SGF replayer for MS-DOS (written in QuickBASIC)

I actually began writing this program in GW-BASIC, but had to switch to QuickBASIC because of GWBASIC's string length limit of 255, which would have made the comment handling too cumbersome. This also granted me the use of MODE 13h for graphics. There remains only a single line number in the code reminding of the program's GW-BASIC origins.

Source code


SGFtoLoad$ = "test.sgf"

TYPE SGFnode ' An attribute that pertains to a move
  tag  AS STRING*2
  offs AS INTEGER ' Location in file (or link to first move if tag = "( ")
  link AS INTEGER ' Link to the next node associated with this move
  offs AS INTEGER ' Link to first node
  link AS INTEGER ' Link to next move in this series
DIM SHARED c$, node(2000) AS SGFnode, move(2000) AS SGFmove
DIM SHARED nodecount, movecount
DIM SHARED dither8x8(8,8) AS SINGLE, Font6x5(96,5), Font6x7(96,7)
DIM SHARED boardstate(19*19), captures(2), remtime(2) AS SINGLE, names$(2)
DIM SHARED background(34), commenty, commentmovebuf(7684)
DIM SHARED shine!, shinecenterx, shinecentery, hlt(1)

CONST ActiveTimeColor  = 14, PassivetimeColor = 10
CONST PlayerKibitzColor = 14, OtherKibitzColor = 7, ShadowKibitzColor = 8
CONST PlayerNameColor = 14, PlayerNameSurpriseColor = 7
CONST StatusKibitzColor = 15
CONST LoadingDotsColor = 6
CONST GammaColorStart = 50

hlt(0) = &HCBF4' HLT; RETF.


DrawText 20,190,"Initializing graphics...",11
'FOR y=0 TO 7: FOR x=0 TO 7: SetP x,y, 20,10,90: NEXT x,y
FOR y=0 TO 7: FOR x=0 TO 7: SetP x,y, 70,40,3: NEXT x,y
FOR y=0 TO 192 STEP 8:FOR x=0 TO 312 STEP 8:Put(x,y),background,PSET:NEXT x,y

c$ = CHR$(10)
s$ = "Real-time KGS gamelog replayer written"+c$
DrawText 216,170,s$+"by Joel Yliluoma"+c$+"in 2011-02-18", 6

OPEN SGFtoLoad$ AS #1 LEN=1: FIELD #1, 1 AS c$
tmp = DrawText2(1,1, "Loading "+SGFtoLoad$,  0)
tmp = DrawText2(0,0, "Loading "+SGFtoLoad$, 15)
root = SGFparse(1) ' Parse SGF file

'On 320x200, to fit 19x19 goban, each cell can maximally be 12x10.
'To allow some room for the chat window, we'll make it 10x8.
'Thus, it becomes 190x152.
'But to allow coordinates on each size and at top, 21x20 -> 210x160.
DEF FNx(x) = x*10
DEF FNy(y) = y*8-3
FOR y=0 TO 19:  SOUND 40+RND*30,0.1
FOR x=0 TO 20: DrawBoard x,y, 0,0:NEXT x,y

GameRun 0

  IF ERR = 90 THEN
    SCREEN 0,1,0,0
    WIDTH 80,25
    PRINT "End"

' Parse a SGF file or a structure in the file. This function is recursive.
FUNCTION SGFparse(beginoffset)
  n1 = -1 ' First node number (will be saved to move.offs)
  pn = -1 ' Previous node number (will be saved to
  pm = -1 ' Previous move number (will be saved to
  GET #1, beginoffset: IF c$ <> "(" THEN ERROR 2 ' syntax error
  tag$ = ""
    y$ = INKEY$
    IF y$ = "q" OR y$ = CHR$(27) OR y$ = CHR$(3) THEN ERROR 90

    GET #1: k = ASC(c$)
    IF playstep=15 THEN playstep=0:PLAY "MB MSt255 O6g64e64"

    tmp=DrawChar2(x+1,y+1, 46, 0)
    x=x+DrawChar2(x,y, 46, LoadingDotsColor): IF x>206 THEN x=0: y=y+3
    IF EOF(1) OR k = 59 OR k = 41 THEN 'New turn if ";" or ")"
      move(movecount).offs = n1 'New turn. Add move.
      IF pm >= 0 THEN move(pm).link = movecount
      n1 = -1 ' Begin new node-chain
      pn = -1
      pm = movecount 'Save previous move number
      DrawTextCaption 216,5, "Move", STR$(movecount-2), 2
      movecount = movecount + 1
      IF k <> 59 THEN EXIT DO 'eof and ")" terminate the parsing loop.
    ELSEIF k > 32 THEN 'Ignore blanks between tags
      IF k = 40 THEN 'Recurse on "("
        beginpos = SGFparse(LOC(1))
        tag$     = "("
        IF k <> 91 THEN 'Read tag name unless "[" immediately follows
          tag$ = ""
          WHILE k <> 91 AND NOT EOF(1)
            IF k >= 65 AND k <= 90 THEN tag$ = tag$ + c$ 'Add only A-Z
            GET #1: k = ASC(c$)
          IF k <> 91 THEN ERROR 2 'After the tag should be values, in brackets.
        END IF
        'Read value
        beginpos = LOC(1)+1
        value$   = SGFreadString$(beginpos)
      END IF
      'Add to tree
      nodecount = nodecount + 1 'Ensure node numbers begin from 1 by preincrementing.
      node(nodecount).tag = tag$
      node(nodecount).offs = beginpos
      SELECT CASE tag$
        CASE "KM"
          'draw komi
          DrawTextCaption 270,5, "Komi:", value$, 10
        CASE "HA"
          'draw handicap
          DrawTextCaption 270,20, "Handicap:", value$, 10
        CASE "PB"
          'set black player name
          DrawTextCaption 270,40, "Black:", "???", PlayerNameSurpriseColor
        CASE "PW"
          'set white player name
          DrawTextCaption 216,40, "White:", "???", PlayerNameSurpriseColor
        CASE "BR"
          'set black player rank
          DrawText 308,46, value$, 10
        CASE "WR"
          'set white player rank
          DrawText 256,46, value$, 10
        CASE "DT"
          'set datetime
          DrawText 264,100, value$, 14 
        CASE "PC"
          'set place
          DrawText 216,100, "Played at:", 15
          DrawText 212,106, value$, 10
        CASE "TM"
          'set time
          t! = VAL(value$)
          remtime(1) = t!
          remtime(2) = t!
          DrawTextCaption 216,58, "Time:", strtime$(remtime(1)), PassiveTimeColor
          DrawTextCaption 270,58, "Time:", strtime$(remtime(2)), PassiveTimeColor
      IF pn >= 0 THEN node(pn).link = nodecount
      IF n1 = -1 THEN n1 = nodecount 'Save first node number
      pn = nodecount 'Save previous node number
    END IF
  DrawTextCaption 216,5, "Loading", "Complete", 2
  SGFparse = pm

