Tandy 1000 Soundchip revisited: ASM programming example

Author: Joel Yliluoma, http://iki.fi/bisqwit/

First published at http://youtube.com/watch?v=gjuHxjdv3ZE

Assembler, as a programming language, works at an extremely low level of machine abstraction. It deals with small numeric values at a time. Each instruction does a very small thing, like "add ax, 6" means "add the value 6 to the register ax" or "cmp al, 0FEh" means "compare the register al to the value 0FEh". These very small instructions are the fundamental building blocks of every program that exist on computers today. Building complex tasks from these small instructions is possible, but it requires many of them. As such, any meaningful assembler program tends to be excessively long, and any seemingly trivial action is scattered over dozens of lines where no individual line does seem to do anything tangible. That is why documentation, i.e. English language comments in the midst of the machine-language code, is very important. Almost every instruction must be documented. While you can clearly see what it does, only the programmer can tell why it does it; what the code aims to accomplish.

But while the code is extremely terse in meaning and verbose in action, it is also the way to derive the most power from the machine. Indeed, while programming in the assembler language, you can often outperform code written in a more high level language such as C or Python by an order of magnitude, sometimes even more. Here the power can be clearly observed by noticing, that despite doing full screen updates at 60 times per second, the program still runs in DOSBox without any lag even if the CPU speed is reduced to less than 500k instructions per second (less than 1 MHz!). Of course, on a real Tandy 1000, the video memory is considerably slower so the threshold would be higher, but that is beside the point.

In this program, an interrupt handler is installed to ensure a steady 60 ticks per second rate for the music player. Such close-to-hardware action would not even be possible in C without vendor-specific compiler extensions, and it is not possible at all in GW-BASIC (or in Python or in Lua for that matter).

In this tool-assisted education video, I create an assembler program that plays back several favourite NES songs using only the 3-channel+noise PC speaker found in the Tandy 1000.

A month ago I demonstrated the 3½-channel PC speaker of Tandy 1000. You can see and hear it in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3L_Ceat4Ss
I wrote that example in GW-BASIC, but everyone was left hanging over the following problem: GW-BASIC has certain limits. You cannot reproduce fine vibrato of NES songs in it, because the PLAY statement is too coarse. You would have to do any serious music playing in the assembler language. What would a serious attempt sound like? In this tool-assisted education video, I create, from scratch, an assembler program that plays back several favourite NES songs using only Tandy 1000 sound hardware.


  • The OS that shows up in the beginning is Amiga Research Operating System, i.e. AROS for short. This is the first time that I feature an operating system that is fundamentally different from either Windows or Linux. (MS-DOS is not fundamentally different from Windows.)
  • The AROS desktop theme is the default one from the Icaros distribution. However, I used a custom 1232x700 resolution. To make that possible, I had to edit the VGA BIOS used by KVM, my virtual machine of choice. In retrospect, I made an error. I should have used 1272x720. I was aiming for an integer ratio of YouTube's 360p mode (so that it would look neat in 360p and in 720p), but somehow it changed into 350 in my head.
  • The music that plays in the movie (before the assembler program is finished) is played back through 8bitbubsy's high quality Protracker clone. Protracker was a very popular music creation tool for the Amiga, used by professionals and amateurs alike. You can find more information about that project at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/protracker/
  • The two MODs that play here on Protracker are: Capslock by Mick Rippon, and Phoenix by Groo/CNCD. Both gentlemen were very generous and happy to permit me to use their music from the 1990s in this video. Thank you!
  • This movie was a lot more work than I expected to produce. I created the assembler program (SND player) in less than a day, but creating the video for it took weeks. Let's just say, encoding a video with all the alpha-blended overlays and temporal blurring at 4240x2400 resolution takes anything from 8 to 30 hours per pass. And I had to redo it more than ten times, because of all kinds of reasons. It was quite exhausting. Oh, and I also had to write the tools that enable me to do those video tricks in the first place. I still don't own any video editing software other than those which I have made.
  • The video resolution in the source code editing is 848x480. I crafted the display mode very carefully to make pixels look sharp in YouTube's 480p mode while it being a widescreen mode. However, the actual editor ran in 416x936 (52x59) mode. I changed it into a two-column 848x480 with video editing magic. While editing the source code, I paid careful attention to how it would appear in the two-column mode. I chose the two-column mode for two reasons: To maximize the amount of onscreen context while the code was being written in order to minimize the disorientation when following the video; and to most effectively utilize the widescreen video area that I wanted to indeed use.
  • The video resolution while the SND player runs is 320x200. This is the standard CGA 40x25 text mode.
  • The video uploaded to YouTube had 4240x2400 resolution. As usual, I did all processing at this resolution. You can verify this by displaying the video in "Original" mode. At that resolution, the Protracker overlay is clearly readable at all times (assuming your display device supports that kind of resolution!), even when it's reduced into a small stamp in the corner of the editing window.
  • Intermediate stages of the videos were stored using the ZMBV codec. I found this codec wonderful for these purposes and nicely extensible. (Though I had to hack MEncoder to support encoding into that format.)
  • Please disregard the PT overlay that shows at 8:25 to 8:31. It was a postprocessing error. Considering the long time it took to encode the video each time, I was not looking forward to one more encoding pass and I let that error slip.
  • Because the code featured in this video was the longest so far of my videos, yet I had half the normal time to create it, I had to tweak my editing process to include new editing techniques that reduce the amount of typing. See if you can spot them. (Remind you, this is a tool-assisted education video. Even my editing is tool-assisted.) I had to speed up the typing a bit, as well.
  • Drats, I think I hit YouTube's movie description length limit. More information at: http://bisqwit.iki.fi/jutut/kuvat/programming_examples/tandysnd.html

