
Your web browser, firewall, proxy or
something gave me this referer string:

This seems OK, thank you. You probably just wanted to see the message. So here it is.
You probably are using a program that hides your referer information while browsing. Not good. Hiding not good.grr Fix it first, then come back and reload the page. Regards, the 403-script
Written by Bisqwit 29.4.2003

*) Webmasters use the referer information to improve services.
When you hide the referer information, the administrator of the website cannot know how you got here, and can't use that data to improve the services.
This leads to worse services, and it certainly can't be good for you (the user), can it?
Links: "Tracking and locking", discussion on a web board Another discussion on a web board of the subject Similar in french Google search on the subject