For each pixel, Input, in the original picture: Color = FindClosestColorFrom(Palette, Input) Draw pixel using that color.It will produce a picture like that on the left. The exact appearance depends on the particular "closest color" function. Most software uses a simple euclidean RGB distance to determine how well colors match, i.e. √(ΔRed² + ΔGreen² + ΔBlue²). We will also begin from there.
Threshold = COLOR(256/4, 256/4, 256/4); /* Estimated precision of the palette */ For each pixel, Input, in the original picture: Factor = ThresholdMatrix[xcoordinate % X][ycoordinate % Y]; Attempt = Input + Factor * Threshold Color = FindClosestColorFrom(Palette, Attempt) Draw pixel using ColorIf we translate this into PHP, a whole test program becomes (using the image and palette that is described after the program):
<?php /* Create a 8x8 threshold map */ $map = array_map(function($p) { $q = $p ^ ($p >> 3); return ((($p & 4) >> 2) | (($q & 4) >> 1) | (($p & 2) << 1) | (($q & 2) << 2) | (($p & 1) << 4) | (($q & 1) << 5)) / 64.0; }, range(0,63)); /* Define palette */ $pal = Array(0x080000,0x201A0B,0x432817,0x492910, 0x234309,0x5D4F1E,0x9C6B20,0xA9220F, 0x2B347C,0x2B7409,0xD0CA40,0xE8A077, 0x6A94AB,0xD5C4B3,0xFCE76E,0xFCFAE2); /* Read input image */ $srcim = ImageCreateFromPng('scene.png'); $w = ImageSx($srcim); $h = ImageSy($srcim); /* Create paletted image */ $im = ImageCreate($w,$h); foreach($pal as $c) ImageColorAllocate($im, $c>>16, ($c>>8)&0xFF, $c&0xFF); $thresholds = Array(256/4, 256/4, 256/4); /* Render the paletted image by converting each input pixel using the threshold map. */ for($y=0; $y<$h; ++$y) for($x=0; $x<$w; ++$x) { $map_value = $map[($x & 7) + (($y & 7) << 3)]; $color = ImageColorsForIndex($srcim, ImageColorAt($srcim, $x,$y)); $r = (int)($color['red'] + $map_value * $thresholds[0]); $g = (int)($color['green'] + $map_value * $thresholds[1]); $b = (int)($color['blue'] + $map_value * $thresholds[2]); /* Plot using the palette index with color that is closest to this value */ ImageSetPixel($im, $x,$y, ImageColorClosest($im, $r,$g,$b)); } ImagePng($im, 'scenebayer0.png');Here is what this program produces:
/* Find the maximum distance between successive values on each channel in the palette */ $thresholds = Array(0, 0, 0); foreach($thresholds as $channel => &$t) { $values = array_map(function($val) use($channel) { return ($val >> ($channel*8)) & 0xFF; }, $pal); sort($values); /* Sort the color values of the palette in ascending order */ array_reduce($values, function($p,$val) use(&$t) { $t = max($t, $val-$p); return $val; }, $values[0]); }We present here several algorithms that have the "goods" from Bayer's ordered dithering algorithm (namely, the color of a pixel depends on that pixel alone, making it suitable for animations), but is applicable to arbitrary palettes.
For each pixel, Input, in the original picture: Factor = ThresholdMatrix[xcoordinate % X][ycoordinate % Y]; Make a Plan, based on Input and the Palette. If Factor < Plan.ratio, Draw pixel using Plan.color2 else, Draw pixel using Plan.color1The Planning procedure can be implemented as follows:
SmallestPenalty = 10^99 /* Impossibly large number */ For each unique combination of two colors from the palette, Color1 and Color2: For each possible Ratio, 0 .. (X*Y-1): /* Determine what mixing the two colors in this proportion will produce */ Mixed = Color1 + Ratio * (Color2 - Color1) / (X*Y) /* Rate how well it matches what we want to accomplish */ Penalty = Evaluate the difference of Input and Mixed. /* Keep the result that has the smallest error */ If Penalty < SmallestPenalty, SmallestPenalty = Penalty Plan = { Color1, Color2, Ratio / (X*Y) }.This function runs for M × N × (N −1) ÷ 2 + N iterations for a palette of size N and a dithering pattern of size M = X×Y, complexity being O(N²×M), and it depends on an evaluation function. The evaluation function might be defined using an euclidean distance between the two colors, considered as three-dimensional vectors formed by the Red, Green and Blue color components, i.e. √(ΔRed² + ΔGreen² + ΔBlue²) as discussed earlier. The whole program becomes in C++:
#include <gd.h> #include <stdio.h> /* 8x8 threshold map */ #define d(x) x/64.0 static const double map[8*8] = { d( 0), d(48), d(12), d(60), d( 3), d(51), d(15), d(63), d(32), d(16), d(44), d(28), d(35), d(19), d(47), d(31), d( 8), d(56), d( 4), d(52), d(11), d(59), d( 7), d(55), d(40), d(24), d(36), d(20), d(43), d(27), d(39), d(23), d( 2), d(50), d(14), d(62), d( 1), d(49), d(13), d(61), d(34), d(18), d(46), d(30), d(33), d(17), d(45), d(29), d(10), d(58), d( 6), d(54), d( 9), d(57), d( 5), d(53), d(42), d(26), d(38), d(22), d(41), d(25), d(37), d(21) }; #undef d /* Palette */ static const unsigned pal[16] = {0x080000,0x201A0B,0x432817,0x492910, 0x234309,0x5D4F1E,0x9C6B20,0xA9220F, 0x2B347C,0x2B7409,0xD0CA40,0xE8A077, 0x6A94AB,0xD5C4B3,0xFCE76E,0xFCFAE2 }; // Compare the difference of two RGB values double ColorCompare(int r1,int g1,int b1, int r2,int g2,int b2) { double diffR = (r1-r2)/255.0, diffG = (g1-g2)/255.0, diffB = (b1-b2)/255.0; return diffR*diffR + diffG*diffG + diffB*diffB; } double EvaluateMixingError(int r,int g,int b, // Desired color int r0,int g0,int b0, // Mathematical mix product int r1,int g1,int b1, // Mix component 1 int r2,int g2,int b2, // Mix component 2 double ratio) // Mixing ratio { return ColorCompare(r,g,b, r0,g0,b0); } struct MixingPlan { unsigned colors[2]; double ratio; /* 0 = always index1, 1 = always index2, 0.5 = 50% of both */ }; MixingPlan DeviseBestMixingPlan(unsigned color) { const unsigned r = color>>16, g = (color>>8)&0xFF, b = color&0xFF; MixingPlan result = { {0,0}, 0.5 }; double least_penalty = 1e99; // Loop through every unique combination of two colors from the palette, // and through each possible way to mix those two colors. They can be // mixed in exactly 64 ways, when the threshold matrix is 8x8. for(unsigned index1 = 0; index1 < 16; ++index1) for(unsigned index2 = index1; index2 < 16; ++index2) for(unsigned ratio=0; ratio<64; ++ratio) { if(index1 == index2 && ratio != 0) break; // Determine the two component colors unsigned color1 = pal[index1], color2 = pal[index2]; unsigned r1 = color1>>16, g1 = (color1>>8)&0xFF, b1 = color1&0xFF; unsigned r2 = color2>>16, g2 = (color2>>8)&0xFF, b2 = color2&0xFF; // Determine what mixing them in this proportion will produce unsigned r0 = r1 + ratio * int(r2-r1) / 64; unsigned g0 = g1 + ratio * int(g2-g1) / 64; unsigned b0 = b1 + ratio * int(b2-b1) / 64; // Determine how well that matches what we want to accomplish double penalty = EvaluateMixingError(r,g,b, r0,g0,b0, r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2, ratio/64.0); if(penalty < least_penalty) { // Keep the result that has the smallest error least_penalty = penalty; result.colors[0] = index1; result.colors[1] = index2; result.ratio = ratio / 64.0; } } return result; } int main() { FILE* fp = fopen("scene.png", "rb"); gdImagePtr srcim = gdImageCreateFromPng(fp); fclose(fp); unsigned w = gdImageSX(srcim), h = gdImageSY(srcim); gdImagePtr im = gdImageCreate(w, h); for(unsigned c=0; c<16; ++c) gdImageColorAllocate(im, pal[c]>>16, (pal[c]>>8)&0xFF, pal[c]&0xFF); #pragma omp parallel for for(unsigned y=0; y<h; ++y) for(unsigned x=0; x<w; ++x) { double map_value = map[(x & 7) + ((y & 7) << 3)]; unsigned color = gdImageGetTrueColorPixel(srcim, x, y); MixingPlan plan = DeviseBestMixingPlan(color); gdImageSetPixel(im, x,y, plan.colors[ map_value < plan.ratio ? 1 : 0 ] ); } fp = fopen("scenedither1.png", "wb"); gdImagePng(im, fp); fclose(fp); gdImageDestroy(im); gdImageDestroy(srcim); }The result of this program is shown below (on the right-hand side, the standard ordered-dithered version):