' Read a string from SGF file, parsing escapes and terminating on EOF or "]"
FUNCTION SGFreadString$(beginpos)
  value$ = ""
  SEEK #1, beginpos
1 DO
    GET #1: k = ASC(c$)
    IF k = 93 OR EOF(1) THEN EXIT DO ' EOF or "]" terminate string.
    IF k = 92 THEN GET #1: k = ASC(c$): IF k < 32 THEN 1
    value$ = value$ + c$
  SGFreadString = value$

SUB SGFdump(moveid, indent)
  nodeid = move(moveid).offs
    WHILE nodeid > 0
      IF node(nodeid).tag = "( " THEN
        SGFdump node(nodeid).offs, indent+2
        s$ = SGFreadString$( node(nodeid).offs )
        ?SPC(indent) "<";node(nodeid).tag;">"; s$
      END IF
      nodeid = node(nodeid).link
    WEND ' loop node-chain
    moveid = move(moveid).link
  LOOP WHILE moveid > 0 'loop next-move

FUNCTION SGFfindTag$(moveid, tag$)
  nodeid = move(moveid).offs
  WHILE nodeid > 0
    IF node(nodeid).tag = tag$ THEN
      SGFfindTag$ = SGFreadString$( node(nodeid).offs )
      EXIT SUB
    END IF
    nodeid = node(nodeid).link
  WEND ' loop node-chain

SUB DrawSetPalette(begin, gamma!)
  OUT &H3C8, 13
  IF gamma! > 1 THEN
    OUT &H3C9, ABS(gamma!-1)*38
    OUT &H3C9, ABS(gamma!-1)*33
    OUT &H3C9, ABS(gamma!-1)*20
    OUT &H3C9, ABS(gamma!-1)*78
    OUT &H3C9, ABS(gamma!-1)*73
    OUT &H3C9, ABS(gamma!-1)*60
  OUT &H3C8, 16+begin
  FOR r=0 TO 5: FOR g=0 TO 7: FOR b=0 TO 4
    IF begin > 0 THEN
      IF gamma! = 1.0 THEN
        OUT &H3C9, r*12.6
        OUT &H3C9, g*9
        OUT &H3C9, b*15.75
        rr! = (r/5)^gamma!
        gg! = (g/7)^gamma!
        bb! = (b/4)^gamma!
        OUT &H3C9, INT(rr! * 63.9)
        OUT &H3C9, INT(gg! * 63.9)
        OUT &H3C9, INT(bb! * 63.9)
      END IF
    END IF
  NEXT b,g,r

SUB DrawInitialize
  'Set up a 6*8*5 linear 240-color palette.
  'Btw. 252 would allow 9*7*4 or 6*6*7...
  DrawSetPalette 0, 1.0
  DrawSetPalette gammaColorStart, 1.8

  ' Set up a 8x8 bayer ordered dithering matrix.
  FOR y=0 TO 7: FOR x=0 TO 7
    q = x XOR y
    p = (x AND 4)\4 + (x AND 2)*2 + (x AND 1)*16
    q = (q AND 4)\2 + (q AND 2)*4 + (q AND 1)*32
    dither8x8(y,x) = ((p+q)) / 64.0
  NEXT x,y
  DEF SEG = &HA000
  FOR y=0 TO 94: FOR x=0 TO 5: READ Font6x5(y,x): NEXT x,y
  FOR y=0 TO 94: FOR x=0 TO 7: READ Font6x7(y,x): NEXT x,y
  'FOR x=0 TO 255:LINE(x,0)-(x,199),x:NEXT

'Draw a RGB pixel. Give RGB in 0..999 range. Uses dithering.
SUB SetP(x,y, r,g,b)
  q! = dither8x8(y AND 7, x AND 7)
  rr = INT(r * 0.005005005005! + q!) ' 5/999
  gg = INT(g * 0.007007007007! + q!) ' 7/999
  bb = INT(b * 0.004004004004! + q!) ' 4/999
  POKE y * 320& + x, 16 + bb + gg*5 + rr*40

