With regards to Islam, I only quote arguments that are backed by Islamic
sources. The same can not be said of the popular Islamic apologists. By
today, it is already a well-known fact that Islam permits outright
(Sahih al-Bukhari 2692, or 53/3, or 3:49:857)
whenever it can be used to effect
salaam¹, the Islamic concept of peace,
where involved parties either become or stay as Muslims (Yunus 25).
And guess what is the sole purpose of your popular Islamic apologists? Advancing Islam.
Sahih al-Bukhari 2692 لَيْسَ الْكَذَّابُ الَّذِي يُصْلِحُ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ، فَيَنْمِي خَيْرًا، أَوْ يَقُولُ خَيْرًا ُ.
Narrated Ummm Kult̲h̲ūm bint Uqba:
That she heard Allāh’s Messenger ﷺ saying, “He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar.”
That’s why you always,
always need to go to the source text, and read
it yourself, instead of just trusting your favorite figureheads. This
goes for both you and me. This is why polemicists like Christian Prince
and David Wood
always bring up the Quran verses and Sahih Muslim /
Sahih Al-Bukhari etc. quotations from
your Islamic texts and read
them aloud. They literally read to you what your religion says. If
you have issue with what they say, you literally have an issue with
Islam. Don’t settle for the deception that your Islamic apologists
are pulling over you.
Don’t be illiterate (أمي) like your self-proclaimed prophet SAW. Read,
and verify. Do something he never did. Even the pagans mocked
Muhammad because he literally took fairytales and legends and preached
them as “revelation” from Allah (An‘ām 25). The pagans
because they had already heard the material before Muhammad plagiarised
them. Muhammad did not employ source criticism (At-Tawbah 61).
Be smarter than Muhammad, be wise my friend.
Both Jews and Christians knew to tell apart the counterfeit and the
original. They saw it from miles ahead, and that’s why they rejected
the false prophet, just like God had commanded them to do through
Moses. (Deut. 18:22) Muhammad only ever managed to convert two categories
of people: Ignorant people who did not have knowledge,
and people whom he was able to threaten with a “submit or die” proposition.
Well ok, there was a third category: He bribed some (Sahih Bukhari 4:53:374).
If you lack knowledge, you will go astray. (Hosea 4:6) My friend,
educate yourself.
Read the texts, don’t just settle for the
explanations of someone who is religiously obliged to lie to you in
order to keep you from leaving Islam.
Compare these two sets of verses (three from Qur’an, three from Bible):
- Ali’Imran 54 — And they
plotted deceived, and Allah plotted deceived, and Allah is the Best of plotters deceivers.
Even your Islamic translators are lying to you in order to make Islam look better, because the Arabic word مكر actually means guile or deceit, not plot or plan.
- Al-A’raf 99 — Then did they feel secure from the
plan deception of Allah ? But no one feels secure from the plan deception of Allah except the losing people.
Despite the treacherous translator, the meaning of the verse comes clear: Within Allah there is no security nor comfort.
- Al-Ra’d 42 — And those before them had
plotted deceived, but to Allah belongs the plan deception entirely. He knows what every soul earns, and the disbelievers will know for whom is the final home.
The wordمكر makr, deceptively translated as “plotted” or “planned” in these verses,
never used in a positive context,
but always to describe someone who is sly and
dishonest. Check the dictionary if you don’t believe me:
https://www.almaany.com/en/dict/ar-en/%D9%85%D9%83%D8%B1/ And
Qur’an says Allah is the
champion of
makr (خَيرُ
الماكِرينَ). You could even say Allah is the
source of
deception. Guess which entity the Bible assigns that title? Whom does the Bible describe as the source of all lies?
It’s not YHWH the God, that’s for sure.
- Psalms 89:14 — You destroy those who speak lies; YHWH abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man.
- Psalms 33:4–5 — For the word of YHWH is right; and all his works are done in truth. He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of YHWH.
- Psalms 18:1–3 — I love you, oh YHWH, my strength. YHWH is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my mountain, in which I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon YHWH, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.
My friend, climb above the deception that you have raised in, abandon the
culture founded on death and deception, and come to the light. Abandon
the counterfeit Arabian idol and the most obvious false prophet ever,
and accept the love of the true God, the creator of the world, who so
loved the world — you and me — that he sent his only son to die and
raise from dead so that we could have
life in him.
Excerpt from a comment I posted in a YouTube thread about Islam.
See also:
Islam comes from Satan
I am aware that this particular hadith does not use the word salam.
It speaks of reconciliation. Different word, same over-arching concept: Ends justify the means.
P.S. Anyone who tries to refute my points by referring to something Zakir Naik said,
will be subject to ridicule. Zakir Naik is a joke.