Source code

; Settings for TASM
.8086  ; Ensure that only 8086 assembly code is used

; Timing settings:
IRQrate     = 60
PITdivider  = 19886 ; 1234DCh / IRQrate

; Handy macros
word0   equ (word ptr 0)
word2   equ (word ptr 2)
word4   equ (word ptr 4)


    ASSUME CS:text,DS:nothing,ES:nothing
    xor ax, ax
    mov ds, ax
    ; Load the old INT 08 vector
    ; and install our own
     mov ax, OFFSET NewI08
     mov dx, cs ;SEG    NewI08
     xchg ax, [ds:8*4].word0
     xchg dx, [ds:8*4].word2
     mov OldI08.word0, ax
     mov OldI08.word2, dx
     ; Configure the PIT to
     ; issue IRQ at 60 Hz rate
     mov ax, PITdivider
     call SetupPIT
    mov ax, data
    mov ds, ax
    ASSUME DS:data
    mov [psp], es
    ; ^save program segment prefix, for it will be
    ; used for locating the commandline parameters
    call PlayerMain
    ; Silence each channel
    mov di, 300h
@@1:mov cx, di
    xor ax, ax
    call SetupAudio
    sub di, 100h
    jns @@1
     ; Reset PIT to defaults (~18.2 Hz)
     mov ax, 0 ; actually means 10000h
     call SetupPIT
     ; Restore the old INT 08 vector
     xor ax, ax
     mov ds, ax
     les si, [OldI08]
     mov [ds:8*4].word0, si
     mov [ds:8*4].word2, es
    ; Terminate program
    mov ax, 4C00h
    int 21h ; INT 21, AH=4Ch, AL=exit code

    ASSUME CS:text, DS:data, ES:nothing
    ; Save the stack pointer for this call frame.
    ; DosErrorQuit restores it if an error happens.
    mov [songsp], sp
    ; Find the commandline parameter that contains
    ; the name of the file we want to play
    mov dx, 1
    call GetParamStr
    ; Exit if filename was not given
    mov dx, OFFSET UsageMsg
    test ax, ax
    jz PrintMessage
    ; Save filename
    mov FileNamePtr.word0, si
    mov FileNamePtr.word2, es
    mov FileNameLength, ax
    ; Prepare to address the file buffer
    mov ax, buffers
    mov es, ax
    ASSUME ES:buffers
    ; Try to open the file
    call SongFileOpen
    ; Set 40x25 color text mode
    mov ax, 1
    int 10h
    ; Print message
    mov dx, OFFSET PlayingMsg0
    call PrintMessage
    push ds
     lds dx, FileNamePtr
     call PrintMessage
    pop ds
    mov dx, OFFSET PlayingMsg1
    call PrintMessage
    ; Main loop
    hlt ; wait for IRQ
    ; Check it was timer IRQ
    mov al, 0
    lock xchg al, [IRQticked]
    test al, al
    jz @@2
    ; It was; advance the song.
    call SongTick
    call SongVisualize
    ; Loop until some input is given
    mov ah, 1
    int 16h ; INT 16,AH=1, OUT:ZF=status
    jz @@mainloop
    ; Close input file
    call SongFileClose
    ; Read the input key
    xor ax, ax
    int 16h  ; INT 16,AH=0, OUT:AX=key