' Draw a character ch at given coordinates using color c.
' No dithering. No kerning. Return value: Width.
FUNCTION DrawChar1(x,y, chn, c)
  ch = CharIdx(chn)
  w = Font6x5(ch, 0)
  IF c >= 0 THEN
    FOR py = 1 TO 5
      p = Font6x5(ch, py)
      o& = (y+py-1) * 320& + x
      m = 128
      FOR px = 1 TO w
        IF p AND m THEN POKE o&, c
        o& = o& + 1
    NEXT px,py
  DrawChar1 = w
FUNCTION CharIdx(chn)
  ch = chn
  IF ch > 127 THEN ch = 85 ' assume "U"
  IF ch >= 32 THEN ch = ch - 32
  CharIdx = ch
FUNCTION DrawChar2(x,y, chn, c)
  ch = CharIdx(chn)
  w = Font6x7(ch, 0)
  IF c >= 0 THEN
    FOR py = 1 TO 7
      p = Font6x7(ch, py)
      o& = (y+py-1) * 320& + x
      m = 128
      FOR px = 1 TO w
        IF p AND m THEN POKE o&, c
        o& = o& + 1
    NEXT px,py
  DrawChar2 = w

SUB DrawText(bx,by, value$, c)
  tmp = DrawText1(bx,by,value$,c)

FUNCTION DrawText1(bx,by, value$, c)
  l = LEN(value$)
  x = bx: y = by
  x1 = x
  FOR a = 1 TO l
    ch = ASC(MID$(value$, a, 1))
    IF ch = 32 THEN
      'wrap if necessary
      wordlen = 0
      FOR b = a+1 TO l
        ch = ASC(MID$(value$, b, 1))
        IF ch = 32 THEN EXIT FOR
        wordlen = wordlen + Font6x5(CharIdx(ch), 0)
      IF x+wordlen >= 320 THEN x = x1:y=y+6 ELSE x = x+4
    ELSEIF ch = 10 THEN
      x = x1: y =  y+6
      x = x + DrawChar1(x,y, ch, c)
    END IF
  DrawText1 = y-by+6

' Draw text and return height in pixels
FUNCTION DrawText2(bx,by, value$, c)
  l = LEN(value$)
  x = bx: y = by
  x1 = x
  FOR a = 1 TO l
    ch = ASC(MID$(value$, a, 1))
    IF ch = 32 THEN
      'wrap if necessary
      wordlen = 0
      FOR b = a+1 TO l
        ch = ASC(MID$(value$, b, 1))
        IF ch = 32 THEN EXIT FOR
        wordlen = wordlen + Font6x7(CharIdx(ch), 0)
      IF x+wordlen >= 320 THEN x = x1:y=y+7 ELSE x = x+4
    ELSEIF ch = 10 THEN
      x = x1: y =  y+7
      x = x + DrawChar2(x,y, ch, c)
    END IF
  DrawText2 = y-by+7

SUB DrawBoard(bx,by, stone, mark)
  yp = FNy(by)
  xp = FNx(bx)
  ' Optional features:
  '   Board markings:
  '     Line left, right, up, down
  '     Dot in the middle
  '   Stone:
  '     White stone
  '     Black stone
  IF bx=0 OR bx=20 OR by=0 THEN
    linemask = 0
    linemask = 15 + (bx=1) + (bx=19)*2 + (by=1)*4 + (by=19)*8
  hoshi = (bx=4 OR bx=10 OR bx=16) AND (by=4 OR by=10 OR by=16)
  hm1 = FNy(by+1)-yp-1
  wm1 = FNx(bx+1)-xp-1
  'stone = (bx+by)MOD 3

  stonevalue = 0
  IF stone = 1 THEN
    stonevalue = 970: stonesize! = 4.2
  ELSEIF stone = 2 THEN
    stonevalue = 170: stonesize! = 4.05

  IF stonevalue THEN
    'Highlight spot on the stone; location is random
    spotx! = wm1/2 + wm1 * .3 * COS((bx+by*19)*17)
    spoty! = hm1/2 + hm1 * .3 * SIN((bx+by*19)*17)

  FOR y=0 TO hm1
    FOR x1=0 TO wm1
      x = x1 + xp
      r = 900*.82 +10*COS((x+yp)*.1)
      g = 786*.70 +20*SIN(x*.1)
      b = 375*.65
      IF y=4 OR x1=5 THEN
        ' Check line drawing
        horizmask = (x1<=5)*1 + (x1>=5)*2
        vertmask = (y<=4)*4 + (y>=4)*8
        IF (linemask AND -horizmask)<>0 AND (linemask AND -vertmask)<>0 THEN
          r = r \ 2
          g = g \ 2
          b = b \ 2
        END IF
      END IF
      IF hoshi AND (ABS(y-4)<2 AND ABS(x1-5)<2) THEN
      END IF
      IF shine! > 0.15 THEN
        sdx! = ABS(shinecenterx-x)/1.2
        sdy! = ABS(shinecentery-yp)
        sd! = SQR(sdx!*sdx! + sdy!*sdy!) * (8+(sdx!)*(sdy!))
        shinelevel! = (shine!*shine!) / (1 + sd!*sd!)
        r = r + shinelevel!*7e5
        g = g + shinelevel!*7e5
        b = b + shinelevel!*7e6
        IF r > 999 THEN r = 999
        IF g > 999 THEN g = 999
        IF b > 999 THEN b = 999
      END IF
      IF stonevalue THEN
        dy! = (y  - hm1/2)
        dx! = (x1 - wm1/2)/1.2
        dist! = SQR(dx! * dx! + dy! * dy!)
        IF dist! < stonesize! THEN
          ' Stone color + stripe detail + roundness
          l = stonevalue + 19 * sin((x+yp)*.7) - dist!*70
          ' Add specular highlight spot
          dy! = (y  - spoty!)
          dx! = (x1 - spotx!)/1.2
          dist2! = dx! * dx! + dy! * dy!
          IF dist2! < 2 THEN l = l + 340-dist2!*100
          ' Clamp
          IF l>999 THEN l=999 ELSE IF l<0 THEN l=0
          IF mark AND dist! >= 0.7 AND dist! <= 1.7 THEN
            power! = 1.7-dist!
            l = l*power! + (999-l)*(1-power!)
          END IF
          IF dist! >= 3.8 THEN 'antialias (mix with board gfx)
            r = (r+l)/2
            g = (g+l)/2
            b = (b+l)/2
            r = l
            g = l
            b = l
          END IF
        END IF
      END IF
      SetP x,yp, r,g,b
  'IF mark THEN
  '  LINE (xp+3,yp-6)-(xp+6,yp-3), 12,BF

