Here's what I did.
 tmp1.png  tmp2.png  tmp3.png \
convert tmp.bmp -type truecolor tmp_lunar.png

# The other input is sonic_orgrgb.png. To ensure it gets
# precisely the same treatment as the first file, do a dummy
# conversion into bmp and back, forcing the PNG type into truecolor.
convert sonic_orgrgb.png tmp.bmp
convert tmp.bmp -type truecolor tmp_sonic.png

# Pick a detail from the Sonic picture - the offset was chosen
# intentionally to expose worst-case for nearest-neighbor scaling
convert sonic_orgrgb.png -crop 70x80+1+0 tmp.bmp
convert tmp.bmp -type truecolor tmp_sonicdetail.png

### Converting it with various combinations:
for i in neighbor area     bicubic lanczos gauss sinc; do
for o in neighbor bilinear bicubic lanczos fast_bilinear gauss sinc; do
  ## Lunar ball
  false && ffmpeg -y -i "tmp_lunar.png" -vcodec ffv1 -qscale 0.01 \
  	-sws_flags \$i+full_chroma_inp+full_chroma_int  \
  false && ffmpeg -y -i tmp.avi \
  	-sws_flags \$o+full_chroma_inp+full_chroma_int  \

  # Upscale the image by 300% (point scaling)
  convert -filter point -resize '300%' tmp1.png tmp.bmp

  # Convert it into a RGB png and into a grayscale png
  #convert tmp.bmp -quality 100 -type truecolor RES2-"\$i"-"\$o".png
  #convert RES2-"\$i"-"\$o".png -type grayscale MONO4-"\$i"-"\$o".png

  ## Sonic
  false && ffmpeg -y -i "tmp_sonic.png" -vcodec ffv1 -qscale 0.01 \
  	-sws_flags \$i+full_chroma_inp+full_chroma_int  \
  false && ffmpeg -y -i tmp.avi \
  	-sws_flags \$o+full_chroma_inp+full_chroma_int  \

  # Upscale the image by 100% (redundant, but done so that
  # the method is identical here to the above)
  false && convert -filter point -resize '100%' tmp1.png tmp.bmp

  # Convert it into a RGB png and into a grayscale png
  #convert tmp.bmp -quality 100 -type truecolor RESS-"\$i"-"\$o".png
  #convert RESS-"\$i"-"\$o".png -type grayscale MONOS-"\$i"-"\$o".png

  ## Sonic detail
  ffmpeg -y -i "tmp_sonicdetail.png" -vcodec ffv1 -qscale 0.01 \
  	-sws_flags \$i+full_chroma_inp+full_chroma_int  \
  ffmpeg -y -i tmp.avi \
  	-sws_flags \$o+full_chroma_inp+full_chroma_int  \

  # Upscale the image by 200%
  convert -filter point -resize '200%' tmp1.png tmp.bmp

  # Convert it into a RGB png and into a grayscale png
  convert tmp.bmp -quality 100 -type truecolor RESD-"\$i"-"\$o".png
  convert RESS-"\$i"-"\$o".png -type grayscale MONOD-"\$i"-"\$o".png
); ?>
Oh, and to do this, I had to hack ffmpeg; namely, disable the condition that triggers "unscaled special converters", because those converters ignore the sws filters alltogether.