double EvaluateMixingError(int r,int g,int b, // Desired color int r0,int g0,int b0, // Mathematical mix product int r1,int g1,int b1, // Mix component 1 int r2,int g2,int b2, // Mix component 2 double ratio) // Mixing ratio { return ColorCompare(r,g,b, r0,g0,b0) + ColorCompare(r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2)*0.1; }The result is shown below:
// Compare the difference of two RGB values, weigh by CCIR 601 luminosity: double ColorCompare(int r1,int g1,int b1, int r2,int g2,int b2) { double luma1 = (r1*299 + g1*587 + b1*114) / (255.0*1000); double luma2 = (r2*299 + g2*587 + b2*114) / (255.0*1000); double lumadiff = luma1-luma2; double diffR = (r1-r2)/255.0, diffG = (g1-g2)/255.0, diffB = (b1-b2)/255.0; return (diffR*diffR*0.299 + diffG*diffG*0.587 + diffB*diffB*0.114)*0.75 + lumadiff*lumadiff; } double EvaluateMixingError(int r,int g,int b, int r0,int g0,int b0, int r1,int g1,int b1, int r2,int g2,int b2, double ratio) { return ColorCompare(r,g,b, r0,g0,b0) + ColorCompare(r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2) * 0.1 * (fabs(ratio-0.5)+0.5); }The result is shown below. Improvements can be seen in the rightside window and in the girl's skirt, among other places.
MixingPlan DeviseBestMixingPlan(unsigned color) { const unsigned r = color>>16, g = (color>>8)&0xFF, b = color&0xFF; MixingPlan result = { {0,0}, 0.5 }; double least_penalty = 1e99; for(unsigned index1 = 0; index1 < 16; ++index1) for(unsigned index2 = index1; index2 < 16; ++index2) { // Determine the two component colors unsigned color1 = pal[index1], color2 = pal[index2]; unsigned r1 = color1>>16, g1 = (color1>>8)&0xFF, b1 = color1&0xFF; unsigned r2 = color2>>16, g2 = (color2>>8)&0xFF, b2 = color2&0xFF; int ratio = 32; if(color1 != color2) { // Determine the ratio of mixing for each channel. // solve(r1 + ratio*(r2-r1)/64 = r, ratio) // Take a weighed average of these three ratios according to the // perceived luminosity of each channel (according to CCIR 601). ratio = ((r2 != r1 ? 299*64 * int(r - r1) / int(r2-r1) : 0) + (g2 != g1 ? 587*64 * int(g - g1) / int(g2-g1) : 0) + (b1 != b2 ? 114*64 * int(b - b1) / int(b2-b1) : 0)) / ((r2 != r1 ? 299 : 0) + (g2 != g1 ? 587 : 0) + (b2 != b1 ? 114 : 0)); if(ratio < 0) ratio = 0; else if(ratio > 63) ratio = 63; } // Determine what mixing them in this proportion will produce unsigned r0 = r1 + ratio * int(r2-r1) / 64; unsigned g0 = g1 + ratio * int(g2-g1) / 64; unsigned b0 = b1 + ratio * int(b2-b1) / 64; double penalty = EvaluateMixingError( r,g,b, r0,g0,b0, r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2, ratio / double(64)); if(penalty < least_penalty) { least_penalty = penalty; result.colors[0] = index1; result.colors[1] = index2; result.ratio = ratio / double(64); } } return result; }With these changes, the rendering result becomes:
#include <gd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> /* 8x8 threshold map */ #define d(x) x/64.0 static const double map[8*8] = { d( 0), d(48), d(12), d(60), d( 3), d(51), d(15), d(63), d(32), d(16), d(44), d(28), d(35), d(19), d(47), d(31), d( 8), d(56), d( 4), d(52), d(11), d(59), d( 7), d(55), d(40), d(24), d(36), d(20), d(43), d(27), d(39), d(23), d( 2), d(50), d(14), d(62), d( 1), d(49), d(13), d(61), d(34), d(18), d(46), d(30), d(33), d(17), d(45), d(29), d(10), d(58), d( 6), d(54), d( 9), d(57), d( 5), d(53), d(42), d(26), d(38), d(22), d(41), d(25), d(37), d(21) }; #undef d /* Palette */ static const unsigned pal[16] = {0x080000,0x201A0B,0x432817,0x492910, 0x234309,0x5D4F1E,0x9C6B20,0xA9220F, 0x2B347C,0x2B7409,0xD0CA40,0xE8A077, 0x6A94AB,0xD5C4B3,0xFCE76E,0xFCFAE2 }; double ColorCompare(int r1,int g1,int b1, int r2,int g2,int b2) { double luma1 = (r1*299 + g1*587 + b1*114) / (255.0*1000); double luma2 = (r2*299 + g2*587 + b2*114) / (255.0*1000); double lumadiff = luma1-luma2; double diffR = (r1-r2)/255.0, diffG = (g1-g2)/255.0, diffB = (b1-b2)/255.0; return (diffR*diffR*0.299 + diffG*diffG*0.587 + diffB*diffB*0.114)*0.75 + lumadiff*lumadiff; } double EvaluateMixingError(int r,int g,int b, int r0,int g0,int b0, int r1,int g1,int b1, int r2,int g2,int b2, double ratio) { return ColorCompare(r,g,b, r0,g0,b0) + ColorCompare(r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2)*0.1*(fabs(ratio-0.5)+0.5); } struct MixingPlan { unsigned colors[4]; double ratio; /* 0 = always index1, 1 = always index2, 0.5 = 50% of both */ /* 4 = special three or four-color dither */ }; MixingPlan DeviseBestMixingPlan(unsigned color) { const unsigned r = color>>16, g = (color>>8)&0xFF, b = color&0xFF; MixingPlan result = { {0,0}, 0.5 }; double least_penalty = 1e99; for(unsigned index1 = 0; index1 < 16; ++index1) for(unsigned index2 = index1; index2 < 16; ++index2) //for(int ratio=0; ratio<64; ++ratio) { // Determine the two component colors unsigned color1 = pal[index1], color2 = pal[index2]; unsigned r1 = color1>>16, g1 = (color1>>8)&0xFF, b1 = color1&0xFF; unsigned r2 = color2>>16, g2 = (color2>>8)&0xFF, b2 = color2&0xFF; int ratio = 32; if(color1 != color2) { // Determine the ratio of mixing for each channel. // solve(r1 + ratio*(r2-r1)/64 = r, ratio) // Take a weighed average of these three ratios according to the // perceived luminosity of each channel (according to CCIR 601). ratio = ((r2 != r1 ? 299*64 * int(r - r1) / int(r2 - r1) : 0) + (g2 != g1 ? 587*64 * int(g - g1) / int(g2 - g1) : 0) + (b1 != b2 ? 114*64 * int(b - b1) / int(b2 - b1) : 0)) / ((r2 != r1 ? 299 : 0) + (g2 != g1 ? 587 : 0) + (b2 != b1 ? 