#include #include #include #include #include #include /* NESEMU1 : EMULATOR FOR THE NINTENDO ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEM (R) ARCHITECTURE */ /* Written by and copyright (C) 2011 Joel Yliluoma - http://iki.fi/bisqwit/ */ /* Trademarks are owned by their respective owners. Lawyers love tautologies. */ static const char* inputfn = "input.fmv"; // Integer types typedef uint_least32_t u32; typedef uint_least16_t u16; typedef uint_least8_t u8; typedef int_least8_t s8; // Bitfield utilities template struct RegBit { T data; enum { mask = (1u << nbits) - 1u }; template RegBit& operator=(T2 val) { data = (data & ~(mask << bitno)) | ((nbits > 1 ? val & mask : !!val) << bitno); return *this; } operator unsigned() const { return (data >> bitno) & mask; } RegBit& operator++ () { return *this = *this + 1; } unsigned operator++ (int) { unsigned r = *this; ++*this; return r; } }; namespace IO { SDL_Surface *s; void Init() { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); s = SDL_SetVideoMode(256, 240, 32,0); signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); } void PutPixel(unsigned px,unsigned py, unsigned pixel, int offset) { // The input value is a NES color index (with de-emphasis bits). // We need RGB values. To produce a RGB value, we emulate the NTSC circuitry. // For most part, this process is described at: // http://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/NTSC_video // Incidentally, this code is shorter than a table of 64*8 RGB values. static unsigned palette[3][64][512] = {}, prev=~0u; // Caching the generated colors if(prev == ~0u) for(int o=0; o<3; ++o) for(int u=0; u<3; ++u) for(int p0=0; p0<512; ++p0) for(int p1=0; p1<64; ++p1) { // Calculate the luma and chroma by emulating the relevant circuits: auto s = "\372\273\32\305\35\311I\330D\357}\13D!}N"; int y=0, i=0, q=0; for(int p=0; p<12; ++p) // 12 samples of NTSC signal constitute a color. { // Sample either the previous or the current pixel. int r = (p+o*4)%12, pixel = r < 8-u*2 ? p0 : p1; // Use pixel=p0 to disable artifacts. // Decode the color index. int c = pixel%16, l = c<0xE ? pixel/4 & 12 : 4, e=p0/64; // NES NTSC modulator (square wave between up to four voltage levels): int b = 40 + s[(c > 12*((c+8+p)%12 < 6)) + 2*!(0451326 >> p/2*3 & e) + l]; // Ideal TV NTSC demodulator: y += b; i += b * int(std::cos(M_PI * p / 6) * 5909); q += b * int(std::sin(M_PI * p / 6) * 5909); } // Convert the YIQ color into RGB auto gammafix = [=](float f) { return f <= 0.f ? 0.f : std::pow(f, 2.2f / 1.8f); }; auto clamp = [](int v) { return v>255 ? 255 : v; }; // Store color at subpixel precision float Y = y/1980.f, I = i/9e6f, Q = q/9e6f; // Convert from int to float if(u==2) palette[o][p1][p0] += 0x10000*clamp(255 * gammafix(Y + I* 0.947f + Q* 0.624f)); if(u==1) palette[o][p1][p0] += 0x00100*clamp(255 * gammafix(Y + I*-0.275f + Q*-0.636f)); if(u==0) palette[o][p1][p0] += 0x00001*clamp(255 * gammafix(Y + I*-1.109f + Q* 1.709f)); } // Store the RGB color into the frame buffer. ((u32*) s->pixels) [py * 256 + px] = palette[offset][prev%64][pixel]; prev = pixel; } void FlushScanline(unsigned py) { if(py == 239) SDL_Flip(s); } int joy_current[2]={0,0}, joy_next[2]={0,0}, joypos[2]={0,0}; void JoyStrobe(unsigned v) { if(v) { joy_current[0] = joy_next[0]; joypos[0]=0; } if(v) { joy_current[1] = joy_next[1]; joypos[1]=0; } } u8 JoyRead(unsigned idx) { static const u8 masks[8] = {0x20,0x10,0x40,0x80,0x04,0x08,0x02,0x01}; return ((joy_current[idx] & masks[joypos[idx]++ & 7]) ? 1 : 0); } } namespace GamePak { std::vector ROM, VRAM(0x2000); unsigned mappernum; const unsigned VROM_Granularity = 0x0400, VROM_Pages = 0x2000 / VROM_Granularity; const unsigned ROM_Granularity = 0x2000, ROM_Pages = 0x10000 / ROM_Granularity; unsigned char NRAM[0x1000], PRAM[0x2000]; unsigned char* banks[ROM_Pages] = {}; unsigned char* Vbanks[VROM_Pages] = {}; unsigned char *Nta[4] = { NRAM+0x0000, NRAM+0x0400, NRAM+0x0000, NRAM+0x0400 }; template& r, unsigned granu> static void SetPages(unsigned size, unsigned baseaddr, unsigned index) { for(unsigned v = r.size() + index * size, p = baseaddr / granu; p < (baseaddr + size) / granu && p < npages; ++p, v += granu) b[p] = &r[v % r.size()]; } auto& SetROM = SetPages< ROM_Pages, banks, ROM, ROM_Granularity>; auto& SetVROM = SetPages; u8 Access(unsigned addr, u8 value, bool write) { if(write && addr >= 0x8000 && mappernum == 7) // e.g. Rare games { SetROM(0x8000, 0x8000, (value&7)); Nta[0] = Nta[1] = Nta[2] = Nta[3] = &NRAM[0x400 * ((value>>4)&1)]; } if(write && addr >= 0x8000 && mappernum == 2) // e.g. Rockman, Castlevania { SetROM(0x4000, 0x8000, value); } if(write && addr >= 0x8000 && mappernum == 3) // e.g. Kage, Solomon's Key { value &= Access(addr,0,false); // Simulate bus conflict SetVROM(0x2000, 0x0000, (value&3)); } if(write && addr >= 0x8000 && mappernum == 1) // e.g. Rockman 2, Simon's Quest { static u8 regs[4]={0x0C,0,0,0}, counter=0, cache=0; if(value & 0x80) { regs[0]=0x0C; goto configure; } cache |= (value&1) << counter; if(++counter == 5) { regs[ (addr>>13) & 3 ] = value = cache; configure: cache = counter = 0; static const u8 sel[4][4] = { {0,0,0,0}, {1,1,1,1}, {0,1,0,1}, {0,0,1,1} }; for(unsigned m=0; m<4; ++m) Nta[m] = &NRAM[0x400 * sel[regs[0]&3][m]]; SetVROM(0x1000, 0x0000, ((regs[0]&16) ? regs[1] : ((regs[1]&~1)+0))); SetVROM(0x1000, 0x1000, ((regs[0]&16) ? regs[2] : ((regs[1]&~1)+1))); switch( (regs[0]>>2)&3 ) { case 0: case 1: SetROM(0x8000, 0x8000, (regs[3] & 0xE) / 2); break; case 2: SetROM(0x4000, 0x8000, 0); SetROM(0x4000, 0xC000, (regs[3] & 0xF)); break; case 3: SetROM(0x4000, 0x8000, (regs[3] & 0xF)); SetROM(0x4000, 0xC000, ~0); break; } } } if( (addr >> 13) == 3 ) return PRAM[addr & 0x1FFF ]; return banks[ (addr / ROM_Granularity) % ROM_Pages] [addr % ROM_Granularity]; } void Init() { SetVROM(0x2000, 0x0000, 0); for(unsigned v=0; v<4; ++v) SetROM(0x4000, v*0x4000, v==3 ? -1 : 0); } } namespace CPU /* CPU: Ricoh RP2A03 (based on MOS6502, almost the same as in Commodore 64) */ { u8 RAM[0x800]; bool reset=true, nmi=false, nmi_edge_detected=false, intr=false; template u8 MemAccess(u16 addr, u8 v=0); u8 RB(u16 addr) { return MemAccess<0>(addr); } u8 WB(u16 addr,u8 v) { return MemAccess<1>(addr, v); } void tick(); } namespace PPU /* Picture Processing Unit */ { union regtype // PPU register file { u32 value; // Reg0 (write) // Reg1 (write) // Reg2 (read) RegBit<0,8,u32> sysctrl; RegBit< 8,8,u32> dispctrl; RegBit<16,8,u32> status; RegBit<0,2,u32> BaseNTA; RegBit< 8,1,u32> Grayscale; RegBit<21,1,u32> SPoverflow; RegBit<2,1,u32> Inc; RegBit< 9,1,u32> ShowBG8; RegBit<22,1,u32> SP0hit; RegBit<3,1,u32> SPaddr; RegBit<10,1,u32> ShowSP8; RegBit<23,1,u32> InVBlank; RegBit<4,1,u32> BGaddr; RegBit<11,1,u32> ShowBG; // Reg3 (write) RegBit<5,1,u32> SPsize; RegBit<12,1,u32> ShowSP; RegBit<24,8,u32> OAMaddr; RegBit<6,1,u32> SlaveFlag; RegBit<11,2,u32> ShowBGSP; RegBit<24,2,u32> OAMdata; RegBit<7,1,u32> NMIenabled; RegBit<13,3,u32> EmpRGB; RegBit<26,6,u32> OAMindex; } reg; // Raw memory data as read&written by the game u8 banks[2][0x1000], palette[32], OAM[256]; // Decoded sprite information, used & changed during each scanline struct { u8 sprindex, y, index, attr, x; u16 pattern; } OAM2[8], OAM3[8]; union scrolltype { RegBit<3,16,u32> raw; // raw VRAM address (16-bit) RegBit<0, 8,u32> xscroll; // low 8 bits of first write to 2005 RegBit<0, 3,u32> xfine; // low 3 bits of first write to 2005 RegBit<3, 5,u32> xcoarse; // high 5 bits of first write to 2005 RegBit<8, 5,u32> ycoarse; // high 5 bits of second write to 2005 RegBit<13,2,u32> basenta; // nametable index (copied from 2000) RegBit<13,1,u32> basenta_h; // horizontal nametable index RegBit<14,1,u32> basenta_v; // vertical nametable index RegBit<15,3,u32> yfine; // low 3 bits of second write to 2005 RegBit<11,8,u32> vaddrhi; // first write to 2006 (with high 2 bits set to zero) RegBit<3, 8,u32> vaddrlo; // second write to 2006 } scroll, vaddr; unsigned pat_addr, sprinpos, sproutpos, sprrenpos, sprtmp; u16 tileattr, tilepat, ioaddr; u32 bg_shift_pat, bg_shift_attr; int scanline=241, x=0, scanline_end=341, VBlankState=0, cycle_counter=0; int read_buffer=0, open_bus=0, open_bus_decay_timer=0; bool even_odd_toggle=false, offset_toggle=false; /* Memory mapping: Convert PPU memory address into a reference to relevant data */ u8& mmap(int i) { i &= 0x3FFF; if(i >= 0x3F00) { if(i%4==0) i &= 0x0F; return palette[i & 0x1F]; } if(i < 0x2000) return GamePak::Vbanks[(i / GamePak::VROM_Granularity) % GamePak::VROM_Pages] [ i % GamePak::VROM_Granularity]; return GamePak::Nta[ (i>>10)&3][i&0x3FF]; } // External I/O: read or write u8 Access(u16 index, u8 v, bool write) { auto RefreshOpenBus = [&](u8 v) { return open_bus_decay_timer = 77777, open_bus = v; }; u8 res = open_bus; if(write) RefreshOpenBus(v); switch(index) // Which port from $200x? { case 0: if(write) { reg.sysctrl = v; scroll.basenta = reg.BaseNTA; } break; case 1: if(write) { reg.dispctrl = v; } break; case 2: if(write) break; res = reg.status | (open_bus & 0x1F); reg.InVBlank = false; // Reading $2002 clears the vblank flag. offset_toggle = false; // Also resets the toggle for address updates. if(VBlankState != -5) VBlankState = 0; // This also may cancel the setting of InVBlank. break; case 3: if(write) reg.OAMaddr = v; break; // Index into Object Attribute Memory case 4: if(write) OAM[reg.OAMaddr++] = v; // Write or read the OAM (sprites). else res = RefreshOpenBus(OAM[reg.OAMaddr] & (reg.OAMdata==2 ? 