    mov sp, [songsp]
    ; ^Restore stack pointer to what was saved
    ; in PlayerMain. This, because error might
    ; have happened within a function call chain.
    ; It is our cheap equivalent of C++ "throw".
    xchg ax, bp ; save error code
    mov dx, OFFSET ErrorPart0
    call PrintMessage   ; print part0
    push ds
     lds dx, FileNamePtr
     call PrintMessage  ; print filename
    pop ds
    mov dx, OFFSET ErrorPart1
    call PrintMessage   ; print part1

    test bp, bp         ; analyze error code
    jns @@2
    and bp, 7FFFh       ; hardcoded error message
    mov dx, bp
    jmp @@1
@@2:cmp bp, 2
    mov dx, OFFSET DOSerror2
    je @@1
    cmp bp, 3
    mov dx, OFFSET DOSerror3
    je @@1
    cmp bp, 4
    mov dx, OFFSET DOSerror4
    je @@1
    cmp bp, 5
    mov dx, OFFSET DOSerror5
    je @@1
    mov dx, OFFSET UnprintableErr
@@1:call PrintMessage   ; print error message
    mov dx, OFFSET ErrorPart2
    ;jmp PrintMessage   ; print part2
    mov ah, 9
    int 21h
    ;^ INT 21, AH=9, DS:DX=Address
    ;  of $-terminated message

    cmp [pending], 0
    jz @@read_event
    inc [pending]     ; approach zero
@@n:call SongFileReadByte
    neg al            ; -n
@@1:mov [pending], al ; -1
    jmp SongTick
@@c:; ignore the channel setup
    call SongFileReadWord
    jmp @@read_event
@@p:; ignore the pcm data
    call SongFileReadByte
    call SongFileReadWord
@@r:jz @@read_event
    call SongFileReadByte
    dec di
    jmp @@r
    call SongFileReadByte
    cmp al, 0FFh ; submit row 1 times
    jz @@1
    cmp al, 0FDh ; submit row N times
    jz @@n
    cmp al, 0FEh ; setup channel type
    jz @@c
    cmp al, 0FBh ; setup PCM sample
    jz @@p
    cmp al, 20h
    jb @@default_event ; Alter channel
    ; Alter square wave (Ver3 only)
    ; AL.high4 = duty (2,4,8,12), ignored
    ; AL.low4  = volume (0-15)
    push ax
     ; Read channel number and the wave length
     call SongFileReadByte  ;Read channel
     push ax
      call SongFileReadWord ;Read wavelen
     pop cx
    pop ax
    jmp @@skip_ver1_fixes

    ; AL = channel
    push ax
     call SongFileReadWord  ;Read wavelen
     call SongFileReadByte  ;Read volume
    pop cx
    cmp [fileversion], 1
    jne @@skip_ver1_fixes

    ; For SND version 1, wavelen
    ; is actually a frequency,
    ; and volume is 0..255
    shr al, 4 ; divide by 16 -> 0..15

    ; Calculate wavelen: 110000 / freq.
    push ax
     mov dx, 1     ; 110000 >> 16
     mov ax, 44464 ; 110000 & 0FFFFh
     cmp di, 2     ; Ensure that the quotient will
     jae @@2       ; not be too large to fit in a
     mov di, 2     ; 16-bit register (overflow)
@@2: div di
     xchg ax, di
    pop ax

    cmp cl, 4 ; Check channel is 0-3
    jae @@read_event
    and al, 0Fh
    mov dx, di
    mov ch, cl
    call SetupAudio
    jmp @@read_event

    push ds
     mov bx, FileNameLength
     lds si, FileNamePtr
     ; ^ Load Length before Ptr, because
     ; "lds" overwrites ds which is needed
     ; for accessing variables
     mov dx, si
     ; Put nul-terminator into filename
     mov byte ptr [bx+si], 0
     mov ax, 3D00h ; Open in read-only mode
     int 21h
     ;^ INT 21, AH=3Dh, AL=access mode,
     ; DS:DX=address of 0-terminated filename string
     ; Now change the trailing 0 to '$'
     ; so the filename can be printed.
     mov byte ptr [bx+si], '$'
    pop ds
    jc DosErrorQuit
    mov [songfd], ax ; Save file handle
    ; Read SND file header
    mov dx, OFFSET songhdr
    mov cx, 16
    call SongFileRawRead
    ; Verify header validicity
    mov ax, OFFSET Error_Fmt + 8000h
    cmp signature.word0, 4E53h ; 'SN'
    jne DosErrorQuit
    cmp signature.word2, 1A44h ; 'D^Z'
    jne DosErrorQuit
    ;cmp rate, IRQrate
    ;jne DosErrorQuit
    cmp channelcount, 0 ; Zero channels is an error.
    je DosErrorQuit
    cmp channelcount, 5 ; >5 channels: also an error.
    ja DosErrorQuit
    cmp fileversion, 1  ; Format: iNES
    je @@1
    cmp fileversion, 3  ; Format: nezplay
    jne DosErrorQuit

    mov bx, [songfd]
    mov ah, 3Eh
    int 21h  ; INT 21, AH=3Eh, BX=handle

    ; DX = target, CX = byte count
    ; Uses: AX, BX
    push ds
     mov bx, [songfd]
     mov ax, SEG filebuffer
     mov ds, ax
     mov ah, 3Fh
     int 21h
     ;^ INT 21h, AH=3Fh
     ;  CX=number of bytes, DS:DX=buffer
    pop ds
    jc DosErrorQuit

    mov dx, OFFSET filebuffer
    mov cx, filebuf_size
    call SongFileRawRead
    mov [bufreadpos], 0
    mov [bufsize],    ax
    test ax, ax
    mov ax, OFFSET EndOfFile + 8000h 
    jz DosErrorQuit
    ; OUT: AX = byte
    ; Uses: BX, CX, DX
    mov bx, [bufreadpos]
    cmp bx, [bufsize]
    jae SongFileFillBuffer
    mov ah, 0
    mov al, filebuffer[bx]
    inc bx
    mov [bufreadpos], bx

    ; Out: DI = word
    ; Uses: AX, BX, CX, DX
    call SongFileReadByte
    xchg ax, di
    call SongFileReadByte
    xchg ah, al
    or di, ax


    push es
     les di, dword ptr [VisMem]
     ; Loop through each channel.
     ; Each is represented by a column
     ; that is 10 characters wide.
     mov si, 0
     mov bx, si
     mov bp, ch_delta[si+bx]
     or bp, bp
     jz @@4a   
     mov bp, 2 ;number of spaces before
     js @@4
     mov bp, -1
@@4a:inc bp
     mov ax, ch_period[si+bx]
     call @@translate_period
     mov cl, ch_volume[si]
     mov ch, 0
     sub cx, 16
     neg cx
     call @@draw_column
     add di, 20
     inc si
     cmp si, 4
     jb @@5
    pop es
@@translate_period: ; aka. wavelen, or divider
    ; Make symbol for the period (0..3FFh).
    ; hz = 3579545/16/2/tandydivider
    ; hz = 2^((linearnote-34)/12)*440
    ; SOLVE linearnote
    ; v=1000 - 3 * (linearnote)
    ; v=610.3605-36*log2(1/tandydivider)
    fld f_notemul
    mov [f_temp].word0, ax
    fild dword ptr [f_temp]
    fdivrp st(1), st
    fadd f_noteadd
    fistp [f_temp]
    mov ax, [f_temp].word0
    xor dx, dx
    mov bx, NumVisuals
    div bx  ; Scale to NumVisuals range
    mov bx, dx
    shl bx, 1
    mov ax, Visuals[bx] ; color & char
    ; Draw column.
    ; IN: ax = color and character
    ;     cx = number of blank lines
    ;     bp = number of spaces before
    rep_blanks MACRO
      xchg ax,si
      rep stosw
      xchg ax,si
    push si
     push di
     mov si,0720h
      mov dx,cx
@@1:  cmp di,17*40*2-1
      ja @@6
      or dx, dx
      jz @@2
      ; Draw blank column
      mov cx,10
      dec dx
      jmp @@3
@@2:  ; Draw colored column
      mov cx,bp
      jcxz @@2b
@@2b: mov cx,8
      rep stosw
      mov cx,2
      sub cx,bp
      jbe @@3
      add di,30*2
      jmp @@1
@@6: pop di
    pop si