114 : 0)); if(ratio < 0) ratio = 0; else if(ratio > 63) ratio = 63; } // Determine what mixing them in this proportion will produce unsigned r0 = r1 + ratio * int(r2-r1) / 64; unsigned g0 = g1 + ratio * int(g2-g1) / 64; unsigned b0 = b1 + ratio * int(b2-b1) / 64; double penalty = EvaluateMixingError( r,g,b, r0,g0,b0, r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2, ratio / double(64)); if(penalty < least_penalty) { least_penalty = penalty; result.colors[0] = index1; result.colors[1] = index2; result.ratio = ratio / double(64); } if(index1 != index2) for(unsigned index3 = 0; index3 < 16; ++index3) { if(index3 == index2 || index3 == index1) continue; // 50% index3, 25% index2, 25% index1 unsigned color3 = pal[index3]; unsigned r3 = color3>>16, g3 = (color3>>8)&0xFF, b3 = color3&0xFF; r0 = (r1 + r2 + r3*2) / 4; g0 = (g1 + g2 + g3*2) / 4; b0 = (b1 + b2 + b3*2) / 4; penalty = ColorCompare(r,g,b, r0,g0,b0) + ColorCompare(r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2)*0.025 + ColorCompare((r1+g1)/2,(g1+g2)/2,(b1+b2)/2, r3,g3,b3)*0.025; if(penalty < least_penalty) { least_penalty = penalty; result.colors[0] = index3; // (0,0) index3 occurs twice result.colors[1] = index1; // (0,1) result.colors[2] = index2; // (1,0) result.colors[3] = index3; // (1,1) result.ratio = 4.0; } } } return result; } int main(int argc, char**argv) { FILE* fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); gdImagePtr srcim = gdImageCreateFromPng(fp); fclose(fp); unsigned w = gdImageSX(srcim), h = gdImageSY(srcim); gdImagePtr im = gdImageCreate(w, h); for(unsigned c=0; c<16; ++c) gdImageColorAllocate(im, pal[c]>>16, (pal[c]>>8)&0xFF, pal[c]&0xFF); #pragma omp parallel for for(unsigned y=0; y<h; ++y) for(unsigned x=0; x<w; ++x) { unsigned color = gdImageGetTrueColorPixel(srcim, x, y); MixingPlan plan = DeviseBestMixingPlan(color); if(plan.ratio == 4.0) // Tri-tone or quad-tone dithering { gdImageSetPixel(im, x,y, plan.colors[ ((y&1)*2 + (x&1)) ]); } else { double map_value = map[(x & 7) + ((y & 7) << 3)]; gdImageSetPixel(im, x,y, plan.colors[ map_value < plan.ratio ? 1 : 0 ]); } } fp = fopen(argv[2], "wb"); gdImagePng(im, fp); fclose(fp); gdImageDestroy(im); gdImageDestroy(srcim); }It is also possible to implement quad-tone dithering, but it is too slow to calculate (O(N^4) runtime) using this algorithm. We'll return to that topic later.
For each pixel, Input, in the original picture: Achieved = 0 // Total color sum achieved so far CandidateList.clear() LoopWhile CandidateList.Size < (X * Y) Count = 1 Candidate = 0 // Candidate color from palette Comparison.reset() Max = CandidateList.Size, Or 1 if empty For each Color in palette: AddingCount = 1 LoopWhile AddingCount <= Max Sum = Achieved + Color * AddingCount Divide = CandidateList.Size + AddingCount Test = Sum / Divide Compare Test to Input using CIEDE2000 or RGB; If it was the best match since Comparison was reset: Candidate := Color Count := AddingCount EndCompare AddingCount = AddingCount * 2 // Faster version // AddingCount = AddingCount + 1 // Slower version EndWhile CandidateList.Add(Candidate, Count times) Achieved = Achieved + Candidate * Count LoopEnd CandidateList.Sort( by: luminance ) Index = ThresholdMatrix[xcoordinate % X][ycoordinate % Y] Draw pixel using CandidateList[Index * CandidateList.Size() / (X*Y)] EndForThe color matching function runs for N × (log2(M) + 1) iterations at minimum and for N × M × log2(M) iterations at maximum. In C++, it can be written as follows:
#include <gd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <algorithm> /* For std::sort() */ #include <map> /* For associative container, std::map<> */ /* 8x8 threshold map */ static const unsigned char map[8*8] = { 0,48,12,60, 3,51,15,63, 32,16,44,28,35,19,47,31, 8,56, 4,52,11,59, 7,55, 40,24,36,20,43,27,39,23, 2,50,14,62, 1,49,13,61, 34,18,46,30,33,17,45,29, 10,58, 6,54, 9,57, 5,53, 42,26,38,22,41,25,37,21 }; /* Palette */ static const unsigned pal[16] = { 0x080000,0x201A0B,0x432817,0x492910, 0x234309,0x5D4F1E,0x9C6B20,0xA9220F, 0x2B347C,0x2B7409,0xD0CA40,0xE8A077, 0x6A94AB,0xD5C4B3,0xFCE76E,0xFCFAE2 }; /* Luminance for each palette entry, to be initialized as soon as the program begins */ static unsigned luma[16]; bool PaletteCompareLuma(unsigned index1, unsigned index2) { return luma[index1] < luma[index2]; } double ColorCompare(int r1,int g1,int b1, int r2,int g2,int b2) { double luma1 = (r1*299 + g1*587 + b1*114) / (255.0*1000); double luma2 = (r2*299 + g2*587 + b2*114) / (255.0*1000); double lumadiff = luma1-luma2; double diffR = (r1-r2)/255.0, diffG = (g1-g2)/255.0, diffB = (b1-b2)/255.0; return (diffR*diffR*0.299 + diffG*diffG*0.587 + diffB*diffB*0.114)*0.75 + lumadiff*lumadiff; } struct MixingPlan { const unsigned n_colors = 16; unsigned colors[n_colors]; }; MixingPlan DeviseBestMixingPlan(unsigned color) { MixingPlan result = { {0} }; const unsigned src[3] = { color>>16, (color>>8)&0xFF, color&0xFF }; unsigned proportion_total = 0; unsigned so_far[3] = {0,0,0}; while(proportion_total < MixingPlan::n_colors) { unsigned chosen_amount = 1; unsigned chosen = 0; const unsigned max_test_count = std::max(1u, proportion_total); double least_penalty = -1; for(unsigned index=0; index<16; ++index) { const unsigned color = pal[index]; unsigned sum[3] = { so_far[0], so_far[1], so_far[2] }; unsigned add[3] = { color>>16, (color>>8)&0xFF, color&0xFF }; for(unsigned p=1; p<=max_test_count; p*=2) { for(unsigned c=0; c<3; ++c) sum[c] += add[c]; for(unsigned c=0; c<3; ++c) add[c] += add[c]; unsigned t = proportion_total + p; unsigned test[3] = { sum[0] / t, sum[1] / t, sum[2] / t }; double penalty = ColorCompare(src[0],src[1],src[2], test[0],test[1],test[2]); if(penalty < least_penalty || least_penalty < 0) { least_penalty = penalty; chosen = index; chosen_amount = p; } } } for(unsigned p=0; p<chosen_amount; ++p) { if(proportion_total >= MixingPlan::n_colors) break; result.colors[proportion_total++] = chosen; } const unsigned color = pal[chosen]; unsigned palcolor[3] = { color>>16, (color>>8)&0xFF, color&0xFF }; for(unsigned c=0; c<3; ++c) so_far[c] += palcolor[c] * chosen_amount; } // Sort the colors according to luminance std::sort(result.colors, result.colors+MixingPlan::n_colors, PaletteCompareLuma); return result; } int main(int argc, char**argv) { FILE* fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); gdImagePtr srcim = gdImageCreateFromPng(fp); fclose(fp); unsigned w = gdImageSX(srcim), h = gdImageSY(srcim); gdImagePtr im = gdImageCreate(w, h); for(unsigned c=0; c<16; ++c) { unsigned r = pal[c]>>16, g = (pal[c]>>8) & 0xFF, b = pal[c] & 0xFF; gdImageColorAllocate(im, r,g,b); luma[c] = r*299 + g*587 + b*114; } #pragma omp parallel for for(unsigned y=0; y<h; ++y) for(unsigned x=0; x<w; ++x) { unsigned color = gdImageGetTrueColorPixel(srcim, x, y); unsigned map_value = map[(x & 7) + ((y & 7) << 3)]; MixingPlan plan = DeviseBestMixingPlan(color); map_value = map_value * MixingPlan::n_colors / 64; gdImageSetPixel(im, x,y, plan.colors[ map_value ]); } fp = fopen(argv[2], "wb"); gdImagePng(im, fp); fclose(fp); gdImageDestroy(im); gdImageDestroy(srcim); }Here is what this program produces.
