Castlevania II Retranslation Word-Wrap testing tool



Digraphs and ligatures (symbol sequences that have a dedicated single glyph for them in the font):

(correct symbol is not presentable on this page)


Tip: Comment lines (semicolon) are ignored. You can also copypaste multiple script items at once. Plus-lines separate script items.

║ Is that a,   ║
║ a blue       ║
║ sapphire?    ║
║ I have       ║
║ always       ║
║ wanted one‼  ║
║ Let’s swap.  ║
║ You can      ║
║ have my red  ║
║ ruby instead.║
* No errors or warnings.


In your dialog.txt, you have several different arrays, which define different dialog boxes. This tool concerns with the following type boxes: shop, dialog, clue, gift, possess, priest, and ferryman.

The width of any given box is the length of the string that defines it.
The height of any given box is the number of lines in that box. For example,

 [ 1, "[47]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[49]",
   5, "[4A]              [4A]",
   1, "[4A] ---- [hearts]----   [4A]", // cost
   2, "[4A]              [4A]",
   1, "[4A] Buy   Refuse [4A]", // yes
   1, "[4A]              [4A]", // no
   1, "[4B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[4C]"
 [ 1, "[47]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[49]",
   5, "[4A]              [4A]",
   1, "[4A]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[4A]",
   1, "[4A] -     Buy    [4A]", // cost
   1, "[4A]              [4A]",
   1, "[4A] [hearts]---- Refuse [4A]", // hearts
   1, "[4A]              [4A]",
   1, "[4B]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%[4C]"

Both of these define a dialog box that is 16 cells wide, because there are 16 successive symbols on every line. The bracketed numbers count as single symbols each.
The number before each string specifies how many times the recipe is repeated. In this case, the box height is 1+5+1+2+1+1+1 = 12 lines. However, the printing area inside the box is just 5 lines, so you would select 5 on the form on this page.

The left-margin size is this property in your file, minus one:

 // Index of first text column. Originally 2.  0 = left edge of box.
 "first_textcolumn" : 2
If this property is 1, then the margin is zero. If this property is 2, then the margin is one cell.

To do top-margin, just add a [nl] in the beginning of your string. Explicit newlines are done by adding a [nl]. Plain newlines, leading spaces and trailing spaces will be ignored.

You can freely adjust the shape and appearance of each of these boxes in your dialog.txt. However, it is important that the dialog box widths and heights are both even numbers. The printable area can be even or odd.

For the shop dialog box, the insertor will figure out the layout of the box as follows: