The table generator for the NES emulator, written in PHP, consists of two parts. opdata.php lists all the instructions supported by the emulator. You can see here a C++ version of the opdata.php file: See files and insdata.hh . Indeed, the PHP file was in fact a direct translation of the table in this C++ code that I wrote years ago. Then I extended the table to support the various unofficial opcodes. Then the other part in the PHP version, mktables.php , is a lot more obfuscated, because it went through a lot of revisions and testing. Basically it uses a combination of the addressing mode and the instruction name to decide which micro-components ($plan elements) are required to synthesize that particular opcode. For example, if the instruction is indicated as requiring the X register as a source in all cases, this line adds the corresponding micro-operation into the plan for that particular instruction: if($source_always_X) $plan[1101] = "t &= X;"; And the code below checks that if the instruction is a DEC, a DEX, a DEY, or a DCP -- all of which decrement an operand by one -- the corresponding micro-operation is added into the plan for that particular instruction. if(preg_match('/dec|dex|dey|dcp/', $op)) $plan[1240] = "t = u8(t - 1);";