#include <gd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <algorithm> /* For std::sort() */ #include <vector> #include <map> /* For associative container, std::map<> */ #define COMPARE_RGB 1 /* 8x8 threshold map */ static const unsigned char map[8*8] = { 0,48,12,60, 3,51,15,63, 32,16,44,28,35,19,47,31, 8,56, 4,52,11,59, 7,55, 40,24,36,20,43,27,39,23, 2,50,14,62, 1,49,13,61, 34,18,46,30,33,17,45,29, 10,58, 6,54, 9,57, 5,53, 42,26,38,22,41,25,37,21 }; static const double Gamma = 2.2; // Gamma correction we use. double GammaCorrect(double v) { return pow(v, Gamma); } double GammaUncorrect(double v) { return pow(v, 1.0 / Gamma); } /* CIE C illuminant */ static const double illum[3*3] = { 0.488718, 0.176204, 0.000000, 0.310680, 0.812985, 0.0102048, 0.200602, 0.0108109, 0.989795 }; struct LabItem // CIE L*a*b* color value with C and h added. { double L,a,b,C,h; LabItem() { } LabItem(double R,double G,double B) { Set(R,G,B); } void Set(double R,double G,double B) { const double* const i = illum; double X = i[0]*R + i[3]*G + i[6]*B, x = X / (i[0] + i[1] + i[2]); double Y = i[1]*R + i[4]*G + i[7]*B, y = Y / (i[3] + i[4] + i[5]); double Z = i[2]*R + i[5]*G + i[8]*B, z = Z / (i[6] + i[7] + i[8]); const double threshold1 = (6*6*6.0)/(29*29*29.0); const double threshold2 = (29*29.0)/(6*6*3.0); double x1 = (x > threshold1) ? pow(x, 1.0/3.0) : (threshold2*x)+(4/29.0); double y1 = (y > threshold1) ? pow(y, 1.0/3.0) : (threshold2*y)+(4/29.0); double z1 = (z > threshold1) ? pow(z, 1.0/3.0) : (threshold2*z)+(4/29.0); L = (29*4)*y1 - (4*4); a = (500*(x1-y1) ); b = (200*(y1-z1) ); C = sqrt(a*a + b+b); h = atan2(b, a); } LabItem(unsigned rgb) { Set(rgb); } void Set(unsigned rgb) { Set( (rgb>>16)/255.0, ((rgb>>8)&0xFF)/255.0, (rgb&0xFF)/255.0 ); } }; /* From the paper "The CIEDE2000 Color-Difference Formula: Implementation Notes, */ /* Supplementary Test Data, and Mathematical Observations", by */ /* Gaurav Sharma, Wencheng Wu and Edul N. Dalal, */ /* Color Res. Appl., vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 21-30, Feb. 2005. */ /* Return the CIEDE2000 Delta E color difference measure squared, for two Lab values */ static double ColorCompare(const LabItem& lab1, const LabItem& lab2) { #define RAD2DEG(xx) (180.0/M_PI * (xx)) #define DEG2RAD(xx) (M_PI/180.0 * (xx)) /* Compute Cromanance and Hue angles */ double C1,C2, h1,h2; { double Cab = 0.5 * (lab1.C + lab2.C); double Cab7 = pow(Cab,7.0); double G = 0.5 * (1.0 - sqrt(Cab7/(Cab7 + 6103515625.0))); double a1 = (1.0 + G) * lab1.a; double a2 = (1.0 + G) * lab2.a; C1 = sqrt(a1 * a1 + lab1.b * lab1.b); C2 = sqrt(a2 * a2 + lab2.b * lab2.b); if (C1 < 1e-9) h1 = 0.0; else { h1 = RAD2DEG(atan2(lab1.b, a1)); if (h1 < 0.0) h1 += 360.0; } if (C2 < 1e-9) h2 = 0.0; else { h2 = RAD2DEG(atan2(lab2.b, a2)); if (h2 < 0.0) h2 += 360.0; } } /* Compute delta L, C and H */ double dL = lab2.L - lab1.L, dC = C2 - C1, dH; { double dh; if (C1 < 1e-9 || C2 < 1e-9) { dh = 0.0; } else { dh = h2 - h1; /**/ if (dh > 180.0) dh -= 360.0; else if (dh < -180.0) dh += 360.0; } dH = 2.0 * sqrt(C1 * C2) * sin(DEG2RAD(0.5 * dh)); } double h; double L = 0.5 * (lab1.L + lab2.L); double C = 0.5 * (C1 + C2); if (C1 < 1e-9 || C2 < 1e-9) { h = h1 + h2; } else { h = h1 + h2; if (fabs(h1 - h2) > 180.0) { /**/ if (h < 360.0) h += 360.0; else if (h >= 360.0) h -= 360.0; } h *= 0.5; } double T = 1.0 - 0.17 * cos(DEG2RAD(h - 30.0)) + 0.24 * cos(DEG2RAD(2.0 * h)) + 0.32 * cos(DEG2RAD(3.0 * h + 6.0)) - 0.2 * cos(DEG2RAD(4.0 * h - 63.0)); double hh = (h - 275.0)/25.0; double ddeg = 30.0 * exp(-hh * hh); double C7 = pow(C,7.0); double RC = 2.0 * sqrt(C7/(C7 + 6103515625.0)); double L50sq = (L - 50.0) * (L - 50.0); double SL = 1.0 + (0.015 * L50sq) / sqrt(20.0 + L50sq); double SC = 1.0 + 0.045 * C; double SH = 1.0 + 0.015 * C * T; double RT = -sin(DEG2RAD(2 * ddeg)) * RC; double dLsq = dL/SL, dCsq = dC/SC, dHsq = dH/SH; return dLsq*dLsq + dCsq*dCsq + dHsq*dHsq + RT*dCsq*dHsq; #undef RAD2DEG #undef DEG2RAD } static double ColorCompare(int r1,int g1,int b1, int r2,int g2,int b2) { double luma1 = (r1*299 + g1*587 + b1*114) / (255.0*1000); double luma2 = (r2*299 + g2*587 + b2*114) / (255.0*1000); double lumadiff = luma1-luma2; double diffR = (r1-r2)/255.0, diffG = (g1-g2)/255.0, diffB = (b1-b2)/255.0; return (diffR*diffR*0.299 + diffG*diffG*0.587 + diffB*diffB*0.114)*0.75 + lumadiff*lumadiff; } /* Palette */ static const unsigned palettesize = 16; static const unsigned pal[palettesize] = { 0x080000,0x201A0B,0x432817,0x492910, 0x234309,0x5D4F1E,0x9C6B20,0xA9220F, 0x2B347C,0x2B7409,0xD0CA40,0xE8A077, 0x6A94AB,0xD5C4B3,0xFCE76E,0xFCFAE2 }; /* Luminance for each palette entry, to be initialized as soon as the program begins */ static unsigned luma[palettesize]; static LabItem meta[palettesize]; static double pal_g[palettesize][3]; // Gamma-corrected palette entry inline bool PaletteCompareLuma(unsigned index1, unsigned index2) { return luma[index1] < luma[index2]; } typedef std::vector<unsigned> MixingPlan; MixingPlan DeviseBestMixingPlan(unsigned color, size_t limit) { // Input color in RGB int input_rgb[3] = { ((color>>16)&0xFF), ((color>>8)&0xFF), (color&0xFF) }; // Input color in CIE L*a*b* LabItem input(color); // Tally so far (gamma-corrected) double so_far[3] = { 0,0,0 }; MixingPlan result; while(result.size() < limit) { unsigned chosen_amount = 1; unsigned chosen = 0; const unsigned max_test_count = result.empty() ? 