0xE3 : 0xFF)); break; case 5: if(!write) break; // Set background scrolling offset if(offset_toggle) { scroll.yfine = v & 7; scroll.ycoarse = v >> 3; } else { scroll.xscroll = v; } offset_toggle = !offset_toggle; break; case 6: if(!write) break; // Set video memory position for reads/writes if(offset_toggle) { scroll.vaddrlo = v; vaddr.raw = (unsigned) scroll.raw; } else { scroll.vaddrhi = v & 0x3F; } offset_toggle = !offset_toggle; break; case 7: res = read_buffer; u8& t = mmap(vaddr.raw); // Access the video memory. if(write) res = t = v; else { if((vaddr.raw & 0x3F00) == 0x3F00) // palette? res = read_buffer = (open_bus & 0xC0) | (t & 0x3F); read_buffer = t; } RefreshOpenBus(res); vaddr.raw = vaddr.raw + (reg.Inc ? 32 : 1); // The address is automatically updated. break; } return res; } void rendering_tick() { bool tile_decode_mode = 0x10FFFF & (1u << (x/16)); // When x is 0..255, 320..335 // Each action happens in two steps: 1) select memory address; 2) receive data and react on it. switch(x % 8) { case 2: // Point to attribute table ioaddr = 0x23C0 + 0x400*vaddr.basenta + 8*(vaddr.ycoarse/4) + (vaddr.xcoarse/4); if(tile_decode_mode) break; // Or nametable, with sprites. case 0: // Point to nametable ioaddr = 0x2000 + (vaddr.raw & 0xFFF); // Reset sprite data if(x == 0) { sprinpos = sproutpos = 0; if(reg.ShowSP) reg.OAMaddr = 0; } if(!reg.ShowBG) break; // Reset scrolling (vertical once, horizontal each scanline) if(x == 304 && scanline == -1) vaddr.raw = (unsigned) scroll.raw; if(x == 256) { vaddr.xcoarse = (unsigned)scroll.xcoarse; vaddr.basenta_h = (unsigned)scroll.basenta_h; sprrenpos = 0; } break; case 1: if(x == 337 && scanline == -1 && even_odd_toggle && reg.ShowBG) scanline_end = 340; // Name table access pat_addr = 0x1000*reg.BGaddr + 16*mmap(ioaddr) + vaddr.yfine; if(!tile_decode_mode) break; // Push the current tile into shift registers. // The bitmap pattern is 16 bits, while the attribute is 2 bits, repeated 8 times. bg_shift_pat = (bg_shift_pat >> 16) + 0x00010000 * tilepat; bg_shift_attr = (bg_shift_attr >> 16) + 0x55550000 * tileattr; break; case 3: // Attribute table access if(tile_decode_mode) { tileattr = (mmap(ioaddr) >> ((vaddr.xcoarse&2) + 2*(vaddr.ycoarse&2))) & 3; // Go to the next tile horizontally (and switch nametable if it wraps) if(!++vaddr.xcoarse) { vaddr.basenta_h = 1-vaddr.basenta_h; } // At the edge of the screen, do the same but vertically if(x==251 && !++vaddr.yfine && ++vaddr.ycoarse == 30) { vaddr.ycoarse = 0; vaddr.basenta_v = 1-vaddr.basenta_v; } } else if(sprrenpos < sproutpos) { // Select sprite pattern instead of background pattern auto& o = OAM3[sprrenpos]; // Sprite to render on next scanline memcpy(&o, &OAM2[sprrenpos], sizeof(o)); unsigned y = (scanline) - o.y; if(o.attr & 0x80) y ^= (reg.SPsize ? 15 : 7); pat_addr = 0x1000 * (reg.SPsize ? (o.index & 0x01) : reg.SPaddr); pat_addr += 0x10 * (reg.SPsize ? (o.index & 0xFE) : (o.index & 0xFF)); pat_addr += (y&7) + (y&8)*2; } break; // Pattern table bytes case 5: tilepat = mmap(pat_addr|0); break; case 7: // Interleave the bits of the two pattern bytes unsigned p = tilepat | (mmap(pat_addr|8) << 8); p = (p&0xF00F) | ((p&0x0F00)>>4) | ((p&0x00F0)<<4); p = (p&0xC3C3) | ((p&0x3030)>>2) | ((p&0x0C0C)<<2); p = (p&0x9999) | ((p&0x4444)>>1) | ((p&0x2222)<<1); tilepat = p; // When decoding sprites, save the sprite graphics and move to next sprite if(!tile_decode_mode && sprrenpos < sproutpos) OAM3[sprrenpos++].pattern = tilepat; break; } // Find which sprites are visible on next scanline (TODO: implement crazy 9-sprite malfunction) switch(x>=64 && x<256 && x%2 ? (reg.OAMaddr++ & 3) : 4) { default: // Access OAM (object attribute memory) sprtmp = OAM[reg.OAMaddr]; break; case 0: if(sprinpos >= 64) { reg.OAMaddr=0; break; } ++sprinpos; // next sprite if(sproutpos<8) OAM2[sproutpos].y = sprtmp; if(sproutpos<8) OAM2[sproutpos].sprindex = reg.OAMindex; {int y1 = sprtmp, y2 = sprtmp + (reg.SPsize?16:8); if(!( scanline >= y1 && scanline < y2 )) reg.OAMaddr = sprinpos != 2 ? reg.OAMaddr+3 : 8;} break; case 1: if(sproutpos<8) OAM2[sproutpos].index = sprtmp; break; case 2: if(sproutpos<8) OAM2[sproutpos].attr = sprtmp; break; case 3: if(sproutpos<8) OAM2[sproutpos].x = sprtmp; if(sproutpos<8) ++sproutpos; else reg.SPoverflow = true; if(sprinpos == 2) reg.OAMaddr = 8; break; } } void render_pixel() { bool edge = u8(x+8) < 16; // 0..7, 248..255 bool showbg = reg.ShowBG && (!edge || reg.ShowBG8); bool showsp = reg.ShowSP && (!edge || reg.ShowSP8); // Render the background unsigned fx = scroll.xfine, xpos = 15 - (( (x&7) + fx + 8*!!(x&7) ) & 15); unsigned pixel = 0, attr = 0; if(showbg) // Pick a pixel from the shift registers { pixel = (bg_shift_pat >> (xpos*2)) & 3; attr = (bg_shift_attr >> (xpos*2)) & (pixel ? 3 : 0); } else if( (vaddr.raw & 0x3F00) == 0x3F00 && !reg.ShowBGSP ) pixel = vaddr.raw; // Overlay the sprites if(showsp) for(unsigned sno=0; sno= 8) continue; // Also matches negative values // Determine which pixel to display; skip transparent pixels if(!