neighbor — neighbor

RGB24 → yuv420p : neighbor
yuv420p → RGB24 : neighbor

neighbor — bicubic

RGB24 → yuv420p : neighbor
yuv420p → RGB24 : bicubic

neighbor — lanczos

RGB24 → yuv420p : neighbor
yuv420p → RGB24 : lanczos

neighbor — gauss

RGB24 → yuv420p : neighbor
yuv420p → RGB24 : gauss

neighbor — sinc

RGB24 → yuv420p : neighbor
yuv420p → RGB24 : sinc

neighbor — bilinear

RGB24 → yuv420p : neighbor
yuv420p → RGB24 : bilinear

area — neighbor

RGB24 → yuv420p : area
yuv420p → RGB24 : neighbor

area — bicubic

RGB24 → yuv420p : area
yuv420p → RGB24 : bicubic

area — lanczos

RGB24 → yuv420p : area
yuv420p → RGB24 : lanczos

area — gauss

RGB24 → yuv420p : area
yuv420p → RGB24 : gauss

area — sinc

RGB24 → yuv420p : area
yuv420p → RGB24 : sinc

area — bilinear

RGB24 → yuv420p : area
yuv420p → RGB24 : bilinear

bicubic — neighbor

RGB24 → yuv420p : bicubic
yuv420p → RGB24 : neighbor

bicubic — bicubic

RGB24 → yuv420p : bicubic
yuv420p → RGB24 : bicubic

bicubic — lanczos

RGB24 → yuv420p : bicubic
yuv420p → RGB24 : lanczos

bicubic — gauss

RGB24 → yuv420p : bicubic
yuv420p → RGB24 : gauss

bicubic — sinc

RGB24 → yuv420p : bicubic
yuv420p → RGB24 : sinc

bicubic — bilinear

RGB24 → yuv420p : bicubic
yuv420p → RGB24 : bilinear

lanczos — neighbor

RGB24 → yuv420p : lanczos
yuv420p → RGB24 : neighbor

lanczos — bicubic

RGB24 → yuv420p : lanczos
yuv420p → RGB24 : bicubic

lanczos — lanczos

RGB24 → yuv420p : lanczos
yuv420p → RGB24 : lanczos

lanczos — gauss

RGB24 → yuv420p : lanczos
yuv420p → RGB24 : gauss

lanczos — sinc

RGB24 → yuv420p : lanczos
yuv420p → RGB24 : sinc

lanczos — bilinear

RGB24 → yuv420p : lanczos
yuv420p → RGB24 : bilinear

gauss — neighbor

RGB24 → yuv420p : gauss
yuv420p → RGB24 : neighbor

gauss — bicubic

RGB24 → yuv420p : gauss
yuv420p → RGB24 : bicubic

gauss — lanczos

RGB24 → yuv420p : gauss
yuv420p → RGB24 : lanczos

gauss — gauss

RGB24 → yuv420p : gauss
yuv420p → RGB24 : gauss

gauss — sinc

RGB24 → yuv420p : gauss
yuv420p → RGB24 : sinc

gauss — bilinear

RGB24 → yuv420p : gauss
yuv420p → RGB24 : bilinear

sinc — neighbor

RGB24 → yuv420p : sinc
yuv420p → RGB24 : neighbor

sinc — bicubic

RGB24 → yuv420p : sinc
yuv420p → RGB24 : bicubic

sinc — lanczos

RGB24 → yuv420p : sinc
yuv420p → RGB24 : lanczos

sinc — gauss

RGB24 → yuv420p : sinc
yuv420p → RGB24 : gauss

sinc — sinc

RGB24 → yuv420p : sinc
yuv420p → RGB24 : sinc

sinc — bilinear

RGB24 → yuv420p : sinc
yuv420p → RGB24 : bilinear

Other comment: The bilinear output filter looks buggy, as though it handles scanlines in wrong order. The fast_bilinear filter has the same problem. They're so off that I didn't bother including them here. You can still see them if you like, by editing the URLs. This problem was fixed by disabling "unscaled special converters".


Man, it's hard to grade so many items objectively.
ENCODE:      Neighbor  Bicubic  Lanczos   Gauss  Sinc  Bilinear   Weighted score
Neighbor        1pts     1pts     1pts     3pts  0pts     1pts     1.05
Area            4pts     8pts     7pts    10pts  7pts     8pts     5.95   2nd
Bicubic         4pts     7pts     6pts     9pts  7pts     8pts     5.35
Lanczos         3pts     7pts     7pts     9pts  6pts     8pts     5.20
Gauss           4pts     9pts    10pts     7pts  8pts     8pts     6.30   1st
Sinc            2pts     5pts     5pts     8pts  7pts     7pts     4.05
     Weight:     50%      15%      10%       5%   5%      15%
     Weight is based on estimated likelihood of being decoded with that filter.