1 : result.size(); double least_penalty = -1; for(unsigned index=0; index<palettesize; ++index) { const unsigned color = pal[index]; double sum[3] = { so_far[0], so_far[1], so_far[2] }; double add[3] = { pal_g[index][0], pal_g[index][1], pal_g[index][2] }; for(unsigned p=1; p<=max_test_count; p*=2) { for(unsigned c=0; c<3; ++c) sum[c] += add[c]; for(unsigned c=0; c<3; ++c) add[c] += add[c]; double t = result.size() + p; double test[3] = { GammaUncorrect(sum[0]/t), GammaUncorrect(sum[1]/t), GammaUncorrect(sum[2]/t) }; #if COMPARE_RGB double penalty = ColorCompare( input_rgb[0],input_rgb[1],input_rgb[2], test[0]*255, test[1]*255, test[2]*255); #else LabItem test_lab( test[0], test[1], test[2] ); double penalty = ColorCompare(test_lab, input); #endif if(penalty < least_penalty || least_penalty < 0) { least_penalty = penalty; chosen = index; chosen_amount = p; } } } // Append "chosen_amount" times "chosen" to the color list result.resize(result.size() + chosen_amount, chosen); for(unsigned c=0; c<3; ++c) so_far[c] += pal_g[chosen][c] * chosen_amount; } // Sort the colors according to luminance std::sort(result.begin(), result.end(), PaletteCompareLuma); return result; } int main(int argc, char**argv) { FILE* fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); gdImagePtr srcim = gdImageCreateFromPng(fp); fclose(fp); unsigned w = gdImageSX(srcim), h = gdImageSY(srcim); gdImagePtr im = gdImageCreate(w, h); for(unsigned c=0; c<palettesize; ++c) { unsigned r = pal[c]>>16, g = (pal[c]>>8) & 0xFF, b = pal[c] & 0xFF; gdImageColorAllocate(im, r,g,b); luma[c] = r*299 + g*587 + b*114; meta[c].Set(pal[c]); pal_g[c][0] = GammaCorrect(r/255.0); pal_g[c][1] = GammaCorrect(g/255.0); pal_g[c][2] = GammaCorrect(b/255.0); } #pragma omp parallel for for(unsigned y=0; y<h; ++y) for(unsigned x=0; x<w; ++x) { unsigned color = gdImageGetTrueColorPixel(srcim, x, y); unsigned map_value = map[(x & 7) + ((y & 7) << 3)]; MixingPlan plan = DeviseBestMixingPlan(color, 16); map_value = map_value * plan.size() / 64; gdImageSetPixel(im, x,y, plan[ map_value ]); } fp = fopen(argv[2], "wb"); gdImagePng(im, fp); fclose(fp); gdImageDestroy(im); gdImageDestroy(srcim); }An attentive reader may also notice that the code has CIEDE2000 comparisons written, though disabled. That's because it did not go as well as anticipated. Below is the result of the same program with the COMPARE_RGB hack disabled. So, yeah. CIE works better for some pictures than for others. Even a mere euclidean CIE76 ΔE brought forth the yellow scattered pixels. Disclaimer: I'm new to the CIE colorspace. I may have a fundamental misunderstanding or two somewhere.
For each pixel, Input, in the original picture: Mapping.clear() // ^ An associative array, key:palette index, value:count Color,CurrentPenalty = FindClosestColorFrom(Palette, Input) // ^ The palette index that closest resembles Input // ^ CurrentPenalty is a quantitive difference between Input and Color. Mapping[Color] = M LoopWhile CurrentPenalty <> 0 // Loop until we've got a perfect match. BestPenalty = CurrentPenalty For each pair of SplitColor, SplitCount in Mapping: Sum = 0 For each pair of OtherColor, OtherCount in Mapping: If OtherColor <> SplitColor, Then Sum = Sum + OtherColor * OtherCount EndFor Portion1 = SplitCount / 2 // Equal portion 1 Portion2 = SplitCount - Portion1 // Equal portion 2 For each viable two-color combination, Index1,Color1 and Index,Color2, in Palette: Test = (Sum + Color1 * Portion1 + Color2 * Portion2) / (M) TestPenalty = CompareColors(Input, Test) If TestPenalty < BestPenalty, Then: BestPenalty = TestPenalty BestSplitData = { SplitColor, Color1, Color2 } EndIf EndFor EndFor If BestPenalty = CurrentPenalty, Then Exit Loop. // ^ Break loop if we cannot improve the result anymore. SplitCount = Mapping[BestSplitData.SplitColor] Portion1 = SplitCount / 2 // Equal portion 1 Portion2 = SplitCount - Portion1 // Equal portion 2 Mapping.Erase(BestSplitData.SplitColor) If Portion1 > 0, Then Mapping[BestSplitData.Color1] += Portion1 If Portion2 > 0, Then Mapping[BestSplitData.Color2] += Portion2 CurrentPenalty = BestPenalty EndLoop CandidateList.Clear() For each pair of Candidate, Count in Mapping: CandidateList.Add(Candidate, Count times) EndFor CandidateList.Sort( by: luminance ) Index = ThresholdMatrix[xcoordinate % X][ycoordinate % Y] Draw pixel using CandidateList[Index * CandidateList.Size() / (X*Y)] EndForIt is slow, but very thorough. It can be made to utilize psychovisual analysis by precalculating all two-color combinations from the palette and only saving those that don't look too odd when combined. Such as, only saving those pairs where their luma (luminance) does not differ more, than the average luma difference between two successive items in the luma-sorted array, scaled by a sufficient factor. Using a matrix of size 8x8, M of 4, gamma of 2.2, the CIEDE2000 color comparison algorithm, and a luminance difference threshold of 500% of the average, we get the following picture: C++ source code that implements this algorithm is listed below. Since most of the program is the same as in algorithm 2, we will only include the modified part, which is the DeviseBestMixingPlan function):