SUB DrawBoardDecorations
  colour = 13
  FOR y=1 TO 19
    s$ = str$(19-y+1)
    x  = 0
    IF 19-y+1 >= 10 THEN x = x - 2
    DrawText FNx(0)+x,   FNy(y)+2, s$, colour
    DrawText FNx(20)+x-2,FNy(y)+2, s$, colour
    DrawText FNx(y)+4,   FNy(0)+3, CHR$(c), colour
    IF c=73 THEN c=c+1 ' Skip over "I"

SUB DrawFontSamples
  tmp = DrawText2(0,100, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", 2)
  tmp = DrawText2(0,110, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 2)
  tmp = DrawText1(0,120, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", 2)
  tmp = DrawText1(0,128, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 2)

FUNCTION CheckCapture(bx,by, samecolour, captureroffs)
  DIM pending(256)
  DIM state(19*19)
  liberties  = 0
  pendinghead = 0
  pendingtail = 0
  x = bx
  y = by
  offs = y * 19 + x
    ' With a djikstra breadth-first floodfill algorithm,
    ' find out what the extents of this group are.
    ' At the edges of the group are either board's edges,
    ' opponent's stones, or empty intersections.
    ' Only empty intersections count as liberties.
    ' If the group has no liberties left, it
    ' is captured and removed from the board.
    IF state(offs) = 0 THEN
      state(offs) = 1
      SELECT CASE boardstate(offs)
        CASE 0
          liberties = liberties + 1
        CASE samecolour
          IF x > 0 THEN
            IF state(offs-1) = 0 THEN
              pending(pendinghead) = offs-1
              pendinghead = (pendinghead + 1) AND 255
            END IF
          END IF
          IF x < 18 THEN
            IF state(offs+1) = 0 THEN
              pending(pendinghead) = offs+1
              pendinghead = (pendinghead + 1) AND 255
            END IF
          END IF
          IF y > 0 THEN
            IF state(offs-19) = 0 THEN
              pending(pendinghead) = offs-19
              pendinghead = (pendinghead + 1) AND 255
            END IF
          END IF
          IF y < 18 THEN
            IF state(offs+19) = 0 THEN
              pending(pendinghead) = offs+19
              pendinghead = (pendinghead + 1) AND 255
            END IF
          END IF
    END IF
    IF pendingtail = pendinghead THEN EXIT DO
    offs = pending(pendingtail)
    pendingtail = (pendingtail+1)AND 255
    x = offs MOD 19
    y = offs \ 19
  IF liberties = 0 THEN
    captures = 0
    FOR y = 0 TO 18
      FOR x = 0 TO 18
        offs = y*19 + x
        IF state(offs) AND (boardstate(offs) = samecolour) THEN
          boardstate(offs) = 0
          DrawBoard x+1, y+1, 0, 0
          captures = captures + 1
        END IF
    NEXT x,y
    ' Return value: The number of captured stones
    CheckCapture = captures
    ' If the capturer was just one stone, whose only liberty
    ' is in the spot that was just freed, mark a "ko".
    ' Note: Remember to unmark the "ko" later.

SUB GamePlayStone(x,y, colour)
  offs = y * 19 + x
  boardstate(offs) = colour
  opponent = 3-colour
  c = 0
  IF x>0 THEN
    IF boardstate(offs-1) = opponent THEN c = c + CheckCapture(x-1,y, opponent, offs)
  IF x<19-1 THEN
    IF boardstate(offs+1) = opponent THEN c = c + CheckCapture(x+1,y, opponent, offs)
  IF y>0 THEN
    IF boardstate(offs-19) = opponent THEN c = c + CheckCapture(x,y-1, opponent, offs)
  IF y<19-1 THEN
    IF boardstate(offs+19) = opponent THEN c = c + CheckCapture(x,y+1, opponent, offs)
  IF c > 0 THEN
    PLAY "mst255 l32 o2 a>e>c"
    captures(colour) = captures(colour) + c
    x = 216 + (colour-1)*54
    DrawTextCaption x,80, MID$("WB",colour,1)+" capture", "+"+STR$(captures(colour)),10

