Cromfs filesystem structure / format description. cromfs - Copyright (C) 1992,2007 Bisqwit ( License: GPL3 Homepage: VERSION 03 Used in 1.5.4 However, this version will still change. Backward compatibility will be maintained. -------------------------------- Note: Inode 1 is assumed to be the root directory by the kernel. Types: u64 = unsigned 64-bit little-endian integer u32 = unsigned 32-bit little-endian integer u24 = unsigned 24-bit little-endian integer u16 = unsigned 16-bit little-endian integer char = unsigned 8-bit byte smth[] = zero or more instances of smth (a contiguous array) Other types are STRUCTs, and are explained in the document. OVERALL STRUCTURE OBJECT: SUPERBLOCK Offset Type Meaning 0000 u64 CROMFS SIGNATURE "CROMFS03" 0008 u64 Location of BLKDATA within the filesystem 0010 u64 Location of FBLKTAB within the filesystem (must be last) 0018 u64 Location of the Inotab inode within the filesystem 0020 u64 Location of the Root directory within the filesystem 0028 u32 FSIZE Maximum size of uncompressed FBLOCK 002C u32 BSIZE Size of uncompressed blocks 0030 u64 Bytes of file data on disk (only there for statvfs) 0038 u64 Size of Rootdir inode in bytes (only in CROMFS03 when growth is enabled) 0040 u64 Size of Inotab inode in bytes (only in CROMFS03 when growth is enabled) 0048 u64 Size of BLKDATA in bytes (only in CROMFS03 when growth is enabled) .... INODE ROOTDIR (root directory) .... INODE INOTAB (only the "list of blocks" is used) .... BLKDATA LZMA-compressed array of BLOCK entries. .... FBLOCK[] FBLKTAB = compressed storage Since CROMFS03, padding is allowed between elements, using sparse files. Since CROMFS02, ROOTDIR and INOTAB are stored compressed. (Before: uncompressed) If the "size" fields are not present in the header, the order of ROOTDIR, INOTAB, BLKDATA and FBLKTAB must be exactly as indicated with no padding in between. In any case, FBLKTAB must be the last item in the filesystem. In CROMFS03, the INOTAB inode contains flag bits in the inode's "mode" field: byte 3 byte 2 byte 1 byte 0 00000000 000000mb 0000vk23 0000000f f: 1 = fblocks are stored sparsely (padded to FSIZE) (this also causes inotab to be stored sparsely) 0 = fblocks are stored tightly (no padding) 23: 00 = blocknums in inodes are 32-bit 01 = blocknums in inodes are 24-bit 10 = blocknums in inodes are 16-bit 11 = undefined k: 1 = BLOCKs are packed 0 = BLOCks are not packed v: 1 = Each inode has an individual block size setting (variable block size) 0 = The superblock's block size setting is global m: 1 = Using MTF (move-to-front) filtering, 0 = not Note: MTF is no longer supported (since version 1.5.3). Don't use. b: 1 = Using BWT (burrows-wheeler-transform) filtering, 0 = not Note: BWT is no longer supported (since version 1.5.3). Don't use. Technically, ROOTDIR could be placed into INOTAB just like all the other inodes. However, the reason it was not initially done so, was because ROOTDIR must have inode number 1, and for writing inode 1, one must know the length of the inode before being able to write other inodes, but in earlier versions of mkcromfs, the ROOTDIR contents were made aware of last. --------------------------- STRUCT: FBLOCK (size: 13 + n) 0000 u32 length of compressed data 0004 char[] LZMA-compressed data, length indicated in above field 0009 u64 length of uncompressed data (this field is part of the LZMA stream) (Note: Since cromfs version 1.0.5, FBLOCKs are variable-length. Previously they were all of FSIZE size.) (Note: Since cromfs version 1.1.0, FSIZE indicates the maximum size of uncompressed FBLOCKs. Previously it indicated the maximum size of compressed FBLOCKs.) If MTF or BWT filters are enabled, they are operated on the decompressed FBLOCK data. The order when extracting is to first decode MTF, then decode BWT. In compressing the order is the opposite. STRUCT: BLKDATA (LZMA-compressed) (size: 8*n) 0000 BLOCK[] BLKTAB = all blocks of the filesystem (indexed by block number) (Note: To handle BLKDATA effeciently, it must be decompressed entirely into the RAM when the block lists are needed. This typically might consume several megabytes of RAM. However, cromfs-driver deallocates the data periodically when the filesystem has been idle for some time.) STRUCT: BLOCK (size: 8) (when BLOCKs are not packed) 0000 u32 FBLOCK number (0=first FBLOCK, 1=second FBLOCK, etc) 0004 u32 starting offset within the _uncompressed data_ for this data (Note: different BLOCKs may utilize the same data from same FBLOCK. The regions which they use may overlap partially or completely. They do not need to be aligned.) (This record refers to at most BSIZE bytes of data, but may actually refer to less data if this is the last block of the file.) STRUCT: BLOCK (size: 4) (when BLOCKs are packed) 0000 u32 datavalue datavalue is decoded into FBLOCK number and starting offset as follows: offset = datavalue MOD FSIZE fblocknum = datavalue / FSIZE For meanings, see the "not packed" explanation above. STRUCT: INODE (size: 24 + b*n) where b = block number size in bytes size is rounded up to 4-byte boundary. 0000 u32 mode 0004 u32 mtime 0008 u32 rdev, if a device, hardlink count otherwise 000C u16 uid 000E u16 gid 0010 u64 size in bytes Only when variable block sizes are enabled: 0018 u32 block size for this inode N = 001C else, N = 0018 when block numbers are 32-bit: N u32[] (data locators: indexes to BLKTAB, 0=first BLOCK,1=second BLOCK,...) when block numbers are 24-bit: N u24[] (data locators: indexes to BLKTAB, 0=first BLOCK,1=second BLOCK,...) when block numbers are 16-bit: N u16[] (data locators: indexes to BLKTAB, 0=first BLOCK,1=second BLOCK,...) (Note: Location of uid&gid and rdev have been changed in version 1.1.2) STRUCT: ENTRY (size: 9 + n) 0000 u64 inode number 0008 char[] file name, nul-terminated ALL FILES ARE COMPRESSED (the content is spread across different FBLOCKs) FILE CONTENT WHEN: INOTAB (size: n) 0000 INODE[] all inodes of the filesystem (note: INODE is variable-length). the beginning of each inode is at offset ((inodenumber-2) * 4) inodenumber 1 is the ROOTDIR (not stored in INOTAB), and inodenumber 0 is error. FILE CONTENT WHEN: DIRECTORY (size: 4 + (4+entrysize) * n) 0000 u32 number of files in directory 0004 u32[] index into each file entry (from directory entry beginning) 0004 ENTRY[] each file entry (variable length) (Note: The files in a directory are sorted in an asciibetical order. This enables an implementation of lookup() using a binary search, minimizing the amount of data accessed (and thus yielding fast access in case of heavy fragmentation). ) (Note 2: Currently the algorithm in read_dir() assumes that the directory entry pointers are in numeric order. If that does not hold, it will fail. ) FILE CONTENT WHEN: SYMLINK (size: n) 0000 char[] link text, not nul-terminated FILE CONTENT WHEN: REGULAR FILES (size: n) 0000 content file content For other types of files, file has no content (size=0, blocktab=empty) --------------------------------