snescom demo

Here's a demonstration how I use snescom, a free 65816 assembler + linker to create a simple SNES (Hi)ROM.

Filename description
header.a65 The main assembly module. It contains the snes header and interrupt vectors. It will be compiled to an IPS file and it will populate ROM addresses $00FF00 to $00FFFF.
reset.a65 Module: game reset routines. Initializes the PPU and sets up the IRQ to do DMA and such stuff.
It's location in the ROM is decided at link time.
main.a65 The main module. It just draws something on the screen and then goes to a powersaving loop.
It's location in the ROM is decided at link time.
gfx.a65 This assembly file defines the palettes and the tiles.
It's location in the ROM is decided at link time.
memmap.i65 Include file defining some RAM/VRAM locations.
Makefile Makefile contains the rom build instructions for the "make" program.
demo.smc This is the ROM that is created as a result. It has a proper checksum. (256 kB)

Copyright © 1992, 2006 Bisqwit (

See also: nescom demo for NES compiling