SUB DrawTextCaption(xp,yp, label$, text$, colour)
  x1 = xp AND &HFF8
  y1 = yp AND &HFF8
  x2 = x1 + 24
  IF LEN(label$) > 7 OR LEN(text$) > 7 THEN x2 = x2 + 16
  IF x2 > 312 THEN x2=312
  FOR x = x1 TO x2 STEP 8
    PUT(x, y1), background, PSET
    PUT(x, y1+8), background, PSET
  DrawText xp+1,yp+1, label$, 0
  DrawText xp+1,yp+7, text$, 0
  DrawText xp,yp, label$, 15
  DrawText xp,yp+6, text$, colour

SUB DrawCommentLine(comment$, size, moveno)
  'DrawTextCaption 0,0, "commenty", str$(commenty)+comment$,15
  ' Calculate how much room the text needs
  miny = FNy(20)
  IF size = 2 THEN
    STATIC prevmoveno
    IF moveno+1 <> prevmoveno THEN
      prevmoveno = moveno+1
      IF moveno = 0 THEN
        DrawCommentLine "Game Start", 1, moveno
        DrawCommentLine "Move"+STR$(moveno), 1, moveno
      END IF
    END IF
    height = DrawText2(2,0, comment$, -1)
    height = DrawText1(2,0, comment$, -1)
  roomneeded = (commenty+height)-200
  IF roomneeded > 0 THEN
    ' Round up the room to 8
    roomneeded = (roomneeded+7)AND &HF8
    ' Roomneeded = height of empty in the bottom of screen
    movesize   = (200-miny) - roomneeded
    x2 = FNx(21)
    'Scroll the text window up
    GET(0, miny+roomneeded)-(x2-1,199), commentmovebuf
    PUT(0, miny), commentmovebuf, PSET
    GET(x2,126+roomneeded)-(319,199), commentmovebuf
    PUT(x2,126), commentmovebuf, PSET
    'Clear the bottom part that is now free
    FOR y = miny+movesize TO 192 STEP 8
      FOR x = 0 TO 312 STEP 8
        PUT (x,y), background, PSET
    NEXT x,y
    'Render shadows
    FOR y=miny TO miny+1
      o1& = y*320&: o2& = o1& + x2
      FOR o& = o1& TO o2&
        IF PEEK(o&) < 16 AND PEEK(o&) > 0 THEN POKE o&, ShadowKibitzColor
    NEXT o&,y
    FOR y=126 TO 127
      o1& = y*320&+x2: o2& = o1&+319-x2
      FOR o& = o1& TO o2&
        IF PEEK(o&) < 16 AND PEEK(o&) > 0 THEN POKE o&, ShadowKibitzColor
    NEXT o&,y
    'Update comment cursor
    commenty = commenty - roomneeded
  IF size = 2 THEN
    colour = OtherKibitzColor
    FOR y = 1 TO 2
      IF LEFT$(comment$, LEN(names$(y))) = names$(y) THEN colour = PlayerKibitzColor
    colour = StatusKibitzColor

  IF size = 2 THEN
    tmp = DrawText2(3,commenty+1, comment$, 0)
    commenty = commenty + DrawText2(2,commenty, comment$, colour)
    ' Special effect: The board blinks/shimmers/fades from an overexposed state
    STATIC gamma!
    IF gamma! = 0.0 THEN
      PLAY "MB MSt255 l20 o5co1ce l45 o5go1c o3c50"
      FOR gamma! = 0.1 TO 1.0 STEP 0.05
        DrawSetPalette gammaColorStart, gamma!
        DEF SEG = VARSEG(hlt(0))
        CALL ABSOLUTE(hlt)
        DEF SEG = &HA000
    END IF
    tmp = DrawText1(3,commenty+1, comment$, 0)
    commenty = commenty + DrawText1(2,commenty, comment$, colour) - 1

FUNCTION strtime$(t!)
  min = INT(t! / 60.0)
  sec = INT(t! - min*60)
  strtime$ =  RIGHT$(RTRIM$(STR$(min+1000)),2) + ":" + RIGHT$(RTRIM$(STR$(sec+1000)),2)

SUB GameWaitMove(comments$, duration AS SINGLE, colour, moveno)
  DIM lines$(1000), timings(1000) AS SINGLE, gone AS SINGLE, timeslot AS SINGLE
  numlines = 0
  beginpos& = 1
  'Split the comments, one line each
  nl$ = CHR$(10)
    nlpos& = INSTR(beginpos&, comments$, nl$)
    IF nlpos& = 0 THEN
      s$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(MID$(comments$, beginpos&)))
      IF s$ <> "" THEN numlines=numlines+1: lines$(numlines) = s$
      EXIT DO 
    END IF
    s$ = LTRIM$(RTRIM$(MID$(comments$, beginpos&, nlpos& - beginpos&)))
    IF s$ <> "" THEN numlines=numlines+1: lines$(numlines) = s$
    beginpos& = nlpos& + 1
  comments$ = "" 'Deallocate string

  'Assign timings for each comment line
  timeslot = duration / numlines ' Average size of one comment's timeslot
  FOR y = 1 TO numlines
    timings(y) = (y-1) * timeslot + RND*timeslot

  x = 216 + (colour-1)*54
  y = 0
  endturn! = TIMER + duration - 0.03
  beginturn! = endturn! - duration
  prevtimval$ = ""

  WHILE TIMER < endturn!
    y$ = INKEY$
    IF y$ = "q" OR y$ = CHR$(27) OR y$ = CHR$(3) THEN ERROR 90
    gone = TIMER - beginturn!