    ;; IN:  DX = Parameter string number
    ;; OUT: AX = Length, ES:SI = String pointer
    les di, dword ptr cmdline
    mov cl, es:[di]
    xor ch, ch
    inc di
    ; Loop while we've got space ahead
    jcxz @@got_param_begin
    cmp byte ptr es:[di], ' '
    ja @@got_param_begin
    inc di
    loop @@skip_space
    mov si, di ; Save beginning of param
    jcxz @@got_param_end
    cmp byte ptr es:[di], ' '
    jbe @@got_param_end
    inc di
    loop @@wait_space
    mov ax,di
    sub ax,si
    je @@done ; End if param is empty
    dec dx
    jnz @@get_next_param
@@done: ret


    ; AX = PIT clock period
    ;      (Divider to 1193180 Hz)
    push ax
     mov al, 34h
     out 43h, al
    pop ax
    out 40h, al
    mov al, ah
    out 40h, al

    ; CH = CHANNEL (0..3)
    ; AL = VOLUME (0..15)
    ; DX = PERIOD (inverse of frequency)

    ; Fixed volume for channel 2
    cmp ch, 2
    jne @@2
    test al, al
    jz @@2
    mov al, 6
    ; Save data for visualization
    mov bl, ch
    mov bh, 0
    mov si, bx
    mov ch_volume[si], al
    test al, al
    jz @@1
    add si, si
    mov bx, ch_period[si]
    sub bx, dx
    mov ch_delta[si], bx
    mov ch_period[si], dx

IF 0
    ; The SN76489 chip has a ridiculous
    ; high lower limit on its allowed
    ; pitches. For channel 3 (bass),
    ; we use the standard PC speaker
    ; instead. This works because bass
    ; has a constant volume. This also
    ; leaves the Tandy channel 3 free
    ; for defining the noise pitch.
    ; Note that this is a tradeoff:
    ; If you use this, both the noises
    ; and the bass channel will have
    ; more range, but the bass will also
    ; be much louder than it should.
    ; If you prefer the bass be at
    ; a moderate volume, disable this
    ; code. It is disabled by default.
    cmp ch, 2
    je SetupPCspeaker ; Use PC speaker
    cmp ch, 3
    jne SetupSN76489
    ; Noise: Set pitch on channel 3
    push ax
     mov ax, dx ; multiply by 3
     add ax, ax
     add dx, ax
     shr dx, 4  ; divide by 16
     mov ch, 2  ; wl = inwl*3/16
     mov al, 0
     call SetupSN76489
    pop ax
    ; Noise 7: Copy pitch from channel 3.
    mov ch, 3
    mov dx, 7
    ;jmp SetupSN76489

    cmp ch, 3
    jne @@checkpitchrange
    ; Noise 4 ~ period  84.7 (0-127)
    ; Noise 5 ~ period 169.5 (128-255)
    ; Noise 6 ~ period 339.0 (256-1023)
    mov cl, 7 ; divide by 128
    shr dx, cl
    add dl, 4
    cmp dx, 6
    jbe @@checkpitchrange
    mov dx, 6
    ; If the pitch is too low, increase by an octave
    ; The SN76489 chip has a ridiculous high
    ; lower limit on its allowed pitches (109 Hz).
    cmp dx, 3FFh
    jbe @@4
    shr dx, 1
    jmp @@checkpitchrange
    mov bx, OFFSET TandyVolumeTable
    xlatb      ; Translate volume
    or al, 90h ; Set bits for volume
    call @@out

    mov ax, dx ; Set period 4 low bits
    and al, 0Fh
    or al, 80h ; Set bits for period.lo
    call @@out

    mov ax, dx ; Set period 6 high bits
    mov cx, 4  ; ch:=0, cl:=4
    shr ax, cl
    and al, 3Fh
    mov ah, ch ; Add channel
    aad 20h    ; al := al + ah * 20h
    out 0C0h, al

IF 0
    ; Reprogram the standard PC speaker
    test al, al
    jz @@pcquiet
    mov al, 0B6h
    out 43h, al
    ; 3579545/16/2/tandydivider = 1193180/pcdivider
    ; Solve pcdivider --> we get ~32/3.
    xchg ax, dx
    mov bx, 32
    mul bx
    mov bx, 3
    div bx
    out 42h, al
    mov al, ah
    out 42h, al
    in al, 61h   ; Enable sound
    or al, 3
    jmp @@s
    in al, 61h   ; Disable sound
    and al, 0FCh
@@s:out 61h, al

