囲碁 The game of Go

Tämä sivu suomeksi
   1. What is Go?
   2. Other links
   3. Me

1. What is Go?

Go is a board game, where two players attempt to surround more territory on the board than the opponent.
This is done by placing “stones” on the board turn after turn. These stones slowly begin to surround territory and the opponent stones.

The rules of the game are quite simple and can be learnt just in a few minutes; you can play almost immediately.
On the other hand, getting strong and becoming a skillful player is a process, that may take even the whole lifetime.
However, you don't have to be strong to have fun. The fun begins as soon as you play.

Kuva Hikaru no Go -animesta Although the range of skills of go players is very deep, players of different skill can compete and play interesting games thanks to the handicap system.
The best go-players todays are found in Korea, China and Japan, where these best players are called “pros” (they make their living by playing), and they battle for master titles worth big amounts of money. These battles are shown in tv, written and published in newspapers, and inspected afterwards by hundreds of other go-players.

Recently Go has became more well-known around the world because of a Japanese animation serie, anime, called Hikaru no Go (image on the right), in English Hikaru's Go.

Try yourself! Here's a link to an introduction that teaches you the game rules and lets you play immediately with your browser (if it supports java)!

Other links:

Ps: Go is rumoured to be the oldest board game in the world. It's estimated to be around 3000..4000 years old.

3. Me

At the moment I am 14 kyu in Finland. I started playing in September 2002.
My homepages in go-wikis: These homepages have more links to my go-related productions.