(s.attr & 0x40)) xdiff = 7-xdiff; u8 spritepixel = (s.pattern >> (xdiff*2)) & 3; if(!spritepixel) continue; // Register sprite-0 hit if applicable if(x < 255 && pixel && s.sprindex == 0) reg.SP0hit = true; // Render the pixel unless behind-background placement wanted if(!(s.attr & 0x20) || !pixel) { attr = (s.attr & 3) + 4; pixel = spritepixel; } // Only process the first non-transparent sprite pixel. break; } pixel = palette[ (attr*4 + pixel) & 0x1F ] & (reg.Grayscale ? 0x30 : 0x3F); IO::PutPixel(x, scanline, pixel | (reg.EmpRGB << 6), cycle_counter); } // PPU::tick() -- This function is called 3 times per each CPU cycle. // Each call iterates through one pixel of the screen. // The screen is divided into 262 scanlines, each having 341 columns, as such: // // x=0 x=256 x=340 // ___|____________________|__________| // y=-1 | pre-render scanline| prepare | > // ___|____________________| sprites _| > Graphics // y=0 | visible area | for the | > processing // | - this is rendered | next | > scanlines // y=239 | on the screen. | scanline | > // ___|____________________|______ // y=240 | idle // ___|_______________________________ // y=241 | vertical blanking (idle) // | 20 scanlines long // y=260___|____________________|__________| // // On actual PPU, the scanline begins actually before x=0, with // sync/colorburst/black/background color being rendered, and // ends after x=256 with background/black being rendered first, // but in this emulator we only care about the visible area. // // When background rendering is enabled, scanline -1 is // 340 or 341 pixels long, alternating each frame. // In all other situations the scanline is 341 pixels long. // Thus, it takes 89341 or 89342 PPU::tick() calls to render 1 frame. void tick() { // Set/clear vblank where needed switch(VBlankState) { case -5: reg.status = 0; break; case 2: reg.InVBlank = true; break; case 0: CPU::nmi = reg.InVBlank && reg.NMIenabled; break; } if(VBlankState != 0) VBlankState += (VBlankState < 0 ? 1 : -1); if(open_bus_decay_timer) if(!--open_bus_decay_timer) open_bus = 0; // Graphics processing scanline? if(scanline < 240) { /* Process graphics for this cycle */ if(reg.ShowBGSP) rendering_tick(); if(scanline >= 0 && x < 256) render_pixel(); } // Done with the cycle. Check for end of scanline. if(++cycle_counter == 3) cycle_counter = 0; // For NTSC pixel shifting if(++x >= scanline_end) { // Begin new scanline IO::FlushScanline(scanline); scanline_end = 341; x = 0; // Does something special happen on the new scanline? switch(scanline += 1) { case 261: // Begin of rendering scanline = -1; // pre-render line even_odd_toggle = !even_odd_toggle; // Clear vblank flag VBlankState = -5; break; case 241: // Begin of vertical blanking // I cheat here: I did not bother to learn how to use SDL events, // so I simply read button presses from a movie file, which happens // to be a TAS, rather than from the keyboard or from a joystick. static FILE* fp = fopen(inputfn, "rb"); if(fp) { static unsigned ctrlmask = 0; if(!ftell(fp)) { fseek(fp, 0x05, SEEK_SET); ctrlmask = fgetc(fp); fseek(fp, 0x90, SEEK_SET); // Famtasia Movie format. } if(ctrlmask & 0x80) { IO::joy_next[0] = fgetc(fp); if(feof(fp)) IO::joy_next[0] = 0; } if(ctrlmask & 0x40) { IO::joy_next[1] = fgetc(fp); if(feof(fp)) IO::joy_next[1] = 0; } } // Set vblank flag VBlankState = 2; } } } } namespace APU /* Audio Processing Unit */ { static const u8 LengthCounters[32] = { 10,254,20, 2,40, 4,80, 6,160, 8,60,10,14,12,26,14, 12, 16,24,18,48,20,96,22,192,24,72,26,16,28,32,30 }; static const u16 NoisePeriods[16] = { 2,4,8,16,32,48,64,80,101,127,190,254,381,508,1017,2034 }; static const u16 DMCperiods[16] = { 428,380,340,320,286,254,226,214,190,160,142,128,106,84,72,54 }; bool FiveCycleDivider = false, IRQdisable = true, ChannelsEnabled[5] = { false }; bool PeriodicIRQ = false, DMC_IRQ = false; bool count(int& v, int reset) { return --v < 0 ? (v=reset),true : false; } struct channel { int length_counter, linear_counter, address, envelope; int sweep_delay, env_delay, wave_counter, hold, phase, level; union // Per-channel register file { // 4000, 4004, 400C, 4012: // 4001, 4005, 4013: // 4002, 4006, 400A, 400E: RegBit<0,8,u32> reg0; RegBit< 8,8,u32> reg1; RegBit<16,8,u32> reg2; RegBit<6,2,u32> DutyCycle; RegBit< 8,3,u32> SweepShift; RegBit<16,4,u32> NoiseFreq; RegBit<4,1,u32> EnvDecayDisable; RegBit<11,1,u32> SweepDecrease; RegBit<23,1,u32> NoiseType; RegBit<0,4,u32> EnvDecayRate; RegBit<12,3,u32> SweepRate; RegBit<16,11,u32> WaveLength; RegBit<5,1,u32> EnvDecayLoopEnable; RegBit<15,1,u32> SweepEnable; // 4003, 4007, 400B, 400F, 4010: RegBit<0,4,u32> FixedVolume; RegBit< 8,8,u32> PCMlength; RegBit<24,8,u32> reg3; RegBit<5,1,u32> LengthCounterDisable; RegBit<27,5,u32> LengthCounterInit; RegBit<0,7,u32> LinearCounterInit; RegBit<30,1,u32> LoopEnabled; RegBit<7,1,u32> LinearCounterDisable; RegBit<31,1,u32> IRQenable; } reg; // Function for updating the wave generators and taking the sample for each channel. template int tick() { channel& ch = *this; if(!ChannelsEnabled[c]) return c==4 ? 