    IF colour <> 0 THEN
      timval$ = strtime$( remtime(colour) - gone )
      IF timval$ <> prevtimval$ THEN
        prevtimval$ = timval$
        DrawTextCaption x,58, "Time:", timval$, ActiveTimeColor
      END IF
    END IF

    endwait! = TIMER + .25
    DEF SEG = VARSEG(hlt(0))
    WHILE TIMER < endwait!
      CALL ABSOLUTE(hlt)
    DEF SEG = &HA000
    WHILE y < numlines AND timings(y) < gone
      y = y + 1
      DrawCommentLine lines$(y), 2, moveno

  DEF SEG = VARSEG(hlt(0))
  WHILE TIMER < endturn!
  DEF SEG = &HA000
  'Ensure we didn't forget to display any comment line
  WHILE y < numlines
    y = y + 1
    DrawCommentLine lines$(y), 2, moveno

SUB LoadPortrait(bx,by, pfn$)
  OPEN pfn$ AS #2 LEN=1: FIELD #2, 1 AS b$
  FOR y=0 TO 33
    FOR x=0 TO 23
      GET #2: r=ASC(b$)
      GET #2: g=ASC(b$)
      GET #2: b=ASC(b$)
      SetP x+bx, y+by, r*3.91764706, g*3.91764706, b*3.91764706
  NEXT x,y
  CLOSE #2

SUB GameRun(moveid)
  prevx = 0
  prevy = 0
  prevkind = 0
  commenty = FNy(20)
  moveno   = 0
  resolution$ = ""

    nodeid = move(moveid).offs
    drawkind = 0
    duration! = 0
    whosetime = 0
    comments$ = ""
    shininess! = 0.25
    WHILE nodeid > 0
      value$ = SGFreadString$( node(nodeid).offs )
      SELECT CASE node(nodeid).tag
        CASE "PB"
          'set black player name
          DrawTextCaption 270,40, "Black:", value$, PlayerNameColor
          names$(2) = value$
        CASE "PW"
          'set white player name
          DrawTextCaption 216,40, "White:", value$, PlayerNameColor
          names$(1) = value$
          'LoadPortrait 270-30,58, "red.dat"
        CASE "BR"
          'set black player rank
          DrawText 308,46, value$, 10
        CASE "WR"
          'set white player rank
          DrawText 256,46, value$, 10
        CASE "RE"
          resolution$ = value$
        CASE "AB"
          'black handicap stones
          x = ASC(LEFT$(value$,1))-96
          y = ASC(RIGHT$(value$,1))-96
          DrawBoard x,y,2, 0
          GamePlayStone x-1,y-1,2
        CASE "AW"
          'white handicap stones
          x = ASC(LEFT$(value$,1))-96
          y = ASC(RIGHT$(value$,1))-96
          DrawBoard x,y,1, 0
          GamePlayStone x-1,y-1,1
        CASE "B "
          'black play
          IF value$ = "" THEN
            drawx = ASC(LEFT$(value$,1))-96
            drawy = ASC(RIGHT$(value$,1))-96
            drawkind = 2
          END IF
        CASE "W "
          'white play
          IF value$ = "" THEN
            drawx = ASC(LEFT$(value$,1))-96
            drawy = ASC(RIGHT$(value$,1))-96
            drawkind = 1
          END IF
        CASE "TM"
          'set time
          t! = VAL(value$)
          ' Find out how long the opening turn lasts. (And whose turn is it.)
          nexttime! = VAL(SGFfindTag$(move(moveid).link, "WL"))
          whosetime = 1
          nt1! = VAL(SGFfindTag$(move(moveid).link, "BL"))
          IF nt1! > nexttime! THEN nexttime! = nt1!: whosetime = 2
          duration! = t! - nexttime!
          DrawTextCaption 216,5, "Game Start", MID$("WB",whosetime,1)+" to play", 14
        CASE "BL"
          'time left for black
          t! = VAL(value$)
          remtime(2) = t!
          DrawTextCaption 216,58, "Time:", strtime$(remtime(1)), ActiveTimeColor
          DrawTextCaption 270,58, "Time:", strtime$(remtime(2)), PassiveTimeColor
          'Find how long turn lasts
          nexttime! = VAL(SGFfindTag$(move(moveid).link, "WL"))
          IF nexttime! > 0 THEN
            duration! = remtime(1) - nexttime!
            whosetime = 1
          END IF
        CASE "WL"
          'time left for white
          t! = VAL(value$)
          remtime(1) = t!
          DrawTextCaption 216,58, "Time:", strtime$(remtime(1)), PassiveTimeColor
          DrawTextCaption 270,58, "Time:", strtime$(remtime(2)), ActiveTimeColor
          'Find how long this turn lasts
          nexttime! = VAL(SGFfindTag$(move(moveid).link, "BL"))
          IF nexttime! > 0 THEN
            duration! = remtime(2) - nexttime!
            whosetime = 2
          END IF
        CASE "C "
          'set comments for this move (newline-delimited)
          comments$ = comments$ + value$
        'branch "( ", circle mark "CR", all other unhandled
        CASE "SH"
          shininess! = VAL(value$) ' bisqwit extension
      nodeid = node(nodeid).link
    IF drawkind > 0 THEN
      moveno = moveno + 1
      IF whosetime = 0 THEN
        DrawTextCaption 216,5, "Game Over", resolution$, 12
        DrawTextCaption 216,5, "Move"+STR$(moveno), MID$("WB",whosetime,1)+" to play", 14
      END IF
      DrawBoard prevx,prevy, prevkind,0
      IF drawx > 0 AND drawy > 0 THEN
        shinecenterx = (FNx(drawx) + FNx(drawx+1)) * 0.5
        shinecentery = (FNy(drawy) + FNy(drawy+1)) * 0.5

