Written by Joel Yliluoma Utilizes GNU barcode, php, gd and freetype. |
TERMS OF USE: This online service is free for personal or commercial use. You are not allowed to link directly to the generated pictures (i.e. use them with img src on your webpages).
If you do, you will gain bad reputation and ip bans etc.Bulk use of this online demo is not allowed without permission. If you need a large amount of barcodes at once, please contact the author at bisqwit@iki.fi, and it can be arranged. |
No warranty. From the GNU barcode documentation:
Please take the "no-warranty" disclaimer seriously: even though I spent reasonable efforts to make sure the output is useable in production you should verify it suits your needs as a faulty bar can cost you a bundle, and you'll be on your own. It's up to you to verify that the symbol is valid (and, obviously, I'd like to know about any problem you encounter). [This paragraph copied verbatim from bookland.py]
Note: All requests are logged with your IP address, time and the exact request.