64 : 8; int wl = (ch.reg.WaveLength+1) * (c >= 2 ? 1 : 2); if(c == 3) wl = NoisePeriods[ ch.reg.NoiseFreq ]; int volume = ch.length_counter ? ch.reg.EnvDecayDisable ? ch.reg.FixedVolume : ch.envelope : 0; // Sample may change at wavelen intervals. auto& S = ch.level; if(!count(ch.wave_counter, wl)) return S; switch(c) { default:// Square wave. With four different 8-step binary waveforms (32 bits of data total). if(wl < 8) return S = 8; return S = (0xF33C0C04u & (1u << (++ch.phase % 8 + ch.reg.DutyCycle * 8))) ? volume : 0; case 2: // Triangle wave if(ch.length_counter && ch.linear_counter && wl >= 3) ++ch.phase; return S = (ch.phase & 15) ^ ((ch.phase & 16) ? 15 : 0); case 3: // Noise: Linear feedback shift register if(!ch.hold) ch.hold = 1; ch.hold = (ch.hold >> 1) | (((ch.hold ^ (ch.hold >> (ch.reg.NoiseType ? 6 : 1))) & 1) << 14); return S = (ch.hold & 1) ? 0 : volume; case 4: // Delta modulation channel (DMC) // hold = 8 bit value, phase = number of bits buffered if(ch.phase == 0) // Nothing in sample buffer? { if(!ch.length_counter && ch.reg.LoopEnabled) // Loop? { ch.length_counter = ch.reg.PCMlength*16 + 1; ch.address = (ch.reg.reg0 | 0x300) << 6; } if(ch.length_counter > 0) // Load next 8 bits if available { // Note: Re-entrant! But not recursive, because even // the shortest wave length is greater than the read time. // TODO: proper clock if(ch.reg.WaveLength>20) for(unsigned t=0; t<3; ++t) CPU::RB(u16(ch.address) | 0x8000); // timing ch.hold = CPU::RB(u16(ch.address++) | 0x8000); // Fetch byte ch.phase = 8; --ch.length_counter; } else // Otherwise, disable channel or issue IRQ ChannelsEnabled[4] = ch.reg.IRQenable && (CPU::intr = DMC_IRQ = true); } if(ch.phase != 0) // Update the signal if sample buffer nonempty { int v = ch.linear_counter; if(ch.hold & (0x80 >> --ch.phase)) v += 2; else v -= 2; if(v >= 0 && v <= 0x7F) ch.linear_counter = v; } return S = ch.linear_counter; } } } channels[5] = { }; struct { short lo, hi; } hz240counter = { 0,0 }; void Write(u8 index, u8 value) { channel& ch = channels[(index/4) % 5]; switch(index<0x10 ? index%4 : index) { case 0: if(ch.reg.LinearCounterDisable) ch.linear_counter=value&0x7F; ch.reg.reg0 = value; break; case 1: ch.reg.reg1 = value; ch.sweep_delay = ch.reg.SweepRate; break; case 2: ch.reg.reg2 = value; break; case 3: ch.reg.reg3 = value; if(ChannelsEnabled[index/4]) ch.length_counter = LengthCounters[ch.reg.LengthCounterInit]; ch.linear_counter = ch.reg.LinearCounterInit; ch.env_delay = ch.reg.EnvDecayRate; ch.envelope = 15; if(index < 8) ch.phase = 0; break; case 0x10: ch.reg.reg3 = value; ch.reg.WaveLength = DMCperiods[value&0x0F]; break; case 0x12: ch.reg.reg0 = value; ch.address = (ch.reg.reg0 | 0x300) << 6; break; case 0x13: ch.reg.reg1 = value; ch.length_counter = ch.reg.PCMlength*16 + 1; break; // sample length case 0x11: ch.linear_counter = value & 0x7F; break; // dac value case 0x15: for(unsigned c=0; c<5; ++c) ChannelsEnabled[c] = value & (1 << c); for(unsigned c=0; c<5; ++c) if(!ChannelsEnabled[c]) channels[c].length_counter = 0; else if(c == 4 && channels[c].length_counter == 0) channels[c].length_counter = ch.reg.PCMlength*16 + 1; break; case 0x17: IRQdisable = value & 0x40; FiveCycleDivider = value & 0x80; hz240counter.lo = 0; hz240counter.hi = 0; if(IRQdisable) PeriodicIRQ = DMC_IRQ = false; } } u8 Read() { u8 res = 0; for(unsigned c=0; c<5; ++c) res |= (channels[c].length_counter ? 1 << c : 0); if(PeriodicIRQ) res |= 0x40; PeriodicIRQ = false; if(DMC_IRQ) res |= 0x80; DMC_IRQ = false; CPU::intr = false; return res; } void tick() // Invoked at CPU's rate. { // Divide CPU clock by 7457.5 to get a 240 Hz, which controls certain events. if((hz240counter.lo += 2) >= 14915) { hz240counter.lo -= 14915; if(++hz240counter.hi >= 4+FiveCycleDivider) hz240counter.hi = 0; // 60 Hz interval: IRQ. IRQ is not invoked in five-cycle mode (48 Hz). if(!IRQdisable && !FiveCycleDivider && hz240counter.hi==0) CPU::intr = PeriodicIRQ = true; // Some events are invoked at 96 Hz or 120 Hz rate. Others, 192 Hz or 240 Hz. bool HalfTick = (hz240counter.hi&5)==1, FullTick = hz240counter.hi < 4; for(unsigned c=0; c<4; ++c) { channel& ch = channels[c]; int wl = ch.reg.WaveLength; // Length tick (all channels except DMC, but different disable bit for triangle wave) if(HalfTick && ch.length_counter && !