Kifu generator'; echo '

Sorry, the Kifu generator is out of commission for the time being, due to incompatible server configuration.

'; echo '
'; return;*/ ?> This online application produces a simple kifu of a saved 囲碁 game, suitable for printing perhaps.

Fill ONE of these:
  • Method 1.
    Copypaste your game (the SGF file contents) here:
  • Method 2.
    Upload SGF file from your disk:
  • Method 3.
    Specify URI (http address) for the SGF file:
    Find your games at yournickname .
Can also read UGF/UGI files (from Nihon Ki-in).

Service provider: Joel Yliluoma
Terms of use:
* Do not abuse bugs or resources.
* Usage is free of cost.
* No warranty of usability, correctness or any other kind of warranty is provided.
* Without a notice, this service may be shut down (selectively for certain inviduals or for everyone).
You can change these settings:
> Handle variations
> Allow renumbering when same colour
> Draw coordinates
> Vary font
Max moves per diagram:
Black colour: (also lines)
White colour:
Goban colour:
Msgbox colour:
Source code:
It needs to be resubmitted using the form.'; exit; } $sgfdata = /*gzuncompress*/(fread($fp, filesize($fname))); fclose($fp); // Nyt meillä on taas sgf-dataa. $charset='utf-8'; include_once 'gosgf.php'; foreach(readsgf($sgfdata) as $moveno => $elems) foreach($elems as $elemtype => $values) if($elemtype=='CA') foreach($values as $charset); headerit($charset); $configuration = ''; $configuration .= 'SET AR '.$AR."\n"; $configuration .= 'SET HV '.$HV."\n"; $configuration .= 'SET DC '.$DC."\n"; $configuration .= 'SET VF '.$VF."\n"; $configuration .= 'SET MM '.$MM."\n"; $configuration .= 'SET BC '.$BC."\n"; $configuration .= 'SET AC '.$AC."\n"; $configuration .= 'SET WC '.$WC."\n"; $configuration .= 'SET MC '.$MC."\n"; $configuration .= "--\n"; $configuration .= $sgfdata; #$cache = new Cache($configuration, filemtime('kifu.rb')); #if(!$cache->DumpOrLog()) { function shellfix($s){return "'".str_replace("'", "'\''", $s)."'";} // Loppuosan prosessista käsitteleekin ruby-ohjelma! passthru('echo '.shellfix($configuration).'|ruby kifu.rb'); } #$cache->_Cache(); #unset($cache); #ob_end_flush(); ?>