#include "polygon_clip.hh" #include "polygon_draw.hh" #include "math.hh" #include "view.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct Polygon { // Vertex list std::size_t first, size; // Refers to a separate table of vertices unsigned ubase, vbase, usize, vsize; unsigned flags; }; void Render(const auto& vertices, const auto& polys, auto& view, const auto& frustum, auto&& tform, auto&& plot) requires std::is_same_v> { for(const auto& poly: polys) { // Collect the corners of the polygon. Translate and rotate them. auto p = std::span(&vertices[poly.first], poly.size) | std::views::transform(tform); std::vector points(p.begin(), p.end()); // Optional: Discard polygons that are not facing the camera (back-face culling). // This is calculated by ((p1-p0) × (p2-p0)) · p0 // which could be optimized as...: ((p1 × p2)) · p0 if(Dot(CrossProduct(points[1], points[2]), points[0]) < -1e-5f) continue; // Clip the polygon against the frustum while it’s still 3D. for(const Plane& p: frustum) ClipPolygon(p, points); // If the polygon is no longer a surface, don’t try to render it. if(points.size() < 3) continue; // Perspective-project whatever points remain. Now it’s 2D, but with a copy of the original Z coordinate. for(auto& p: points) p = std::apply([&](auto,auto, auto&&... rest) // Replace the original x & y with perspective-corrected ones { return AsArray(view.PerspectiveProject(p), rest...); }, p); DrawPolygon<0,1,true,2,1>(points, view.Draw([&](auto&&... args) { return plot(poly, args...); })); } } auto CreateLevelMap() { std::vector> points; std::vector poly; auto addcuboid = [&](std::array x, std::array z, std::array y, std::array c, std::array u, std::array v) { auto ext = [](auto m,unsigned n,unsigned b=1) { return (m >> (n*b)) & ~(~0u << b); }; // extracts bits // Generates: For six vertices, coordinate(xyz), texture coord(uv), and color(rgb). std::array p{&x[0],&y[0],&z[0], &u[0],&v[0], &c[0],&c[0],&c[0]}; // X(4 bits), Y(4 bits), Z(4 bits), U(4 bits), V(4 bits) for(unsigned m: std::array{0x60339,0x9F339,0x36039,0xC6F39,0x06C39,0xF6339}) // bottom, top, four sides if(std::uint64_t s = 0b111'11'000 * (~0llu/255)) { poly.emplace_back( Polygon{points.size(),4, 0,0, 255,255, 0} ); for(unsigned q = 4; q-- > 0; ) points.emplace_back([&](std::index_sequence) { return std::array{ p[n][ext(m, ext(044412345u, n, 3)*4 - (1+q)) << ext(s, n+q*8)] ... }; // 44412345 = nibble indexes in "m" for each of 8 values }(std::make_index_sequence<8>{})); } }; addcuboid({-10,10}, {-10,10}, {-10,10}, {1,1,1}, {0,256,256}, {0,256,256}); return std::pair(points,poly); } int main() { const int W = 1280, H = 720; // Create a screen. SDL_Window* window = SDL_CreateWindow("3D graphics experiments", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, W*2,H*2, SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE); SDL_Renderer* renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, 0); SDL_Texture* texture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, W,H); const int txW = 256, txH = 256; unsigned bitmap[txW*txH]; for(unsigned y=0; y> std::min({x,y,txW-1-x,txH-1-y,31u}), 255); int d = std::clamp(255-50*std::pow(std::hypot(x/float(txW/2)-1.f, y/float(txH/2)-1.f)*4,2.f),0,50); bitmap[y*txW+x] = Sum(std::tuple{65536,256,1} * std::tuple{std::clamp(int((~x & ~y)&255) - d,l,255), std::clamp(int(( x & ~y)&255) - d,l,255), std::clamp(int((~x & y)&255) - d,l,255)}); } auto [vertices,polys] = CreateLevelMap(); auto Plot = [&](auto& poly, auto,auto,auto, unsigned u,unsigned v, auto...) { auto texel = bitmap[ (poly.vbase + ((v - poly.vbase) & poly.vsize)) * txW + (poly.ubase + ((u - poly.ubase) & poly.usize)) ]; return texel; }; View view(W,H, 120.f/* degrees */); auto frustum = view.MakeFrustum(); std::tuple r{0.f, 0.f, .2f}; // Rotation momentum vector (nonzero indicates view is