Multitasking textmode window application test

   1. Purpose
   2. Copying
   3. Requirements
   4. Downloading

1. Purpose

Attempts to do something similar than Turbo Vision.

2. Copying

textbox has been written by Joel Yliluoma, a.k.a. Bisqwit,
and is distributed under the following terms:
* No warranty. You are free to modify this source and to
* distribute the modified sources, as long as you keep the
* existing copyright messages intact and as long as you
* remember to add your own copyright markings.
* You are not allowed to distribute the program or modified versions
* of the program without including the source code (or a reference to
* the publicly available source) and this notice with it.

3. Requirements

GNU make and a C++ compiler is required.

4. Downloading

Downloading help

  • Do not download everything - you only need one file (newest version for your platform)!
  • Do not use download accelerators or you will be banned from this server before your download is complete!

Date (Y-md-Hi) acc        Size Name                
2003-0627-1444 r--       21097 textbox-0.3.0.tar.bz2
2003-0627-1444 r--        8008 patch-textbox-0.3-0.3.0.bz2
2001-0306-1303 r--       17139 textbox-0.3.rar
2001-0306-1303 r--       16372 textbox-0.3.tar.bz2
2001-0306-1303 r--       21908
2001-0305-0527 r--       16650 textbox-0.2.rar
2001-0305-1848 r--       16320 textbox-0.2.tar.bz2
2001-0305-0527 r--       21362
2001-0305-0411 r--       15574 textbox-0.1-slang.tar.bz2
2001-0305-0409 r--       15824 textbox-0.1-ncurses.tar.bz2
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