(c==2 ? ch.reg.LinearCounterDisable : ch.reg.LengthCounterDisable)) ch.length_counter -= 1; // Sweep tick (square waves only) if(HalfTick && c < 2 && count(ch.sweep_delay, ch.reg.SweepRate)) if(wl >= 8 && ch.reg.SweepEnable && ch.reg.SweepShift) { int s = wl >> ch.reg.SweepShift, d[4] = {s, s, ~s, -s}; wl += d[ch.reg.SweepDecrease*2 + c]; if(wl < 0x800) ch.reg.WaveLength = wl; } // Linear tick (triangle wave only) if(FullTick && c == 2) ch.linear_counter = ch.reg.LinearCounterDisable ? ch.reg.LinearCounterInit : (ch.linear_counter > 0 ? ch.linear_counter - 1 : 0); // Envelope tick (square and noise channels) if(FullTick && c != 2 && count(ch.env_delay, ch.reg.EnvDecayRate)) if(ch.envelope > 0 || ch.reg.EnvDecayLoopEnable) ch.envelope = (ch.envelope-1) & 15; } } // Mix the audio: Get the momentary sample from each channel and mix them. #define s(c) channels[c].tick() auto v = [](float m,float n, float d) { return n!=0.f ? m/n : d; }; short sample = 30000 * (v(95.88f, (100.f + v(8128.f, s(0) + s(1), -100.f)), 0.f) + v(159.79f, (100.f + v(1.0, s(2)/8227.f + s(3)/12241.f + s(4)/22638.f, -100.f)), 0.f) - 0.5f ); #undef s // I cheat here: I did not bother to learn how to use SDL mixer, let alone use it in <5 lines of code, // so I simply use a combination of external programs for outputting the audio. // Hooray for Unix principles! A/V sync will be ensured in post-process. static FILE* fp = fopen("/dev/null", "w"); //popen("sox -t raw -c1 -2 -s -r1789800 - -t raw -c2 - rate 48000 | aplay -fdat 2>/dev/null", "w"); static short buffer[16384]; static unsigned bufptr=0; buffer[bufptr++] = sample; if(bufptr == sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(*buffer)) { fwrite(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 1, fp); bufptr = 0; } } } namespace CPU { void tick() { // PPU clock: 3 times the CPU rate for(unsigned n=0; n<3; ++n) PPU::tick(); // APU clock: 1 times the CPU rate for(unsigned n=0; n<1; ++n) APU::tick(); } template u8 MemAccess(u16 addr, u8 v) { // Memory writes are turned into reads while reset is being signalled if(reset && write) return MemAccess<0>(addr); tick(); // Map the memory from CPU's viewpoint. /**/ if(addr < 0x2000) { u8& r = RAM[addr & 0x7FF]; if(!write)return r; r=v; } else if(addr < 0x4000) return PPU::Access(addr&7, v, write); else if(addr < 0x4018) switch(addr & 0x1F) { case 0x14: // OAM DMA: Copy 256 bytes from RAM into PPU's sprite memory if(write) for(unsigned b=0; b<256; ++b) WB(0x2004, RB((v&7)*0x0100+b)); return 0; case 0x15: if(!write) return APU::Read(); APU::Write(0x15,v); break; case 0x16: if(!write) return IO::JoyRead(0); IO::JoyStrobe(v); break; case 0x17: if(!write) return IO::JoyRead(1); // write:passthru default: if(!write) break; APU::Write(addr&0x1F, v); } else return GamePak::Access(addr, v, write); return 0; } // CPU registers: u16 PC=0xC000; u8 A=0,X=0,Y=0,S=0; union /* Status flags: */ { u8 raw; RegBit<0> C; // carry RegBit<1> Z; // zero RegBit<2> I; // interrupt enable/disable RegBit<3> D; // decimal mode (unsupported on NES, but flag exists) // 4,5 (0x10,0x20) don't exist RegBit<6> V; // overflow RegBit<7> N; // negative } P; u16 wrap(u16 oldaddr, u16 newaddr) { return (oldaddr & 0xFF00) + u8(newaddr); } void Misfire(u16 old, u16 addr) { u16 q = wrap(old, addr); if(q != addr) RB(q); } u8 Pop() { return RB(0x100 | u8(++S)); } void Push(u8 v) { WB(0x100 | u8(S--), v); } template // Execute a single CPU instruction, defined by opcode "op". void Ins() // With template magic, the compiler will literally synthesize >256 different functions. { // Note: op 0x100 means "NMI", 0x101 means "Reset", 0x102 means "IRQ". They are implemented in terms of "BRK". // User is responsible for ensuring that WB() will not store into memory while Reset is being processed. unsigned addr=0, d=0, t=0xFF, c=0, sb=0, pbits = op<0x100 ? 0x30 : 0x20; // Define the opcode decoding matrix, which decides which micro-operations constitute // any particular opcode. (Note: The PLA of 6502 works on a slightly different principle.) const unsigned o8 = op / 32, o8m = 1u << (op%32); // Fetch op'th item from a bitstring encoded in a data-specific variant of base64, // where each character transmits 8 bits of information rather than 6. // This peculiar encoding was chosen to reduce the source code size. // Enum temporaries are used in order to ensure compile-time evaluation. #define t(w8,w7,w6,w5,w4,w3,w2,w1,w0) if( \ (o8<1?w0##u : o8<2?w1##u : o8<3?w2##u : o8<4?w3##u : \ o8<5?w4##u : o8<6?w5##u : o8<7?w6##u : o8<8?w7##u : w8##u) & o8m) /* Decode address operand */ t(1,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { addr = 0xFFFA; } // NMI vector location t(2,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { addr = 0xFFFC; } // Reset vector location t(4,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000001) { addr = 0xFFFE; } // Interrupt vector location t(0,0xFAFFF0FA,0xFAFFF0FA,0xFAFFF0FA,0xFAFFF0FA,0xFAFFF0FA,0xFAFFF0FA,0xFAFFF0FB,0xFAFFF0FA) { addr = RB(PC++); } t(0,0xF0F0000A,0xF0F0000A,0x3030000A,0x3030000A,0xF0F0000A,0xF0F0000A,0xF0F0000A,0xF0F0000A) { d = X; } // register index t(0,0x0A0E0000,0x0A0E0000,0xCACE0000,0xCACE0000,0x0A0E0000,0x0A0E0000,0x0A0E0000,0x0A0E0000) { d = Y; } t(0,0x00F0000A,0x00F0000A,0x00F0000A,0x00F0000A,0x00F0000A,0x00F0000A,0x00F0000A,0x00F0000A) { addr=u8(addr+d); d=0; tick(); } // add zeropage-index t(0,0xFA00F000,0xFA00F000,0xFA00F000,0xFA00F000,0xFA00F000,0xFA00F000,0xFA00F001,0xFA00F000) { addr=u8(addr); addr+=256*RB(PC++); } // absolute address t(7,0x000E000A,0x000E000A,0x000E000A,0x000E000A,0x000E100A,0x000E000A,0x000E000A,0x000E000B) { addr=RB(c=addr); addr+=256*RB(wrap(c,c+1)); }// indirect w/ page wrap t(0,0x32020000,0x32020000,0xFA0E0000,0x00000000,0x32020000,0x32020000,0x32020000,0x32020000) { Misfire(addr, addr+d); } // abs. load: extra misread when cross-page t(0,0xC80C0000,0xC80C0000,0x00000000,0xFA0E0000,0xC80C0000,0xC80C0000,0xC80C0000,0xC80C0000) { RB(wrap(addr, addr+d)); }// abs. store: always issue a misread /* Load source operand */ t(0,0x00000000,0xAAAAAAAA,0x00000500,0xAAAAAAAA,0x00000C04,0xAAAAAFAE,0xAAAABEBE,0xAAAAAEAE) { t &= A; } // Many operations take A or X as operand. Some try in t(0,0x00001111,0x00000C00,0x00000000,0xCCCCCCC8,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { t &= X; } // error to take both; the outcome is an AND operation. t(0,0x00000000,0x00001111,0x00000000,0x11101111,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { t &= Y; } // sty,dey,iny,tya,cpy t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x0C000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { t &= S; } // tsx, las t(7,0x01010000,0x01010000,0x01010000,0x00010000,0x01010000,0x01010000,0x01010000,0x01010101) { t &= P.raw|pbits; c = t; }// php, flag test/set/clear, interrupts t(0,0x00001011,0xAAAABABB,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0xAAAAA2AA,0xAAAAB2BA,0xAAAAA2AA) { c = t; t = 0xFF; } // save as second operand t(0,0xEAEEF0FA,0xEAEEF0FA,0xFAFEF0FA,0x00000000,0xEAEEE0EA,0xEAEEE0EA,0xEAEEF0FA,0xEAEEE0EA) { t &= RB(addr+d); } // memory operand t(0,0x00000A05,0x00000A05,0x00000A05,0x00000A05,0x00000A04,0x00000A04,0x00000A04,0x00000A04) { t &= RB(PC++); } // immediate operand /* Operations that mogrify memory operands directly */ t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00001010,0x00000000) { P.V = t & 0x40; P.N = t & 0x80; } // bit t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0xC8CCCCCC,0x00000000,0xC8CCC4CC,0x00000000) { sb = P.C; } // rol,rla, ror,rra,arr t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000800,0x00000000,0xC8CCCCCC,0xC8CCCCCC) { P.C = t & 0x80; } // rol,rla, asl,slo,[arr,anc] t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0xC8CCC4CC,0xC8CCCCCC,0x00000000,0x00000000) { P.C = t & 0x01; } // lsr,sre, ror,rra,asr t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0xC8CCC4CC,0xC8CCC4CC) { t = (t << 1) | (sb << 0); } t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0xC8CCCCCC,0xC8CCCCCC,0x00000000,0x00000000) { t = (t >> 1) | (sb << 7); } t(0,0x00000000,0xC8CCC4C8,0x00000000,0x00000100,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { t = u8(t - 1); } // dec,dex,dey,dcp t(0,0xC8CCC1C8,0x00000100,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { t = u8(t + 1); } // inc,inx,iny,isb /* Store modified value (memory) */ t(0,0xC8CCC0C8,0xC8CCC0C8,0x00000000,0x22FEF0FA,0xC8CCC0C8,0xC8CCC0C8,0xC8CCC0C8,0xC8CCC0C8) { WB(addr+d, t); } t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0xD8000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { WB(wrap(addr, addr+d), t &= ((addr+d) >> 8)); } // [shx,shy,shs,sha?] /* Some operations used up one clock cycle that we did not account for yet */ t(7,0xDDDCC5C8,0xDDDCC5C8,0x05000500,0x05000500,0xDDDCC5D9,0xDDDCC5D8,0xDDDCC5C9,0xDDDCD5D9) { tick(); } // nop,flag ops,inc,dec,shifts,stack,transregister,interrupts /* Stack operations and unconditional jumps */ t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000100,0x00000001,0x00000100,0x00000000) { tick(); t = Pop(); } // pla,plp,rti t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000001,0x00000001,0x00000000,0x00000000) { RB(PC++); PC = Pop(); PC |= (Pop() << 8); } // rti,rts t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000001,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { RB(PC++); } // rts t(7,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000001,0x00000001) { d=PC+(op?