;;; IRQ ;;;
    ASSUME CS:text,DS:nothing,ES:nothing

NewI08:; New INT 08 (timer IRQ) handler
    push ax
     mov [IRQticked],  1
     add [I08counter], PITdivider
     jnc SkipOldI08
    pop ax
    db 0EAh ; Jump far
OldI08 dd 0 ; Old INT 08 vector
     mov al, 20h ; Send the EOI signal
     out 20h, al ; to the IRQ controller
    pop ax
    iret    ; Exit interrupt

IRQticked   db 0
I08counter  dw ?
; I08counter makes it possible to call the
; the old IRQ vector at the right rate.
; At every INT, it is incremented by:
;    10000h * (oldrate/newrate)
; Which happens to evaluate into the same
; as PITdivider when the oldrate is the
; standard ~18.2 Hz. Whenever it overflows,
; it's time to call the old IRQ handler.
; This ensures that the old IRQ handler is
; called at the standard 18.2 Hz rate.

text    ENDS

; Messages
UnprintableErr db 'Unprintable error$'
DOSerror2   db 'File not found$'
DOSerror3   db 'Path not found$'
DOSerror4   db 'Too many open files$'
DOSerror5   db 'Access denied$'
ErrorPart0  db '$'
ErrorPart1  db ': $'
ErrorPart2  db 13,10,'$'
Error_Fmt   db 'Not a valid SND file$'
EndOfFile   db 'End of file reached.$'
PlayingMsg0 db 'Playing $'
PlayingMsg1 db '. Hit a key to end.'
    db 10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10
    db 10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10
    db 'Player created by Joel Yliluoma'
    db 13,10,  'in July 2011, for Tandy 1000 and'
    db 13,10,  'assembler programming illustration.'
    db 13,10,10,'Thanks for watching!'
    db 13,10,   '                  '
    db          '[Click to subscribe!]$'
UsageMsg db 'Usage: TANDYSND file.snd'
    db 13,10,'$'

TandyVolumeTable equ $
    ; Translate linear volume into
    ; Tandy's 2dB increments volume
    ;   0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
    db 15,11, 8, 7, 5, 4, 4, 3
    ;   8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 
    db  2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0

Visuals dw 51DBh,51B1h,51B0h, 45DBh,45B1h,45B0h
        dw 64DBh,64B1h,64B0h, 26DBh,26B1h,26B0h
        dw 32DBh,32B1h,32B0h, 63DBh,63B1h,63B0h
        dw 56DBh,56B1h,56B0h, 25DBh,25B1h,25B0h
        dw 42DBh,42B1h,42B0h, 14DBh,14B1h,14B0h
        dw 71DBh,71B1h,71B0h, 17DBh,17B1h,17B0h
        ;Color symbols for visualization
NumVisuals equ ($-Visuals)/2

FileNamePtr    dd 0 ; Location of fname
FileNameLength dw 0 ; Its length

songfd  dw 0 ; Handle of the SND file
songsp  dw 0 ; SP for song error returns

bufsize    dw 0  ; Amount of data in buffer
bufreadpos dw 0  ; Buffer reading position

pending    db 0  ; Playing delay control

cmdline dw 80h ; PSP offset to cmdline
psp     dw 0   ; Program Segment Prefix

f_notemul dq -36.0
f_noteadd dq 610.36054
f_temp    dq 0  ; FPU math temporary

ch_period dw 0,0,0,0 ; Visualization
ch_delta  dw 0,0,0,0
ch_volume db 0,0,0,0

VisMem  dw 40*2, 0B800h

data    ENDS


filebuf_size equ 128
filebuffer   db filebuf_size dup (?)
songhdr      db 16 dup (?)
signature    equ (byte ptr songhdr+0)
fileversion  equ (byte ptr songhdr+4)
channelcount equ (byte ptr songhdr+5)
rate         equ (byte ptr songhdr+6)

buffers ENDS

END main
Precompiled binaries:

Music files

These are the music files that are played in the video. I have dozens of others, as well. You can create your own with iNES version 0.7 or earlier.