Bisqwit's crond

   1. Purpose
   2. Copying
   3. Requirements
   4. Downloading

1. Purpose

cron daemon for unix systems.
Example crontab:
# If you don't want the output of a cron displayed on your
# terminal, you have to direct any output to /dev/null.
# You should start crond >/dev/null 2>&1; that's the easiest way.
# Run the 'atrun' program every 5 minutes
# This runs anything that's due to run from 'at'. See man 'at' or 'atrun'.
# Note that this is commented out since it's not needed if you run atd.  But,
# it's left as an example, since atd isn't strictly required.  You can still
# run it this way instead.
#0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * *	/usr/sbin/atrun 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null
# This touches a filename in the temp directory so that you can see cron is
# working if the timestamp is current. Comment it out if it bugs you. :^)
* * * * *       touch /tmp/.crond_running

2. Copying

bcrond has been written by Joel Yliluoma, a.k.a. Bisqwit, and is distributed under the terms of the General Public License (GPL).

3. Requirements

GNU make is probably required.

4. Downloading

Downloading help

  • Do not download everything - you only need one file (newest version for your platform)!
  • Do not use download accelerators or you will be banned from this server before your download is complete!

Date (Y-md-Hi) acc        Size Name                
2002-0127-0408 r--       14202 bcrond-1.0.8.rar
2002-0127-0408 r--       13929 bcrond-1.0.8.tar.bz2
2002-0127-0408 r--        3468 patch-bcrond-1.0.7-1.0.8.bz2
2001-1014-1928 r--       12953 bcrond-1.0.7.rar
2001-1014-1928 r--       12552 bcrond-1.0.7.tar.bz2
2001-1014-1928 r--       14622
2001-1014-1928 r--        3433 patch-bcrond-1.0.6-1.0.7.bz2
2001-0615-1126 r--       10938 bcrond-1.0.6.tar.bz2
2001-0615-1126 r--         944 patch-bcrond-1.0.5-1.0.6.bz2
2000-1113-1016 r--       10846 bcrond-1.0.5.tar.bz2
2000-1113-1016 r--        1040 patch-bcrond-1.0.4-1.0.5.bz2
2000-1018-2213 r--       10686 bcrond-1.0.4.tar.bz2
2000-1018-2213 r--        4142 patch-bcrond-1.0.3-1.0.4.bz2
2000-1017-1531 r--       10336 bcrond-1.0.3.tar.bz2
2000-1017-1531 r--        1377 patch-bcrond-1.0.2-1.0.3.bz2
2000-1017-1411 r--       10296 bcrond-1.0.2.tar.bz2
2000-1017-1411 r--        7258 patch-bcrond-1.0.1-1.0.2.bz2
2000-0823-1518 r--        4152 bcrond-1.0.1.tar.bz2
2000-0823-1518 r--        1879 patch-bcrond-1.0.0-1.0.1.bz2
2000-0823-1504 r--        3932 bcrond-1.0.0.tar.bz2
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