        offs = (drawy-1) * 19 + drawx-1
        boardstate(offs) = drawkind

        ' Special effect: Bloom/shine from the spot where the stone is played
        radius = 3
        sfx$ = "mfmlt255 l48 o2f<a>>>>>c64"
        FOR shine! = shininess! TO 0.10 STEP -0.03
          IF shine! <= 0.3 THEN radius = 1
          'IF shine! <= 0.2 THEN radius = 0
          FOR y=-radius TO +radius STEP 1
            FOR x=-radius TO +radius STEP 1
              IF drawx+x > 0 AND drawy+y > 0 AND drawx+x <= 19 AND drawy+y <= 19 THEN
                cntr = x=0 AND y=0
                DrawBoard drawx+x, drawy+y, boardstate((y+drawy-1)*19+(x+drawx-1)), cntr
                IF cntr AND sfx$ <> "" THEN PLAY sfx$ : sfx$ = ""
              END IF
          DEF SEG = VARSEG(hlt(0))
          CALL ABSOLUTE(hlt)
          DEF SEG = &HA000
        GamePlayStone drawx-1,drawy-1, drawkind
        DrawBoard drawx,drawy, drawkind,1
      END IF

      prevx = drawx
      prevy = drawy
      prevkind = drawkind
    END IF
    IF duration! = 0.0 AND comments$ <> "" THEN duration! = LEN(comments$)/60
    GameWaitMove comments$, duration!, whosetime, moveno
    moveid = move(moveid).link
  LOOP WHILE moveid > 0

