma, a.k.a. Bisqwit,
and is distributed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL).

4. Requirements

GNU make is probably required.

5. Downloading

Downloading help

  • Do not download everything - you only need one file (newest version for your platform)!
  • Do not use download accelerators or you will be banned from this server before your download is complete!

Date (Y-md-Hi) acc        Size Name                
2002-0705-1056 r--       30026 ce-1.0.7.tar.bz2
2002-0705-1056 r--        5305 patch-ce-1.0.6-1.0.7.bz2
2002-0501-2035 r--       26948 ce-1.0.6.tar.bz2
2002-0501-2035 r--        3413 patch-ce-1.0.5-1.0.6.bz2
2002-0209-2130 r--       27642 ce-1.0.5.rar
2002-0209-2130 r--       26688 ce-1.0.5.tar.bz2
2002-0209-2130 r--        5852 patch-ce-1.0.4-1.0.5.bz2
2001-1017-0135 r--       26010 ce-1.0.4.rar
2001-1017-0135 r--       24964 ce-1.0.4.tar.bz2
2001-1017-0135 r--       31980
2001-1017-0135 r--        5953 patch-ce-1.0.3-1.0.4.bz2
2001-0111-1550 r--       24243 ce-1.0.3.rar
2001-0111-1550 r--       23235 ce-1.0.3.tar.bz2
2001-0111-1550 r--       29716
2001-0111-1550 r--        2036 patch-ce-1.0.2-1.0.3.bz2
2000-1230-0210 r--       24142 ce-1.0.2.rar
2000-1230-0210 r--       23115 ce-1.0.2.tar.bz2
2000-1230-0210 r--       29623
2000-1230-0210 r--        4731 patch-ce-1.0.1-1.0.2.bz2
2000-1229-0559 r--       23468 ce-1.0.1.rar
2000-1229-0559 r--       22449 ce-1.0.1.tar.bz2
2000-1229-0559 r--       28869
2000-1229-0559 r--        1554 patch-ce-1.0.0-1.0.1.bz2
2000-1229-0534 r--       23343 ce-1.0.0.rar
2000-1229-0534 r--       22298 ce-1.0.0.tar.bz2
2000-1229-0534 r--       28732
2000-1229-0534 r--        7278 patch-ce-0.0.5-1.0.0.bz2
2000-1229-0334 r--       22518 ce-0.0.5.rar
2000-1229-0334 r--       21517 ce-0.0.5.tar.bz2
2000-1229-0334 r--       27854
2000-1229-0334 r--        2088 patch-ce-0.0.4-0.0.5.bz2
2000-1229-0139 r--       22790 ce-0.0.4.rar
2000-1229-0139 r--       21406 ce-0.0.4.tar.bz2
2000-1229-0139 r--       27712
2000-1229-0139 r--       15282 patch-ce-0.0.3-0.0.4.bz2
2000-1221-0922 r--       11216 ce-0.0.3.rar
2000-1221-0922 r--       10633 ce-0.0.3.tar.bz2
2000-1221-0922 r--       15415
2000-1221-0922 r--        8227 patch-ce-0.0.2-0.0.3.bz2
2000-1219-0112 r--        8621 ce-0.0.2.rar
2000-1219-0112 r--        8462 ce-0.0.2.tar.bz2
2000-1219-0112 r--       11459
2000-1219-0112 r--        3151 patch-ce-0.0.1-0.0.2.bz2
2000-1218-1812 r--        7581 ce-0.0.1.rar
2000-1218-1812 r--        7449 ce-0.0.1.tar.bz2
2000-1218-1812 r--       10298
2000-1218-1812 r--        5716 patch-ce-0.0.0-0.0.1.bz2
Back to the source directory index at Bisqwit's homepage