IP address utils

   1. Purpose
   2. Usage
   3. Copying
   4. Requirements
   5. Downloading

1. Purpose

Utilities for converting IP addresses and masks between various formats.

Do not download! There is nothing useful here yet, unless you are a developer.

2. Usage

3. Copying

iputils has been written by Joel Yliluoma, a.k.a. Bisqwit,
and is distributed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL).

4. Requirements

GNU make is probably required.

5. Downloading

Downloading help

  • Do not download everything - you only need one file (newest version for your platform)!
  • Do not use download accelerators or you will be banned from this server before your download is complete!

Date (Y-md-Hi) acc        Size Name                
2003-0120-1054 r--       22771 iputils-0.0.4.tar.bz2
2003-0120-1054 r--        2265 patch-iputils-0.0.3-0.0.4.bz2
2002-1214-1438 r--       22616 iputils-0.0.3.tar.bz2
2002-1214-1438 r--        7369 patch-iputils-0.0.2-0.0.3.bz2
2002-0813-1058 r--       21506 iputils-0.0.2.tar.bz2
2002-0813-1058 r--        6659 patch-iputils-0.0.1-0.0.2.bz2
2002-0507-2204 r--       18311 iputils-0.0.1.tar.bz2
2002-0507-2204 r--        1257 patch-iputils-0.0.0-0.0.1.bz2
2002-0507-2105 r--       18154 iputils-0.0.0.tar.bz2
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