' 6x5 font data, originally designed by Juha Nieminen for use in Joed:
DATA 4,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,3, 64, 64, 64,  0, 64,5, 80, 80,  0,  0,  0
DATA 6, 80,248, 80,248, 80,6,112,160,112, 40,240,6,136, 16, 32, 64,136
DATA 6, 96, 96,104,144,104,3, 64, 64,  0,  0,  0,4, 32, 64, 64, 64, 32
DATA 4, 64, 32, 32, 32, 64,7, 72, 48,252, 48, 72,6, 32, 32,248, 32, 32
DATA 3,  0,  0,  0, 64,128,5,  0,  0,240,  0,  0,3,  0,  0,  0,  0, 64
DATA 6,  8, 16, 32, 64,128,6,112,152,168,200,112,4, 64,192, 64, 64,224
DATA 5, 96,144, 32, 64,240,5,240, 16, 96, 16,224,5, 80,144,240, 16, 16
DATA 5,240,128,224, 16,224,5, 96,128,224,144, 96,5,240, 16, 32, 32, 64
DATA 5, 96,144, 96,144, 96,5, 96,144,112, 16, 96,3,  0, 64,  0, 64,  0
DATA 3,  0, 64,  0, 64,128,4, 32, 64,128, 64, 32,4,  0,224,  0,224,  0
DATA 4,128, 64, 32, 64,128,5, 96,144, 32,  0, 32,5, 96,144,176,128, 96
DATA 5, 96,144,240,144,144,5,224,144,224,144,224,5,112,128,128,128,112: REM ABC
DATA 5,224,144,144,144,224,5,240,128,224,128,240,5,240,128,224,128,128: REM DEF
DATA 5,112,128,176,144,112,5,144,144,240,144,144,4,224, 64, 64, 64,224: REM GHI
DATA 5, 16, 16, 16,144, 96,5,144,160,192,160,144,5,128,128,128,128,240: REM JKL
DATA 6,136,216,168,136,136,6,136,200,168,152,136,5, 96,144,144,144, 96: REM MNO
DATA 5,224,144,224,128,128,5, 96,144,144,176,112,5,224,144,224,160,144: REM PQR
DATA 5, 96,128, 96, 16,224,6,248, 32, 32, 32, 32,5,144,144,144,144, 96: REM STU
DATA 6,136,136, 80, 80, 32,6,136,136,136,168, 80,6,136, 80, 32, 80,136: REM VWX
DATA 6,136, 80, 32, 32, 32,6,248, 16, 32, 64,248,3,192,128,128,128,192: REM YZ[
DATA 6,128, 64, 32, 16,  8,3,192, 64, 64, 64,192,4, 64,160,  0,  0,  0: REM \]^
DATA 5,  0,  0,  0,  0,240,3,128, 64,  0,  0,  0,5, 96, 16,112,144,112: REM _`a
DATA 5,128,128,224,144,224,4,  0, 96,128,128, 96,5, 16, 16,112,144,112: REM bcd
DATA 5,  0, 96,240,128, 96,4, 96,128,192,128,128,4,  0, 96,160, 96,192: REM efg
DATA 5,128,128,224,144,144,4, 64,  0,192, 64,224,3, 64,  0, 64, 64,192: REM hij
DATA 5,128,160,192,160,144,4,192, 64, 64, 64,224,6,  0,208,168,168,136: REM klm
DATA 5,  0,224,144,144,144,5,  0, 96,144,144, 96,5,  0,224,144,224,128: REM nop
DATA 5,  0,112,144,112, 16,4,  0, 96,128,128,128,5,  0,112,192, 48,224: REM qrs
DATA 4, 64,224, 64, 64, 32,5,  0,144,144,144,112,6,  0,136,136, 80, 32: REM tuv
DATA 6,  0,136,136,168, 80,5,  0,144, 96, 96,144,5,  0,144,112, 16, 96: REM wxy
DATA 5,  0,240, 32, 64,240,4, 96, 64,128, 64, 96,3, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64: REM z{|
DATA 4,192, 64, 32, 64,192,5, 80,160,  0,  0,  0: REM                       }~
' 6x7 font data, copied from FCEUX, edited to make more regular
DATA 6,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 3, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,  0, 64
DATA 5, 80, 80, 80,  0,  0,  0,  0, 6, 80, 80,248, 80,248, 80, 80
DATA 6, 32,120,160,112, 40,240, 32, 6, 64,168, 80, 32, 80,168, 16
DATA 6, 96,144,160, 64,168,144,104, 3, 64, 64,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0
DATA 4, 32, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 32, 4, 64, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 64
DATA 6,  0, 80, 32,248, 32, 80,  0, 6,  0, 32, 32,248, 32, 32,  0
DATA 3,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 64,128, 5,  0,  0,  0,240,  0,  0,  0
DATA 3,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0, 64, 5, 16, 16, 32, 32, 32, 64, 64
DATA 6,112,136,136,136,136,136,112, 6, 32, 96, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32: REM 0
DATA 6,112,136,  8, 48, 64,128,248, 6,112,136,  8, 48,  8,136,112
DATA 6, 16, 48, 80,144,248, 16, 16, 6,248,128,128,240,  8,  8,240
DATA 6, 48, 64,128,240,136,136,112, 6,248,  8, 16, 16, 32, 32, 32
DATA 6,112,136,136,112,136,136,112, 6,112,136,136,120,  8, 16, 96
DATA 3,  0,  0, 64,  0,  0, 64,  0, 3,  0,  0, 64,  0,  0, 64,128
DATA 4,  0, 32, 64,128, 64, 32,  0, 5,  0,  0,240,  0,240,  0,  0
DATA 4,  0,128, 64, 32, 64,128,  0, 5,112,136,  8, 16, 32,  0, 32
DATA 6,112,136,136,184,176,128,112
DATA 6,112,136,136,248,136,136,136, 6,240,136,136,240,136,136,240: REM A
DATA 6,112,136,128,128,128,136,112, 6,224,144,136,136,136,144,224: REM C
DATA 6,248,128,128,240,128,128,248, 6,248,128,128,240,128,128,128: REM E
DATA 6,112,136,128,184,136,136,120, 6,136,136,136,248,136,136,136: REM G
DATA 4,224, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,224, 6,  8,  8,  8,  8,  8,136,112: REM I
DATA 6,136,144,160,192,160,144,136, 6,128,128,128,128,128,128,248: REM K
DATA 6,136,216,168,168,136,136,136, 6,136,136,200,168,152,136,136: REM M
DATA 7, 48, 72,132,132,132, 72, 48, 6,240,136,136,240,128,128,128: REM P
DATA 6,112,136,136,136,168,144,104, 6,240,136,136,240,144,136,136: REM R
DATA 6,112,136,128,112,  8,136,112, 6,248, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32: REM T
DATA 6,136,136,136,136,136,136,112, 6,136,136,136, 80, 80, 32, 32: REM V
DATA 6,136,136,136,136,168,168, 80, 6,136,136, 80, 32, 80,136,136: REM X
DATA 6,136,136, 80, 32, 32, 32, 32, 6,248,  8, 16, 32, 64,128,248: REM Z
DATA 3,192,128,128,128,128,128,192, 5, 64, 64, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16: REM \
DATA 3,192, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64,192, 4, 64,160,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0: REM `
DATA 6,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,248, 3,128, 64,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0
DATA 5,  0,  0, 96, 16,112,144,112, 5,128,128,224,144,144,144,224: REM a
DATA 5,  0,  0,112,128,128,128,112, 5, 16, 16,112,144,144,144,112: REM c
DATA 5,  0,  0, 96,144,240,128,112, 5, 48, 64,224, 64, 64, 64, 64: REM e
DATA 5,  0,  0,112,144,112, 16,224, 5,128,128,224,144,144,144,144: REM g
DATA 2,128,  0,128,128,128,128,128, 4, 32,  0, 32, 32, 32, 32,192: REM i
DATA 5,128,128,144,160,192,160,144, 2,128,128,128,128,128,128,128: REM k
DATA 6,  0,  0,208,168,168,168,168, 5,  0,  0,224,144,144,144,144: REM m
DATA 5,  0,  0, 96,144,144,144, 96, 5,  0,  0,224,144,144,224,128: REM p
DATA 5,  0,  0,112,144,144,112, 16, 5,  0,  0,176,192,128,128,128: REM r
DATA 5,  0,  0,112,128, 96, 16,224, 4, 64, 64,224, 64, 64, 64, 32: REM t
DATA 5,  0,  0,144,144,144,144,112, 5,  0,  0,144,144,144,160,192: REM v
DATA 6,  0,  0,136,136,168,168, 80, 5,  0,  0,144,144, 96,144,144: REM x
DATA 5,  0,  0,144,144,112, 16, 96, 5,  0,  0,240, 32, 64,128,240: REM z
DATA 4, 32, 64, 64,128, 64, 64, 32, 3, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64: REM |
DATA 4,128, 64, 64, 32, 64, 64,128, 6,  0,104,176,  0,  0,  0,  0: REM ~