MixingPlan DeviseBestMixingPlan(unsigned color, size_t limit) { // Input color in RGB int input_rgb[3] = { ((color>>16)&0xFF), ((color>>8)&0xFF), (color&0xFF) }; // Input color in CIE L*a*b* LabItem input(color); std::map<unsigned, unsigned> Solution; // The penalty of our currently "best" solution. double current_penalty = -1; // First, find the closest color to the input color. // It is our seed. if(1) { unsigned chosen = 0; for(unsigned index=0; index<palettesize; ++index) { const unsigned color = pal[index]; #if COMPARE_RGB unsigned r = color>>16, g = (color>>8)&0xFF, b = color&0xFF; double penalty = ColorCompare( input_rgb[0],input_rgb[1],input_rgb[2], r,g,b); #else LabItem test_lab(color); double penalty = ColorCompare(input, test_lab); #endif if(penalty < current_penalty || current_penalty < 0) { current_penalty = penalty; chosen = index; } } Solution[chosen] = limit; } double dbllimit = 1.0 / limit; while(current_penalty != 0.0) { // Find out if there is a region in Solution that // can be split in two for benefit. double best_penalty = current_penalty; unsigned best_splitfrom = ~0u; unsigned best_split_to[2] = { 0,0}; for(std::map<unsigned,unsigned>::iterator i = Solution.begin(); i != Solution.end(); ++i) { //if(i->second <= 1) continue; unsigned split_color = i->first; unsigned split_count = i->second; // Tally the other colors double sum[3] = {0,0,0}; for(std::map<unsigned,unsigned>::iterator j = Solution.begin(); j != Solution.end(); ++j) { if(j->first == split_color) continue; sum[0] += pal_g[ j->first ][0] * j->second * dbllimit; sum[1] += pal_g[ j->first ][1] * j->second * dbllimit; sum[2] += pal_g[ j->first ][2] * j->second * dbllimit; } double portion1 = (split_count / 2 ) * dbllimit; double portion2 = (split_count - split_count/2) * dbllimit; for(unsigned a=0; a<palettesize; ++a) { //if(a != split_color && Solution.find(a) != Solution.end()) continue; unsigned firstb = 0; if(portion1 == portion2) firstb = a+1; for(unsigned b=firstb; b<palettesize; ++b) { if(a == b) continue; //if(b != split_color && Solution.find(b) != Solution.end()) continue; int lumadiff = int(luma[a]) - int(luma[b]); if(lumadiff < 0) lumadiff = -lumadiff; if(lumadiff > 80000) continue; double test[3] = { GammaUncorrect(sum[0] + pal_g[a][0] * portion1 + pal_g[b][0] * portion2), GammaUncorrect(sum[1] + pal_g[a][1] * portion1 + pal_g[b][1] * portion2), GammaUncorrect(sum[2] + pal_g[a][2] * portion1 + pal_g[b][2] * portion2) }; // Figure out if this split is better than what we had #if COMPARE_RGB double penalty = ColorCompare( input_rgb[0],input_rgb[1],input_rgb[2], test[0]*255, test[1]*255, test[2]*255); #else LabItem test_lab( test[0], test[1], test[2] ); double penalty = ColorCompare(input, test_lab); #endif if(penalty < best_penalty) { best_penalty = penalty; best_splitfrom = split_color; best_split_to[0] = a; best_split_to[1] = b; } if(portion2 == 0) break; } } } if(best_penalty == current_penalty) break; // No better solution was found. std::map<unsigned,unsigned>::iterator i = Solution.find(best_splitfrom); unsigned split_count = i->second, split1 = split_count/2, split2 = split_count-split1; Solution.erase(i); if(split1 > 0) Solution[best_split_to[0]] += split1; if(split2 > 0) Solution[best_split_to[1]] += split2; current_penalty = best_penalty; } // Sequence the solution. MixingPlan result; for(std::map<unsigned,unsigned>::iterator i = Solution.begin(); i != Solution.end(); ++i) { result.resize(result.size() + i->second, i->first); } // Sort the colors according to luminance std::sort(result.begin(), result.end(), PaletteCompareLuma); return result; }
For each pixel, Input, in the original picture: SmallestPenalty = 10^99 /* Impossibly large number */ CandidateList.clear() For each combination, Mixed, in the precalculated list of combinations: Penalty = Evaluate the difference of Input and Mixed. If Penalty < SmallestPenalty, SmallestPenalty = Penalty CandidateList = Mixed.components EndIf EndFor Index = ThresholdMatrix[xcoordinate % X][ycoordinate % Y] Draw pixel using CandidateList[Index * CandidateList.Size() / (X*Y)] EndForLeft: Running this algorithm with gamma level 2.2 and color comparison operator CIE2000, with 8x8 matrix and 8 components at maximum (all unique), we get this following picture. (7258 combinations.) The combination list was formed from all unique combinations of 1…8 slots from the palette where the difference of the luminance of the brightest and dimmest elements in the mix is less than 276% of the maximum difference between the luminance of successive items in the palette.
Threshold = 0.5 // This parameter is constant and controls the dithering. // 0.0 = no dithering, 1.0 = maximal dithering. For each pixel, Input, in the original picture: Error = 0 CandidateList.clear() LoopWhile CandidateList.Size < (X * Y) Attempt = Input + Error * Threshold Candidate = FindClosestColorFrom(Palette, Attempt) CandidateList.Add(Candidate) Error = Error + (Input - Candidate) // The difference between these two color values. LoopEnd CandidateList.Sort( by: luminance ) Index = ThresholdMatrix[xcoordinate % X][ycoordinate % Y] Draw pixel using CandidateList[Index] EndForFinding the closest color from the palette can be done in a number of ways, including a naive euclidean distance in RGB space, or a ΔE comparison in CIE L*a*b* color space. We will continue to use the ColorCompare function from Yliluoma dithering version 1 to further avoid infringing on the patent¹. The complete source code is shown below. The DeviseBestMixingPlan function runs for N × M iterations for a palette of size N and a dithering pattern of size M = X×Y, complexity being O(N), and it depends on a color comparison function, ColorCompare.