-1:1); Push(d>>8); Push(d); } // jsr, interrupts t(7,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00001000,0x00001000,0x00000001,0x00000001) { PC = addr; } // jmp, jsr, interrupts t(7,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000100,0x00000000,0x00000101) { Push(t); } // pha, php, interrupts /* Bitmasks */ t(7,0x01010000,0x01010000,0x01010000,0x00010000,0x01010000,0x01010000,0x01010000,0x01010001) { t = 1; } t(0,0x01010000,0x01010000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00010000,0x00010000) { t <<= 1; } t(7,0x01000000,0x01000000,0x01000000,0x00000000,0x01010000,0x01010000,0x00010000,0x00010001) { t <<= 2; } t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x01000000,0x00000000,0x00010000,0x00010000,0x00010000,0x00010000) { t <<= 4; } t(0,0xAAAAAAAA,0x01000000,0x01000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x01000000,0x00000000,0x01000000) { t = u8(~t); } // sbc, isb, clear flag t(7,0x01000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x01000000,0x00000000,0x01000000,0xAAAAA2AB) { t = c | t; } // ora, slo, set flag t(0,0x00010000,0x01010000,0x01010000,0x00010000,0x00010000,0x01010000,0xAAABB2BA,0x01010000) { t = c & t; } // and, bit, rla, clear/test flag t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0xAAAAA2AA,0x00000000,0x00000000) { t = c ^ t; } // eor, sre /* Conditional branches */ t(0,0x00010000,0x00000000,0x00010000,0x00000000,0x00010000,0x00000000,0x00010000,0x00000000) { if(t) { tick(); Misfire(PC, addr = s8(addr) + PC); PC=addr; }; } t(0,0x00000000,0x00010000,0x00000000,0x00010000,0x00000000,0x00010000,0x00000000,0x00010000) { if(!t) { tick(); Misfire(PC, addr = s8(addr) + PC); PC=addr; }; } /* Addition and subtraction */ t(0,0xAAAAAAAA,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0xAAAAA2AA,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { c = t; t += A + P.C; P.V = (c^t) & (A^t) & 0x80; P.C = t & 0x100; } t(0,0x00001011,0xAAAABABB,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { t = c - t; P.C = ~t & 0x100; } // cmp,cpx,cpy, dcp, sbx /* Store modified value (register) */ t(0,0xAAAAAAAA,0x00000000,0xAAAAAAAA,0x01000C00,0xAAAAAFAE,0xAAAAAEAE,0xAAAAAEAE,0xAAAAAEAE) { A = t; } t(0,0x00000100,0x00000C00,0xCCCCCCCC,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { X = t; } // ldx, dex, tax, inx, tsx,lax,las,sbx t(0,0x00000000,0x00000100,0x10101111,0x00000100,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { Y = t; } // ldy, dey, tay, iny t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x08000000,0x0C000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { S = t; } // txs, las, shs t(7,0x01000000,0x01000000,0x01000000,0x00000000,0x01000000,0x01000001,0x01000100,0x01000001) { P.raw = t & ~0x30; } // plp, rti, flag set/clear /* Generic status flag updates */ t(0,0xEAEEFBFB,0xEAEEFFFB,0xFEFEFFFF,0x01000D00,0xEAEEEFEE,0xEAEEEEEE,0xEAEEEEEE,0xEAEEEEEE) { P.N = t & 0x80; } t(0,0xEAEEFBFB,0xEAEEFFFB,0xFEFEFFFF,0x01000D00,0xEAEEEFEE,0xEAEEEEEE,0xEAEEFEFE,0xEAEEEEEE) { P.Z = u8(t) == 0; } t(0,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000800,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) { P.V = (((t >> 5)+1)&2); } // [arr] /* All implemented opcodes are cycle-accurate and memory-access-accurate. * [] means that this particular separate rule exists only to provide the indicated unofficial opcode(s). */ } void Op() { /* Check the state of NMI flag */ bool nmi_now = nmi; unsigned op = RB(PC++); if(reset) { op=0x101; } else if(nmi_now && !nmi_edge_detected) { op=0x100; nmi_edge_detected = true; } else if(intr && !P.I) { op=0x102; } if(!nmi_now) nmi_edge_detected=false; // Define function pointers for each opcode (00..FF) and each interrupt (100,101,102) #define c(n) Ins<0x##n>,Ins<0x##n+1>, #define o(n) c(n)c(n+2)c(n+4)c(n+6) static void(*const i[0x108])() = { o(00)o(08)o(10)o(18)o(20)o(28)o(30)o(38) o(40)o(48)o(50)o(58)o(60)o(68)o(70)o(78) o(80)o(88)o(90)o(98)o(A0)o(A8)o(B0)o(B8) o(C0)o(C8)o(D0)o(D8)o(E0)o(E8)o(F0)o(F8) o(100) }; #undef o #undef c i[op](); reset = false; } } int main(int/*argc*/, char** argv) { // Open the ROM file specified on commandline FILE* fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); inputfn = argv[2]; // Read the ROM file header assert(fgetc(fp)=='N' && fgetc(fp)=='E' && fgetc(fp)=='S' && fgetc(fp)=='\32'); u8 rom16count = fgetc(fp); u8 vrom8count = fgetc(fp); u8 ctrlbyte = fgetc(fp); u8 mappernum = fgetc(fp) | (ctrlbyte>>4); fgetc(fp);fgetc(fp);fgetc(fp);fgetc(fp);fgetc(fp);fgetc(fp);fgetc(fp);fgetc(fp); if(mappernum >= 0x40) mappernum &= 15; GamePak::mappernum = mappernum; // Read the ROM data if(rom16count) GamePak::ROM.resize(rom16count * 0x4000); if(vrom8count) GamePak::VRAM.resize(vrom8count * 0x2000); fread(&GamePak::ROM[0], rom16count, 0x4000, fp); fread(&GamePak::VRAM[0], vrom8count, 0x2000, fp); fclose(fp); printf("%u * 16kB ROM, %u * 8kB VROM, mapper %u, ctrlbyte %02X\n", rom16count, vrom8count, mappernum, ctrlbyte); // Start emulation GamePak::Init(); IO::Init(); IO::PutPixel(0,0, 0, 0); // Initialize pixel cache PPU::reg.value = 0; // Pre-initialize RAM the same way as FCEUX does, to improve TAS sync. for(unsigned a=0; a<0x800; ++a) CPU::RAM[a] = (a&4) ? 0xFF : 0x00; // Run the CPU until the program is killed. for(;;) CPU::Op(); }