still rotating) std::tuple m{0.f, 0.f, 0.f}; // Movement momentum vector (nonzero indicates camera is still moving) std::tuple l{6.9f,0.146f,-21.f}; // Camera location (X,Y,Z) coordinate float aa=0.094,ab=-0.11,ac=-0.021,ad=1; // View rotation quaternion float tform[16]{}; // View rotation matrix (calculated from the quaternion) // Main loop for(std::map keys; !keys[SDLK_ESCAPE]; ) { // Process events. for(SDL_Event ev; SDL_PollEvent(&ev); ) switch(ev.type) { case SDL_QUIT: keys[SDLK_ESCAPE] = true; break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: keys[ev.key.keysym.sym] = true; break; case SDL_KEYUP: keys[ev.key.keysym.sym] = false; break; } // The input scheme is the same as in Descent, the game by Parallax Interactive. // Mouse input is not handled for now. bool up = keys[SDLK_UP] || keys[SDLK_KP_8]; bool down = keys[SDLK_DOWN] || keys[SDLK_KP_2], alt = keys[SDLK_LALT]|| keys[SDLK_RALT]; bool left = keys[SDLK_LEFT] || keys[SDLK_KP_4], rleft = keys[SDLK_q] || keys[SDLK_KP_7]; bool right = keys[SDLK_RIGHT]|| keys[SDLK_KP_6], rright= keys[SDLK_e] || keys[SDLK_KP_9]; bool fwd = keys[SDLK_a], sup = keys[SDLK_KP_MINUS], sleft = keys[SDLK_KP_1]; bool back = keys[SDLK_z], sdown = keys[SDLK_KP_PLUS], sright= keys[SDLK_KP_3]; // Change the rotation momentum vector (r) with hysteresis: newvalue = oldvalue*(1-eagerness) + input*eagerness r = (r * .9f) + std::tuple{0.f+(up - down) * !alt, 0.f+(right - left) * !alt, 0.f+(rright - rleft)} * .1f; if(float rlen = Length(r); rlen > 1e-3f) // Still rotating? { // Create rotation change quaternion (q) relative to the direction that the camera looks // by multiplying the rotation momentum vector (r) with the current rotation matrix. float theta = rlen*.03f, c = std::cos(theta*.5f), s = std::sin(theta*.5f)/rlen; std::tuple q{ c, s * Dot(r, {tform[0],tform[1],tform[2]}), s * Dot(r, {tform[4],tform[5],tform[6]}), s * Dot(r, {tform[8],tform[9],tform[10]}) }; // Update the rotation quaternion (a) by multiplying it by the rotation change quaternion (q): std::tie(aa,ab,ac,ad) = Normalized(std::tuple{ Dot(q, {aa,-ab,-ac,-ad}), Dot(q, {ab, aa,-ad, ac}), Dot(q, {ac, ad, aa,-ab}), Dot(q, {ad,-ac, ab, aa})}); // Convert the rotation quaternion (a) into rotation matrix using formula from Wikipedia: tform[0] = 1-2*(ac*ac+ad*ad); tform[1] = 2*(ab*ac+aa*ad); tform[2] = 2*(ab*ad-aa*ac); tform[4] = 2*(ab*ac-aa*ad); tform[5] = 1-2*(ab*ab+ad*ad); tform[6] = 2*(ac*ad+aa*ab); tform[8] = 2*(ab*ad+aa*ac); tform[9] = 2*(ad*ac-aa*ab); tform[10]= 1-2*(ab*ab+ac*ac); } // Camera movement vector std::array M{ 0.f+((sleft || (alt && left)) - (sright || (alt && right))), 0.f+((sdown || (alt && down)) - (sup || (alt && up))), 0.f+(fwd - back) }; float mlen = 2*Length(M); if(mlen < 1e-3f) mlen = 1; // Multiply with rotation matrix (tform) and apply with hysteresis to movement momentum vector (m). m = (m * .9f) + std::tuple{Dot(M, {tform[0],tform[1],tform[2]}), Dot(M, {tform[4],tform[5],tform[6]}), Dot(M, {tform[8],tform[9],tform[10]})} * (.1f/mlen); // Add the movement momentum vector (m) to the camera position (l), thereby moving the camera l = l + m; // Render graphics view.InitFrame(); Render(vertices,polys, view, frustum, [&](auto point) { // Replaces the first three props (x,y,z) with the transformed coordinate // (translation, rotation). Passes the rest of the props verbatim. return std::apply([&, xyz=point-l](auto,auto,auto, auto&&... rest) { return AsArray(-Dot(xyz, {tform[0],tform[4],tform[8]}), Dot(xyz, {tform[1],tform[5],tform[9]}), Dot(xyz, {tform[2],tform[6],tform[10]}), rest...); }, point); }, Plot); auto&& pixels = view.GetPixels(); SDL_UpdateTexture(texture, nullptr, &pixels[0], 4*W); SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, nullptr, nullptr); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); SDL_Delay(1000/60); } }