#include <gd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <algorithm> /* For std::sort() */ /* 8x8 threshold map (note: the patented pattern dithering algorithm uses 4x4) */ static const unsigned char map[8*8] = { 0,48,12,60, 3,51,15,63, 32,16,44,28,35,19,47,31, 8,56, 4,52,11,59, 7,55, 40,24,36,20,43,27,39,23, 2,50,14,62, 1,49,13,61, 34,18,46,30,33,17,45,29, 10,58, 6,54, 9,57, 5,53, 42,26,38,22,41,25,37,21 }; /* Palette */ static const unsigned pal[16] = { 0x080000,0x201A0B,0x432817,0x492910, 0x234309,0x5D4F1E,0x9C6B20,0xA9220F, 0x2B347C,0x2B7409,0xD0CA40,0xE8A077, 0x6A94AB,0xD5C4B3,0xFCE76E,0xFCFAE2 }; /* Luminance for each palette entry, to be initialized as soon as the program begins */ static unsigned luma[16]; bool PaletteCompareLuma(unsigned index1, unsigned index2) { return luma[index1] < luma[index2]; } double ColorCompare(int r1,int g1,int b1, int r2,int g2,int b2) { double luma1 = (r1*299 + g1*587 + b1*114) / (255.0*1000); double luma2 = (r2*299 + g2*587 + b2*114) / (255.0*1000); double lumadiff = luma1-luma2; double diffR = (r1-r2)/255.0, diffG = (g1-g2)/255.0, diffB = (b1-b2)/255.0; return (diffR*diffR*0.299 + diffG*diffG*0.587 + diffB*diffB*0.114)*0.75 + lumadiff*lumadiff; } struct MixingPlan { unsigned colors[64]; }; MixingPlan DeviseBestMixingPlan(unsigned color) { MixingPlan result = { {0} }; const int src[3] = { color>>16, (color>>8)&0xFF, color&0xFF }; const double X = 0.09; // Error multiplier int e[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; // Error accumulator for(unsigned c=0; c<64; ++c) { // Current temporary value int t[3] = { src[0] + e[0] * X, src[1] + e[1] * X, src[2] + e[2] * X }; // Clamp it in the allowed RGB range if(t[0]<0) t[0]=0; else if(t[0]>255) t[0]=255; if(t[1]<0) t[1]=0; else if(t[1]>255) t[1]=255; if(t[2]<0) t[2]=0; else if(t[2]>255) t[2]=255; // Find the closest color from the palette double least_penalty = 1e99; unsigned chosen = c%16; for(unsigned index=0; index<16; ++index) { const unsigned color = pal[index]; const int pc[3] = { color>>16, (color>>8)&0xFF, color&0xFF }; double penalty = ColorCompare(pc[0],pc[1],pc[2], t[0],t[1],t[2]); if(penalty < least_penalty) { least_penalty = penalty; chosen=index; } } // Add it to candidates and update the error result.colors[c] = chosen; unsigned color = pal[chosen]; const int pc[3] = { color>>16, (color>>8)&0xFF, color&0xFF }; e[0] += src[0]-pc[0]; e[1] += src[1]-pc[1]; e[2] += src[2]-pc[2]; } // Sort the colors according to luminance std::sort(result.colors, result.colors+64, PaletteCompareLuma); return result; } int main(int argc, char**argv) { FILE* fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); gdImagePtr srcim = gdImageCreateFromPng(fp); fclose(fp); unsigned w = gdImageSX(srcim), h = gdImageSY(srcim); gdImagePtr im = gdImageCreate(w, h); for(unsigned c=0; c<16; ++c) { unsigned r = pal[c]>>16, g = (pal[c]>>8) & 0xFF, b = pal[c] & 0xFF; gdImageColorAllocate(im, r,g,b); luma[c] = r*299 + g*587 + b*114; } #pragma omp parallel for for(unsigned y=0; y<h; ++y) for(unsigned x=0; x<w; ++x) { unsigned color = gdImageGetTrueColorPixel(srcim, x, y); unsigned map_value = map[(x & 7) + ((y & 7) << 3)]; MixingPlan plan = DeviseBestMixingPlan(color); gdImageSetPixel(im, x,y, plan.colors[ map_value ]); } fp = fopen(argv[2], "wb"); gdImagePng(im, fp); fclose(fp); gdImageDestroy(im); gdImageDestroy(srcim); }Here is an illustration comparing the various different error multiplier levels in Thomas Knoll's algorithm. I apologize for the large inline image size.
Note: Make sure your display renders at an integral scaling ratio (such as 1x, 2x). A non-integral scaling ratio will skew the apparent brightness of dithering patterns. Ensure the browser zoom level is at 100%.First, without gamma correction:
Gamma-unaware mixing | Gamma-aware mixing |
result = a + (b−a)*ratio | a‘ = aγ b‘ = bγ result‘ = a‘ + (b‘−a‘)*ratio result = result‘1÷γ |
Gamma-unaware mixing | Gamma-aware mixing |
result = (a+b+c) ÷ 3 | a‘ = aγ b‘ = bγ c‘ = cγ result‘ = (a‘ + b‘ + c‘) ÷ 3 result = result‘1÷γ |
for(unsigned M=0; M<=3; ++M) { const unsigned dim = 1 << M; printf(" X=%u, Y=%u:\n", dim,dim); for(unsigned y=0; y<dim; ++y) { printf(" "); for(unsigned x=0; x<dim; ++x) { unsigned v = 0, mask = M-1, xc = x ^ y, yc = y; for(unsigned bit=0; bit < 2*M; --mask) { v |= ((yc >> mask)&1) << bit++; v |= ((xc >> mask)&1) << bit++; } printf("%4d", v); } printf(" |"); if(y == 0) printf(" 1/%u", dim * dim); printf("\n"); } }The algorithm can easily be extended for other rectangular matrices, as long as the lengths of both sides are powers of two. This is useful when you are rendering for an output device that uses a significantly non-square pixel aspect ratio (for example, 640×200 on CGA). Example:
for(unsigned M=0; M<=3; ++M) for(unsigned L=0; L<=3; ++L) { const unsigned xdim = 1 << M; const unsigned ydim = 1 << L; printf(" X=%u, Y=%u:\n", xdim,ydim); for(unsigned y=0; y<ydim; ++y) { printf(" "); for(unsigned x=0; x<xdim; ++x) { unsigned v = 0, offset=0, xmask = M, ymask = L; if(M==0 || (M > L && L != 0)) { unsigned xc = x ^ ((y << M) >> L), yc = y; for(unsigned bit=0; bit < M+L; ) { v |= ((yc >> --ymask)&1) << bit++; for(offset += M; offset >= L; offset -= L) v |= ((xc >> --xmask)&1) << bit++; } } else { unsigned xc = x, yc = y ^ ((x << L) >> M); for(unsigned bit=0; bit < M+L; ) { v |= ((xc >> --xmask)&1) << bit++; for(offset += L; offset >= M; offset -= M) v |= ((yc >> --ymask)&1) << bit++; } } printf("%4d", v); } printf(" |"); if(y == 0) printf(" 1/%u", xdim * ydim); printf("\n"); } }It is not perfect (for example, in 4x4, the #7 and #8 are right next to each others, and #3—#4 and #11—#12 are just one diagonal across), but it is good enough in practice. Example outputs:
X=4, Y=2: X=4, Y=8: 0 4 2 6 | 1/8 0 12 3 15 | 1/32 3 7 1 5 | 16 28 19 31 | 8 4 11 7 | X=4, Y=4: 24 20 27 23 | 0 12 3 15 | 1/16 2 14 1 13 | 8 4 11 7 | 18 30 17 29 | 2 14 1 13 | 10 6 9 5 | 10 6 9 5 | 26 22 25 21 |
X=8, Y=2: X=2, Y=2: 0 8 4 12 2 10 6 14 | 1/16 0 3 | 1/4 3 11 7 15 1 9 5 13 | 2 1 |
X=8, Y=4: X=2, Y=4: 0 16 8 24 2 18 10 26 | 1/32 0 3 | 1/8 12 28 4 20 14 30 6 22 | 4 7 | 3 19 11 27 1 17 9 25 | 2 1 | 15 31 7 23 13 29 5 21 | 6 5 |
X=8, Y=8: X=2, Y=8: 0 48 12 60 3 51 15 63 | 1/64 0 3 | 1/16 32 16 44 28 35 19 47 31 | 8 11 | 8 56 4 52 11 59 7 55 | 4 7 | 40 24 36 20 43 27 39 23 | 12 15 | 2 50 14 62 1 49 13 61 | 2 1 | 34 18 46 30 33 17 45 29 | 10 9 | 10 58 6 54 9 57 5 53 | 6 5 | 42 26 38 22 41 25 37 21 | 14 13 |Such matrices where the sides are not powers of two can be designed by hand by mimicking the same principles. However, they can have a visibly uneven look, and thus are rarely worth using. Examples:
X=5, Y=3: X=3, Y=3:
0 12 7 3 9| 1/15 0 5 2 | 1/9 14 8 1 5 11| 3 8 7 | 6 4 10 13 2| 6 1 4 |
#include <utility> // for std::pair #include "alloc/FSBAllocator.hh" /* kd-tree implementation translated to C++ * from java implementation in VideoMosaic * at */ template<typename V, unsigned K = 3> class KDTree { public: struct KDPoint { double coord[K]; KDPoint() { } KDPoint(double a,double b,double c) { coord[0] = a; coord[1] = b; coord[2] = c; } KDPoint(double v[K]) { for(unsigned n=0; n<K; ++n) coord[n] = v[n]; } bool operator==(const KDPoint& b) const { for(unsigned n=0; n<K; ++n) if(coord[n] != b.coord[n]) return false; return true; } double sqrdist(const KDPoint& b) const { double result = 0; for(unsigned n=0; n<K; ++n) { double diff = coord[n] - b.coord[n]; result += diff*diff; } return result; } }; private: struct KDRect { KDPoint min, max; KDPoint bound(const KDPoint& t) const { KDPoint p; for(unsigned i=0; i<K; ++i) if(t.coord[i] <= min.coord[i]) p.coord[i] = min.coord[i]; else if(t.coord[i] >= max.coord[i]) p.coord[i] = max.coord[i]; else p.coord[i] = t.coord[i]; return p; } void MakeInfinite() { for(unsigned i=0; i<K; ++i) { min.coord[i] = -1e99; max.coord[i] = 1e99; } } }; struct KDNode { KDPoint k; V v; KDNode *left, *right; public: KDNode() : k(),v(),left(0),right(0) { } KDNode(const KDPoint& kk, const V& vv) : k(kk), v(vv), left(0), right(0) { } virtual ~KDNode() { delete (left); delete (right); } static KDNode* ins( const KDPoint& key, const V& val, KDNode*& t, int lev) { if(!t) return (t = new KDNode(key, val)); else if(key == t->k) return 0; /* key duplicate */ else if(key.coord[lev] > t->k.coord[lev]) return ins(key, val, t->right, (lev+1)%K); else return ins(key, val, t->left, (lev+1)%K); } struct Nearest { const KDNode* kd; double dist_sqd; }; // Method Nearest Neighbor from Andrew Moore's thesis. Numbered // comments are direct quotes from there. Step "SDL" is added to // make the algorithm work correctly. static void nnbr(const KDNode* kd, const KDPoint& target, KDRect& hr, // in-param and temporary; not an out-param. int lev, Nearest& nearest) { // 1. if kd is empty then set dist-sqd to infinity and exit. if (!kd) return; // 2. s := split field of kd int s = lev % K; // 3. pivot := dom-elt field of kd const KDPoint& pivot = kd->k; double pivot_to_target = pivot.sqrdist(target); // 4. Cut hr into to sub-hyperrectangles left-hr and right-hr. // The cut plane is through pivot and perpendicular to the s // dimension. KDRect& left_hr = hr; // optimize by not cloning KDRect right_hr = hr; left_hr.max.coord[s] = pivot.coord[s]; right_hr.min.coord[s] = pivot.coord[s]; // 5. target-in-left := target_s <= pivot_s bool target_in_left = target.coord[s] < pivot.coord[s]; const KDNode* nearer_kd; const KDNode* further_kd; KDRect nearer_hr; KDRect further_hr; // 6. if target-in-left then nearer is left, further is right if (target_in_left) { nearer_kd = kd->left; nearer_hr = left_hr; further_kd = kd->right; further_hr = right_hr; } // 7. if not target-in-left then nearer is right, further is left else { nearer_kd = kd->right; nearer_hr = right_hr; further_kd = kd->left; further_hr = left_hr; } // 8. Recursively call Nearest Neighbor with parameters // (nearer-kd, target, nearer-hr, max-dist-sqd), storing the // results in nearest and dist-sqd nnbr(nearer_kd, target, nearer_hr, lev + 1, nearest); // 10. A nearer point could only lie in further-kd if there were some // part of further-hr within distance sqrt(max-dist-sqd) of // target. If this is the case then const KDPoint closest = further_hr.bound(target); if (closest.sqrdist(target) < nearest.dist_sqd) { // 10.1 if (pivot-target)^2 < dist-sqd then if (pivot_to_target < nearest.dist_sqd) { // 10.1.1 nearest := (pivot, range-elt field of kd) nearest.kd = kd; // 10.1.2 dist-sqd = (pivot-target)^2 nearest.dist_sqd = pivot_to_target; } // 10.2 Recursively call Nearest Neighbor with parameters // (further-kd, target, further-hr, max-dist_sqd) nnbr(further_kd, target, further_hr, lev + 1, nearest); } // SDL: otherwise, current point is nearest else if (pivot_to_target < nearest.dist_sqd) { nearest.kd = kd; nearest.dist_sqd = pivot_to_target; } } private: void operator=(const KDNode&); public: KDNode(const KDNode& b) : k(b.k), v(b.v), left( b.left ? new KDNode(*b.left) : 0), right( b.right ? new KDNode(*b.right) : 0 ) { } }; private: KDNode* m_root; public: KDTree() : m_root(0) { } virtual ~KDTree() { delete (m_root); } bool insert(const KDPoint& key, const V& val) { return KDNode::ins(key, val, m_root, 0); } const std::pair<V,double> nearest(const KDPoint& key) const { KDRect hr; hr.MakeInfinite(); typename KDNode::Nearest nn; nn.kd = 0; nn.dist_sqd = 1e99; KDNode::nnbr(m_root, key, hr, 0, nn); if(!nn.kd) return std::pair<V,double> ( V(), 1e99 ); return std::pair<V,double> ( nn.kd->v, nn.dist_sqd); } public: KDTree& operator=(const KDTree&b) { if(this != &b) { if(m_root) delete (m_root); m_root = b.m_root ? new KDNode(*b.m_root) : 0; m_count = b.m_count; } return *this; } KDTree(const KDTree& b) : m_root( b.m_root ? new KDNode(*b.m_root) : 0 ), m_count( b.m_count ) { } };It can be initialized and used like below (in this example, used with CIE76, i.e. euclidean distance in CIE L*a*b* space):
KDTree<unsigned> tree; // Initialize tree: for(unsigned index=0; index<PaletteSize; ++index) { LabItem lab = palette[index]; tree.ins( KDTree<unsigned>::KDPoint( lab.L, lab.a, lab.b), index ); } ... // Example for searching the tree for nearest match for particular input: std::pair<unsigned,double> result = tree.nearest( KDPoint( input.L, input.a, input.b ) ); unsigned nearest_paletteindex = result.first; double match_penalty = result.second; // euclidean distance squared.This code puts only palette values into the tree, but you can also put there pre-mixed color combinations, etc. It does not make much difference to the speed whether you search 16 palette items linearly or with a kd-tree, but it does make a fantastic difference whether you search 2882880 combinations linearly or by using a kd-tree.
in="$1" tmp=""$$".png" fin="_$1" rm -f "$fin" bsize="`stat -c %s $in`" sizes="-n1 -n2 -n3 -n4 -n5 -n6 -n7 -n8 -n9 -n10 -n11 -n12 -n13" filters="0 1 2 3 4 5" advpng -z -4 "$in" optipng -o7 "$in" wine /usr/local/bin/DeflOpt.exe "$in" for filter in $filters;do for bufsize in $sizes;do rm -f "$tmp" while [ $(jobs -p|wc -l) -ge 4 ]; do sleep 0.2; done if true; then f="$tmp"."$BASHPID".png pngout -v -f$filter $bufsize "$in" "$f" flock -s 333 size="`stat -c %s "$f"`" if [ $bsize -gt $size ]; then wine /usr/local/bin/DeflOpt.exe "$f" mv -f "$f" "$fin" bsize="$size" else rm -f "$f" fi fi & done done 333< "$in" wait mv -f "$fin" "$in"